Meghan Markle
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Meghan's chart wheel

Meghan Markle

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

Forecast : 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

Meghan Markle

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

All times based on current location of Los Angeles, CA

Jump to Planetary Positions

Karma & Healing Destiny

Hi Meghan,

This personal Astrology reading provides fascinating insight into your Karma & Healing Destiny.

It considers your Chiron, often known as the Wounded Healer, as well as where the North and South Nodes were at the exact moment you were born. This information can be remarkably accurate in revealing your healing traits as well as your Karmic Journey.

It's important to remember that you have a choice about what develops in your world. If you want to be happier, then you can be, regardless of what occurs in the cosmos. However, your Karma & Healing Destiny reading offers insight into your unique characteristics and can help you understand the part the heavens play in the unfolding story of your life.

To the right of each pair of 'aspect' symbols is a group of five stars. The darker the stars, the more powerful and significant the meaning of that aspect is to you.

We wish you a wonderful future!

Your Transit Calendar

Your Healing Traits

Each of us has a 'wound,' and those that affect us by past events that altered our perspective of how life 'works' and our place within it can take the longest to heal. You have the ability to heal your emotional wounds regardless of how long you've suppressed or ignored them. Here, you can discover the traits you possess that reflect the area in your world where healing is needed most, and the most effective way - or ways - to bring it.

Painfully Methodical

Chiron in Taurus

You understand the need to embark upon plans slowly, steadily and at a sensible pace that ensures success. If there's one thing you hate, it's pressure coming from others to rush what you're determined to make happen gradually. You could even be hypersensitive to such pressure and you might have had experiences during your life that resulted in others rejecting you for being too slow or painfully methodical.

Healing this past wound requires you to be less beholden to others' opinions about embarking upon something at a pace that suits you. Otherwise, your self-esteem is at risk of becoming damaged with you being unsure if you have the right to live your life in ways that matter to you.

The confidence you need to improve this area of your world will come from balancing your inner, spiritual needs with physical needs. Only then will you be in a strong position to improve and nurture your emotional needs.


Deserved Friendships

Chiron in the 11th House

Your deepest wound can be connected with groups, your social life, and dearest hopes. Socially, you might feel rejected by others, and this can lead you to choosing to detach yourself from the world. You probably connect with your uniqueness and are aware of how this presents problems with those who are determined to adhere to norms or conform to societal standards.
Your experience with rejection, whether real or imagined, can help others to 'fit in,' yet you find it difficult to fit in with others. It's important to accept that you have a valuable contribution to make to any group environment and deserve to experience closeness in friendships.
It's equally important that you don't sever potential or existing friendships because of a fear of being rejected eventually. Healing requires you to push all your preconceived ideas aside regarding how any connection will pan out and accept that you have as much to offer any alliance as they have to offer you.

Your Chiron Aspects

Sharing Less Obvious Healing Methods

Uranus Opposes Chiron

Healing any old emotional wounds needn't be done alone. The more you connect with ways to heal any emotional baggage from your past and share your discoveries or what 'works' for you with others, the more you'll be able to help them to do the same.

It's possible you'll explore alternative options to bring inner healing, perhaps involving alternative therapies, such as Reiki or holistic or organic medicines. However, you can inspire others by drawing attention to less obvious healing options and probably because you've found them to be more effective than traditional routes.

Your New Journey Awaits…

We can all convince ourselves that, just because we're good at something or it comes easily to us, we have found our true life's calling. However, that can create a deep comfort zone difficult to remove ourselves from - especially if we have pursued the ambition several times previously in past lives. Sometimes, we find ourselves pushed to try something new. This can often mean we're ready to embark upon a very new journey. Discover how you could be pushed in such a way during your lifetime.

Reveal Your Individuality

North Node in Leo

You might have reasons to be reluctant to invest trust in others if you're aware of a history of being let down repeatedly. This could have resulted in you distancing yourself from others whom you could – or can – afford to be more trusting of. It's also possible that any lack of trust that has arisen has caused you to be fearful of drawing attention to yourself, exerting your individuality or taking the occasional risk.

Therefore, it's important you cease worrying about what others think. It's equally important that you reveal your individuality to the world and remove all fear associated with expressing yourself creatively. As soon as you start reinvesting trust in others and responding to them sensitively or compassionately, the sooner you will start to receive support, praise, and admiration that will fuel your desire to achieve your most cherished aspirations.

Rather than 'play down' your uniqueness, rise to the challenge of revealing it proudly. In many ways, you're creating the barriers you perceive to be impenetrable to your own success by nurturing doubts and lack of confidence. You're right to believe others are watching you, to see how you rise to certain challenges and apply your creative talents. However, it's essential that you understand that they see you as a leader, not someone destined to fail.


Guided by Impulses

North Node in the 1st House

You possess plenty of independence and initiative and are probably happiest when you pursue plans fervently without a need for someone to accompany you on your life's journey. As far as you're concerned, you know yourself better than anyone else possibly could.
Therefore, you want to be the captain of your own destiny and have absolute faith in actions others might regard as impulsive or ill-thought-through. However, you enjoy connecting with your rebellious side, especially if it means you'll take steps you know others fear to take.
Fortunately, your impulses have an impressive track record of leading you in the right direction.

Your North Node Aspects

Emotional Support

Moon Sextiles North Node

Your emotional connection with others is extremely supportive. You don't simply take a passing interest in what's important to those closest to you; you want to be integral to helping others achieve their goals and move in the right direction in their life.

You probably have knowledge and experience that you can draw upon to make this possible, too. You connect intuitively with the priorities of loved ones or close companions, and this ensures a strong bond of friendship exists in both platonic and intimate connections.

Essential Transparency

Mercury Conjuncts North Node

A correlation exists between your thought processes and emotional security. When all is good, you enjoy the best of both worlds by gaining intellectual stimulation from reading, learning, interesting conversations and being pushed to apply your mental skills.

This is balanced by feeling secure and that you're not only satisfying your intellectual needs but feel your communicative contributions are valid, accepted or valued. However, the polar opposite occurs when your confidence dips. You become afraid to open up, convey yourself in any way and reluctant to learn.

Those who know you are probably aware of this and can detect instantly how secure you feel in your world by how exuberant or withdrawn you are at any time. You can maintain your feel-good factor by being open and transparent with your thoughts and feelings rather than suppress them when you believe it's necessary to retreat into your shell.

Trial and Error Approach

Uranus Trines North Node

Progress is important to you, and you believe everyone should move forward in life and not held back by the past, convention or tradition. You're unafraid of moving toward your future, whatever it holds, and you seek like-minded people who share your keenness to be free from rules, regulations, and traditions.

This could mean that some pursuits reach dead ends quickly through not being subjected to careful planning, but it's rarely a problem that a simple tweak to your unique strategy doesn't solve. You might be used to adopting a 'trial and error' approach to achieving success but, regardless of how unorthodox your methods might be, you manage to find one that works, and you also find yourself grateful for the experience gained the hard way!

Learning from Past Lives

Every one of us, whether we're aware of it or not, possesses many special talents and gifts. We're aware of what we excel at but might be reluctant to apply ourselves fully because we sense we've tried somehow in the past to do so without success. Chances are, we have tried in the past – not in this lifetime, but in a previous one! Discover answers to questions surrounding what you're supposed to do with your life, why you're here, and what you might have accomplished in a past life that can bring happiness to this one.

Lone Crusader

South Node in Aquarius

In past lives, friendships were especially important to you. Your lives might have revolved constantly around them, and you might have become too dependent on some in particular. In this lifetime, friendship is unlikely to be central to your existence. This could be due to experiencing disappointment with those you were certain would support you at crucial times.

Rather than feel resentful or self-pitying, you could choose instead to be less dependent on your peers and more independent. This could be what makes you more goal-oriented and determined to rely on your inner strength and resourcefulness.

Your cherished aspirations might not make sense to or be supported by your pals, but rather than try to win them over or encourage them to see the logic in your pursuits, you could be inclined to distance yourself from the 'non-believers.'

You could also decide that your efforts are far better invested in attaining the dignity that being of service to humanity can bring. You might feel as if you spent too much time assisting others in the past, and your success in this lifetime relies on you broadening your efforts for the benefit of humankind, and not specific individuals.

Of course, not everyone will embrace your forward-thinking objectives, even if they're created with everyone on Earth in mind. Therefore, you'll need to accept that you could be alone with your crusade. If your belief in what you set out to achieve is strong enough and underpinned with integrity, then your ideas will be embraced in time.

It's important to understand that, by pursuing what inspires you with the intention of benefiting others, you're not turning your back on anyone – far from it. Your mission in this lifetime is to create structure in the world around you, a stable life for yourself that others can learn and benefit from, and to be rewarded for your efforts with pride that comes from doing so.


Lessons in Independency

South Node in the 7th House

The need to concentrate less on partnerships with others and make a consistent effort to become more independent will present itself regularly during your lifetime.
You're probably adept at forming relationships with others, whether romantic or professional. You might even question at times why you gravitate toward certain people, and they gravitate toward you.
Where others struggle to say the right words or project themselves in the desired way, you learned long ago that honesty is the best policy to form new connections. It's by being your authentic self that brings the best results. However, forming relationships is one thing, sustaining them is another and being authentic to yourself means accepting yourself as an independent human being.
This requires you to take responsibility for your actions and decisions and not be so quick to point Fingers of Blame at others, especially partners.
You're on a lifetime mission to face and confront fears of becoming less dependent - and all the many benefits future holds by being so.

Karma & Healing Destiny Forecast

Your personal Karma & Healing Destiny for twelve months provides unique and detailed insight into long-term astrological influences affecting your karmic journey and healing traits connections as well as a short-term Monthly summary of what you can expect and prepare for.

You'll notice this document outlines various 'trends' influencing and shaping your Karma & Healing Destiny over varying periods of time. 'Longer-term trends' highlight 'behind the scenes' activity and where you'll likely need to accept gradual change.

'Steady or challenging trends' indicate where stability likely exists in your world but also where you need to prepare yourself for a helpful learning curve of some kind. 'Emergent or Disorderly Trends' help you to identify in advance when sudden, unanticipated developments – and often of the delightful kind - might occur.

You might also notice certain aspects involve planets experiencing 'retrograde motion', an illusion that makes a planet appear to move backward. This offers an excellent opportunity for reflection and often something to be learned from the past that can be applied helpfully to the present and future.

Being able to monitor cosmic support available to you will help you to understand better your attitude toward your Karma & Healing Destiny. This can be invaluable in helping you to form - or strengthen – connections in ways you've only dreamed of.

Please note, at the beginning of your Karma & Healing Destiny you will find your birth chart and aspect grid with a list of the planet aspects of your birth chart. What follows are interpretations of transiting planets and the aspects, they make to the planet positions of your birth chart.

Your Karma & Healing Destiny forecast should only be used as a helpful guide. At all times, it is for you to choose the best path to follow from what is written below and develop the most positive and rewarding parts of your character.

Emerging or Overstating Trends

Jupiter trends from 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

December 26th 2022 onwards to January 11th 2023

Best friends and lovers

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal North Node

Growth and tangible positive progress could be increasingly important in relationships or one special connection. You might feel a stronger sense of intimacy is needed to help you and someone close to move confidently along your personal paths. Enthusiasm, hope, and excitement permeate your emotional world and bring a delightful sense of fun and affection that keeps things buoyant. You and a loved one or potential partner could be the couple others want to enjoy the company of and you'll both thrive in easy going, comfortable atmospheres. The positive vibes you emit not only enhance the warmth in your connection but allow a solid base of friendship to grow and become stronger. Best friends and lovers – it doesn't get better than that!

December 26th 2022 onwards to January 11th 2023

Optimistic and Positive Vibe

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal South Node

Expect now or shortly to discover how resilient a person you are. It might be your attitude toward relationships that reveals how much you've learned from past involvements and what you vowed you would not repeat or allow to dampen your passionate spirit. You could be more receptive to what life can teach you. A renewed sense of optimism toward relationships is manifesting, either because you've enjoyed positive experiences in the past, or because those that weren't so positive haven't put a damper on your hopes or expectations. Your vision of the future where your closest relationships are concerned is tethered firmly to reality. The optimistic and positive vibe you're emitting now can undoubtedly boost your attractiveness in at least one special person's eyes.

May 18th to 28th 2023

On the Right Karmic Path

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal North Node

Where your emotional world is concerned now, you might feel an uncomfortable sense of obligation or responsibility. You'd prefer to do what excites or inspires you, rather than what you know you have to do. This could leave you feeling directionless, especially if you wish you could connect more deeply with your romantic or relationship destiny. Much would probably be easier if your emotional world or love life weren't subjected to so many distractions. However, it's important that you accept that you're learning much about yourself and others from your closest relationships. Your karmic path might be long and winding, but you are taking small, gradual steps in the right direction. Allow more time for what appears confusing or vague to become clear and certain.

May 18th to 28th 2023

Justified Optimism

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal South Node

This is a time to be honest and realistic about what you experienced with your interactions or involvements in the past, and what you learned from them. It's possible you have a somewhat inflated or exaggerated view of previous relationships and might be creating a defensive or protective barrier unnecessarily. Rather than focus solely on mistakes made or anything connected with your emotional world in the past that was painful or upsetting, you can, with little effort, adjust your hopes, attitudes and expectations for the future. Within anything that was uncomfortable or awkward is a valuable lesson that needs to be identified and embraced. If you can do this, then you'll not only help defensive barriers to crumble but will also bring a justified sense of optimism to future relationships, or one special existing connection.

Stabilizing or Stimulating Trends

Saturn trends from 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

December 22nd 2022 onwards to January 11th 2023

Happier Inside

Transiting Saturn Squares your natal Chiron

You could be a creature of habit in many areas of your world, and your love life and relationships aren't exempt from this. However, you can benefit from stepping back to assess how and why you react and respond to others in ways you do. The conclusion you arrive at could reveal that your reactions and responses are more habitual than based on anything deeply emotional. You might also discover that you view commitments as demanding or full of too many expectations from others. However, by feeling happier within yourself, you'll become more receptive and accommodating toward what others need and expect from you. Feeling more content inside starts with releasing attitudes that only hold you back from experiencing the warmth on offer from close, loving connections. It might be time to remove a defensive barrier.

Up-and-coming or Messy Trends

Uranus trends from 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

June 27th 2023 onwards to October 31st 2023


Individualistic Ideas

Transiting Uranus Retrograde Conjuncts your natal Chiron

Chances are, your love life has probably been anything but old-fashioned. You probably possess strong, individualistic ideas about commitment and intimacy, and finding a partner who shares your ideals might not be easy, especially someone in it for the long-term. It could be your insistence on personal freedom that doesn't connect well with prospects for long-term intimacy sometimes. However, although you might have encountered and could continue to encounter periods of loneliness, that could be a price you have paid or are willing to pay to be with someone you truly connect with rather than settle for someone you know isn't suitable. This could cause you to nurture regrets about missed opportunities or ending relationships that perhaps stood a chance if you gave them a chance. You're encouraged now to release yourself from past upsets and focus instead on forming or strengthening a bond that is unique and special. If you've found one, then protect it. If you've yet to find one, then past lessons will be integral to helping you give as much effort as you can to protect it.

Awareness or Tedious Trends

Neptune trends from 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

October 1st 2022 onwards to January 31st 2023


Managing Energies & Emotions

Transiting Neptune Retrograde Sextiles your natal Chiron

A strong link could exist now between what you think and feel. However, your thoughts and emotions are being softened as kindness and compassion become more integral to your interactions with others or one person in particular. You're being 'softened' but in a way that facilitates deeper exchanges rather than puts you at risk of being taken advantage of through making yourself as vulnerable as you're likely to become now. You might feel extra sensitive as well, but this opens the door to learning more about managing energies and emotions instead of suppressing them.

Forecast from 8th November

November 6th to 10th 2022

Applying Past Knowledge & Experience

Transiting South Node Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a constant, strong need to cast your mind to the past to gain a clearer understanding of where your emotional world or a close relationship are heading. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes toward close or intimate relationships based on past experience. Perhaps, you've had no reason to apply that knowledge until now. However, If you absorb lessons that past relationships have brought, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be, then you can embark upon forming or strengthening one connection that could truly stand the test of time.

November 6th to 10th 2022

Looking Backward

Transiting South Node Opposes your natal South Node

You might be very aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. It can be difficult to look forward when we're constantly forced to look backward at where we've come from – or to find the source of problems related to why we can't make progress in ways we yearn to. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, you could spend so much time looking backward at resolved and unresolved issues that you become oblivious to many delightful opportunities begging for attention in the present and future. Try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' only and not as a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to move your emotional world or one special connection forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

Friday 11th November

Listen and Trust

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Chiron from 11th to 12th November 2022. Exact 12th November

We all know someone prone to often taking what's said to them too personally. Whether a comment is made in jest or an innocuous observation, we can be aware of how someone somehow manages to read more into what's said than is necessary. It's possible you could be such a person now. Communicative misunderstandings can occur, and the main cause of these could be your inclination to react too sensitively or defensively to what's said to you. This can also cause you to become insular and uncommunicative, which can fuel feelings of doubt, guilt, shame or embarrassment. You could feel more confused than confident when conveying or expressing thoughts, feelings or ideas. Fortunately, there's probably nothing wrong with what you intend to say. The main problem exists in you misinterpreting what someone else is saying. Boosting your listening abilities and trust levels can create a much more harmonious, two-way link.

Sunday 13th November

Problems with Past Pain

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Chiron from 13th to 15th November 2022. Exact 14th November

If you feel any confusion related to how or why your love affairs seem to go off on unexpected tangents, then this could be a time when you take a close look at your attitudes toward love. It's likely you're allowing a past hurt or disappointment to blur your vision of future possibilities. This could cause you to accept defeat with romantic involvements that could have become delightful if you put in the time or effort to see if they were worth fighting for. If you really want to find a love that lasts, then you're going to have to cease nurturing any past pain in the belief it's helping you see current and future love life circumstances realistically or objectively. It isn't.

November 16th to 18th 2022


Wiser and Stronger

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal Chiron

The past undoubtedly holds the key to healing in the present, but you might feel unsure where to cast your mind back to in order to do so. The first place to look might be at where you experienced the most pain or disappointment, and the act of doing this might be easier said than done. For obvious reasons, you've chosen to keep anything painful or upsetting stored away in the least accessible areas of your mind, believing they deserve to remain there. However, by summoning some courage to look closely at what occurred, your role in it and the role someone else might have played, you can start to make sense of it. It's this new level of understanding that facilitates healing now. It can also bring a dramatic shift to your attitude toward your closest relationships if what you've suppressed was connected with a love partnership previously. You're wiser and stronger now because of what occurred. That's what needs and deserves your focus and appreciating.

Also on Wednesday

You'll Need a Co-pilot

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal North Node from 16th to 18th November 2022. Exact 18th November

You understand, possibly better than most people, that what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. However, plans that fall outside the sphere of your emotional world tend to go to plan more frequently than any those that are romantic. Love incorporates a very different kind of magic and can derail some goals and plans at times. Fortunately, you're determined to ensure this doesn't happen and one way to ensure your love life integrates with other aspirations is to have a loved one or partner accompany you on your ambitious journey. Embracing the spirit of teamwork and discussing your dreams with someone close can result in exciting ideas created together for the future.

Also on Wednesday

Sexy Meeting of Minds

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal South Node from 16th to 18th November 2022. Exact 18th November

A healthy understanding of your past provides a solid foundation upon which to build your future. Your keenness to talk openly with a loved one or potential partner about how past events helped shape the person you are today is likely to be done with a view to improving yourself further. You understand the importance of constant, open dialogue in relationships and how it not only helps partners to understand each other but also provides a foundation of trust. You could be particularly keen at this time to encourage more of a 'quid pro quo' arrangement with a certain person regarding the sharing of ideas, thoughts, feelings, and desires. In other words, you're willing to be completely open with them provided they are equally open with you. This can do much to strengthen the intellectual connection between you and a certain person now. You could be reminded of how sexy a meeting of minds can be.

Tuesday 22nd November

Rise to the Challenge

Transiting Sun Trines your natal North Node from 22nd to 24th November 2022. Exact 23rd November

Falling in love needn't ever distract you from your forward path in life. If anything, it can help you define it. You have a clear idea of where you want to be in the future and are unlikely to involve yourself with someone who would risk bringing complete chaos to your plans. Even if your love life goes off on a tangent, you're creative and resourceful enough to cope with unexpected developments. You could find yourself considering your ability to go with such a flow now. However, even if what you're faced with now is a challenge of some kind, you might need to do more than simply roll with it. A challenge can teach you much about yourself and what you're made of. Your emotional world or one important connection can only benefit from what you discover.

Also on Tuesday

Something Positive

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal South Node from 22nd to 24th November 2022. Exact 23rd November

You're ready to move forward toward your future with an open mind and heart. Whether single or attached, you can see how the proverbial glass is always half full instead of half empty, and any love life circumstances that arise will offer something positive. This attitude is one that should be applied throughout your life, and not just at this time. You're keen to develop yourself and to grow and progress as an individual. You can also see how a romantic relationship can help you do so. This is a time to appreciate love and all that it brings into your life, but you have other goals that are just as important as those you've set in your emotional world. Trying to balance the time and effort you can give to them all is your cosmic mission now!

Forecast for December 2022

December 5th to 6th 2022

Wiser and Stronger

Transiting South Node Sextiles your natal Chiron

The past undoubtedly holds the key to healing in the present, but you might feel unsure where to cast your mind back to in order to do so. The first place to look might be at where you experienced the most pain or disappointment, and the act of doing this might be easier said than done. For obvious reasons, you've chosen to keep anything painful or upsetting stored away in the least accessible areas of your mind, believing they deserve to remain there. However, by summoning some courage to look closely at what occurred, your role in it and the role someone else might have played, you can start to make sense of it. It's this new level of understanding that facilitates healing now. It can also bring a dramatic shift to your attitude toward your closest relationships if what you've suppressed was connected with a love partnership previously. You're wiser and stronger now because of what occurred. That's what needs and deserves your focus and appreciating.

December 9th to 12th 2022

Applying Past Knowledge & Experience

Transiting South Node Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a constant, strong need to cast your mind to the past to gain a clearer understanding of where your emotional world or a close relationship are heading. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes toward close or intimate relationships based on past experience. Perhaps, you've had no reason to apply that knowledge until now. However, If you absorb lessons that past relationships have brought, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be, then you can embark upon forming or strengthening one connection that could truly stand the test of time.

December 9th to 12th 2022

Looking Backward

Transiting South Node Opposes your natal South Node

You might be very aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. It can be difficult to look forward when we're constantly forced to look backward at where we've come from – or to find the source of problems related to why we can't make progress in ways we yearn to. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, you could spend so much time looking backward at resolved and unresolved issues that you become oblivious to many delightful opportunities begging for attention in the present and future. Try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' only and not as a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to move your emotional world or one special connection forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

December 16th to 18th 2022


Applying Past Knowledge & Experience

Transiting South Node Retrograde Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a constant, strong need to cast your mind to the past to gain a clearer understanding of where your emotional world or a close relationship are heading. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes toward close or intimate relationships based on past experience. Perhaps, you've had no reason to apply that knowledge until now. However, If you absorb lessons that past relationships have brought, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be, then you can embark upon forming or strengthening one connection that could truly stand the test of time.

December 16th to 18th 2022


Looking Backward

Transiting South Node Retrograde Opposes your natal South Node

You might be very aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. It can be difficult to look forward when we're constantly forced to look backward at where we've come from – or to find the source of problems related to why we can't make progress in ways we yearn to. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, you could spend so much time looking backward at resolved and unresolved issues that you become oblivious to many delightful opportunities begging for attention in the present and future. Try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' only and not as a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to move your emotional world or one special connection forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

December 19th to 21st 2022


Wiser and Stronger

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal Chiron

The past undoubtedly holds the key to healing in the present, but you might feel unsure where to cast your mind back to in order to do so. The first place to look might be at where you experienced the most pain or disappointment, and the act of doing this might be easier said than done. For obvious reasons, you've chosen to keep anything painful or upsetting stored away in the least accessible areas of your mind, believing they deserve to remain there. However, by summoning some courage to look closely at what occurred, your role in it and the role someone else might have played, you can start to make sense of it. It's this new level of understanding that facilitates healing now. It can also bring a dramatic shift to your attitude toward your closest relationships if what you've suppressed was connected with a love partnership previously. You're wiser and stronger now because of what occurred. That's what needs and deserves your focus and appreciating.

Thursday 22nd December

Crystal Clarity

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Chiron from 22nd to 26th December 2022. Exact 24th December

Your sensitivity could be heightened noticeably at this time and integral to encouraging others, or one person, in particular, to speak openly with you. Your listening skills are finely tuned which could also make you a trusted confidante for someone close, and you could find the right words flow effortlessly to bring comfort or healing to them. You're able to strip away anything superfluous with your communication and convey yourself with crystal clarity. If you sense a need to open up or seek comfort or healing yourself from a loved one or partner, then you could find that adopting a more open and flexible mind toward any suppressed issue helps you see it in a more realistic perspective. This can make it easier for the object of your affections to view your issue objectively.

Saturday 31st December


Crystal Clarity

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Chiron from 31st December 2022 to 3rd January 2023. Exact 2nd January 2023

Your sensitivity could be heightened noticeably at this time and integral to encouraging others, or one person, in particular, to speak openly with you. Your listening skills are finely tuned which could also make you a trusted confidante for someone close, and you could find the right words flow effortlessly to bring comfort or healing to them. You're able to strip away anything superfluous with your communication and convey yourself with crystal clarity. If you sense a need to open up or seek comfort or healing yourself from a loved one or partner, then you could find that adopting a more open and flexible mind toward any suppressed issue helps you see it in a more realistic perspective. This can make it easier for the object of your affections to view your issue objectively.

Forecast for January 2023

January 4th to 5th 2023

Wiser and Stronger

Transiting South Node Sextiles your natal Chiron

The past undoubtedly holds the key to healing in the present, but you might feel unsure where to cast your mind back to in order to do so. The first place to look might be at where you experienced the most pain or disappointment, and the act of doing this might be easier said than done. For obvious reasons, you've chosen to keep anything painful or upsetting stored away in the least accessible areas of your mind, believing they deserve to remain there. However, by summoning some courage to look closely at what occurred, your role in it and the role someone else might have played, you can start to make sense of it. It's this new level of understanding that facilitates healing now. It can also bring a dramatic shift to your attitude toward your closest relationships if what you've suppressed was connected with a love partnership previously. You're wiser and stronger now because of what occurred. That's what needs and deserves your focus and appreciating.

January 6th to 7th 2023

Applying Past Knowledge & Experience

Transiting South Node Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a constant, strong need to cast your mind to the past to gain a clearer understanding of where your emotional world or a close relationship are heading. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes toward close or intimate relationships based on past experience. Perhaps, you've had no reason to apply that knowledge until now. However, If you absorb lessons that past relationships have brought, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be, then you can embark upon forming or strengthening one connection that could truly stand the test of time.

January 6th to 7th 2023

Looking Backward

Transiting South Node Opposes your natal South Node

You might be very aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. It can be difficult to look forward when we're constantly forced to look backward at where we've come from – or to find the source of problems related to why we can't make progress in ways we yearn to. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, you could spend so much time looking backward at resolved and unresolved issues that you become oblivious to many delightful opportunities begging for attention in the present and future. Try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' only and not as a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to move your emotional world or one special connection forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

Wednesday 11th January

Love You've Dreamed Of

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Chiron from 11th to 13th January 2023. Exact 12th January

You're blessed with an ability to judge peoples' character accurately. However, even if someone ticked all the essential boxes and reassured you they were worth risking your heart with in the past, you can't have accounted for certain traits that arose further down the line. It's these that might have led to you experiencing pain in previous relationships and made you wary about committing in the future. Fortunately, you could find yourself adopting more of an open mind to relationships and commitments now. You know someone is deserving of your love, and hopefully you're with such a person. If so, then you could feel willing to cross a line of commitment that you've chosen to remain behind for reasons outlined earlier. If you're single, then you deserve to be fussy about who you choose to give your heart to. Either way, you're in a superb position to find long-term, stable, committed love you've always dreamed of. All that's needed is an open mind, an open heart and the courage to put any past pain well and truly behind you.

Friday 20th January

Free From Painful Patterns

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal North Node from 20th to 22nd January 2023. Exact 21st January

You might be oblivious to how you repeat the same relationship mistakes again and again. This forms patterns that can be extremely difficult to free yourself from. Cast your mind back to certain relationships you've been involved in. A pattern likely exists regarding ways your lovers treated you and ways you reacted and responded to them. Can you see a similarity among past lovers that indicates a certain 'type' of person you tend to become involved with? Now, cast your mind back to any happy, comfortable relationships you've enjoyed or are hopefully enjoying now. These are happy and comfortable because you managed to free yourself from old, familiar and potentially painful patterns. Your challenge now is to push forward toward new and improved ways of interacting with a loved one or future partner. You did it previously. You can do it again.

Also on Friday

Accepting Uniqueness

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal South Node from 20th to 22nd January 2023. Exact 21st January

Casting your mind back to previous relationships could reveal a common denominator within them. Perhaps you've been attracted to the same type of person time and time again, or romances have ended in similar ways. This could be due to being stuck in the past and something you consider more openly and honestly now. Looking closely at your current love life circumstances could reveal where you're slipping into the same comfortable and easy patterns. Be willing to spot where you might be re-creating the same relationship again instead of adopting new ways of relating. An existing relationship or embarking upon a new one relies strongly on you accepting someone as the unique person they are and not making comparisons to any lovers from your past.

January 20th to 22nd 2023


Applying Past Knowledge & Experience

Transiting South Node Retrograde Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a constant, strong need to cast your mind to the past to gain a clearer understanding of where your emotional world or a close relationship are heading. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes toward close or intimate relationships based on past experience. Perhaps, you've had no reason to apply that knowledge until now. However, If you absorb lessons that past relationships have brought, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be, then you can embark upon forming or strengthening one connection that could truly stand the test of time.

January 20th to 22nd 2023


Looking Backward

Transiting South Node Retrograde Opposes your natal South Node

You might be very aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. It can be difficult to look forward when we're constantly forced to look backward at where we've come from – or to find the source of problems related to why we can't make progress in ways we yearn to. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, you could spend so much time looking backward at resolved and unresolved issues that you become oblivious to many delightful opportunities begging for attention in the present and future. Try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' only and not as a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to move your emotional world or one special connection forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

January 24th to 25th 2023


Wiser and Stronger

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal Chiron

The past undoubtedly holds the key to healing in the present, but you might feel unsure where to cast your mind back to in order to do so. The first place to look might be at where you experienced the most pain or disappointment, and the act of doing this might be easier said than done. For obvious reasons, you've chosen to keep anything painful or upsetting stored away in the least accessible areas of your mind, believing they deserve to remain there. However, by summoning some courage to look closely at what occurred, your role in it and the role someone else might have played, you can start to make sense of it. It's this new level of understanding that facilitates healing now. It can also bring a dramatic shift to your attitude toward your closest relationships if what you've suppressed was connected with a love partnership previously. You're wiser and stronger now because of what occurred. That's what needs and deserves your focus and appreciating.

January 31st 2023 onwards to February 1st 2023

Wiser and Stronger

Transiting South Node Sextiles your natal Chiron

The past undoubtedly holds the key to healing in the present, but you might feel unsure where to cast your mind back to in order to do so. The first place to look might be at where you experienced the most pain or disappointment, and the act of doing this might be easier said than done. For obvious reasons, you've chosen to keep anything painful or upsetting stored away in the least accessible areas of your mind, believing they deserve to remain there. However, by summoning some courage to look closely at what occurred, your role in it and the role someone else might have played, you can start to make sense of it. It's this new level of understanding that facilitates healing now. It can also bring a dramatic shift to your attitude toward your closest relationships if what you've suppressed was connected with a love partnership previously. You're wiser and stronger now because of what occurred. That's what needs and deserves your focus and appreciating.

Forecast for February 2023

February 3rd to 4th 2023

Applying Past Knowledge & Experience

Transiting South Node Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a constant, strong need to cast your mind to the past to gain a clearer understanding of where your emotional world or a close relationship are heading. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes toward close or intimate relationships based on past experience. Perhaps, you've had no reason to apply that knowledge until now. However, If you absorb lessons that past relationships have brought, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be, then you can embark upon forming or strengthening one connection that could truly stand the test of time.

February 3rd to 4th 2023

Looking Backward

Transiting South Node Opposes your natal South Node

You might be very aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. It can be difficult to look forward when we're constantly forced to look backward at where we've come from – or to find the source of problems related to why we can't make progress in ways we yearn to. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, you could spend so much time looking backward at resolved and unresolved issues that you become oblivious to many delightful opportunities begging for attention in the present and future. Try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' only and not as a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to move your emotional world or one special connection forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

Saturday 4th February

Crystal Clarity

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Chiron from 4th to 6th February 2023. Exact 5th February

Your sensitivity could be heightened noticeably at this time and integral to encouraging others, or one person, in particular, to speak openly with you. Your listening skills are finely tuned which could also make you a trusted confidante for someone close, and you could find the right words flow effortlessly to bring comfort or healing to them. You're able to strip away anything superfluous with your communication and convey yourself with crystal clarity. If you sense a need to open up or seek comfort or healing yourself from a loved one or partner, then you could find that adopting a more open and flexible mind toward any suppressed issue helps you see it in a more realistic perspective. This can make it easier for the object of your affections to view your issue objectively.

February 9th to 10th 2023

Call to Action

Transiting South Node Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. Experiencing a greater depth of emotional freedom relies on your willingness to do so now and it's only by freeing yourself from what you've chosen to suppress and ignore that relationships with others, or one person, in particular, can be formed or flourish. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

Also on Thursday

Don't Kid Yourself

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Chiron from 9th to 12th February 2023. Exact 11th February

You could be subconsciously attracted to relationships that present a challenge at this time. Where you might have chosen to embark only upon short-term relationships in the belief that, the shorter the relationship is, the cleaner the break will be when it ends. This attitude might have been formed due to painful or upsetting episodes that occurred in the past. However, it could become clear that short-term flings offer little or no depth of connection. Don't kid yourself into believing you're immune to the joy that comes from a deep, meaningful, loving and intimate connection. You could find yourself assessing new ways to make long-term relationships work. The first step involves releasing yourself from past hurts that offer only a lesson to be absorbed and moved on from. Now it a perfect time to start that 'moving on' process.

Friday 10th February

New Experiences Beckon

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal North Node from 10th to 13th February 2023. Exact 12th February

You could be inclined to resist change in your emotional world at this time, perhaps in the belief that all is hunky dory as it is. You understandably believe that if you're happy, then there's no point in introducing change for the sake of it. However, it's important to remember that life involves growth and you owe it to yourself to try to move forward and learn new lessons as they arise. This might explain why you're aware of certain old patterns repeating themselves that you know, in your heart, require you to be more proactive and break new emotional ground instead of remaining in a deep comfort zone. Expect to be enlightened about how you've closed yourself off to new experiences and why you should treat them with a more open mind. Some promise to be thrilling and delightfully heartwarming. You'll see.

Also on Friday

Releasing Rigid Expectations

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal South Node from 10th to 13th February 2023. Exact 12th February

Casting your mind back to previous relationships could reveal a certain pattern regarding the type of person you've been drawn to in the past. This has been likely due to you having a certain way of relating to others, especially in a relationship or intimate sense. Your keenness to connect with those whom you're intellectually matched could have been helpful in the past. Despite being aware of how this strict requirement restricts or prohibits you from experiencing delightful and heartwarming encounters now and in the future, you could choose to remain in a protective comfort zone. This is a time to question – honestly – how content you are by adhering to these rigid expectations and if your current romantic or relationship circumstances are going to get you to where your heart truly wants to be. It's time to be honest with yourself about the need for change and growth – and your emotional world or love life is a very good place to start.

February 15th to 17th 2023


Call to Action

Transiting South Node Retrograde Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. Experiencing a greater depth of emotional freedom relies on your willingness to do so now and it's only by freeing yourself from what you've chosen to suppress and ignore that relationships with others, or one person, in particular, can be formed or flourish. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

Friday 24th February

Making Amends

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Chiron from 24th to 26th February 2023. Exact 26th February

We know how communication between our brain and mouth can break down sometimes. We can be surprised or shocked to discover that what emerges from our mouth can be far removed from what our brain agreed would be said. We can also be surprised or shocked at how hurtful our words can be. We know when we've hit the emotional bullseye with our intention to wound someone verbally. Even if we want them to know how proud we are to have done so, our conscience soon makes clear how wrong we were to inflict such pain deliberately. If you know someone deserves an apology for hurtful words you said in the past, it's not too late to make amends. Consider how you'll feel if you do.

February 24th to 25th 2023


Applying Past Knowledge & Experience

Transiting South Node Retrograde Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a constant, strong need to cast your mind to the past to gain a clearer understanding of where your emotional world or a close relationship are heading. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes toward close or intimate relationships based on past experience. Perhaps, you've had no reason to apply that knowledge until now. However, If you absorb lessons that past relationships have brought, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be, then you can embark upon forming or strengthening one connection that could truly stand the test of time.

February 24th to 25th 2023


Looking Backward

Transiting South Node Retrograde Opposes your natal South Node

You might be very aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. It can be difficult to look forward when we're constantly forced to look backward at where we've come from – or to find the source of problems related to why we can't make progress in ways we yearn to. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, you could spend so much time looking backward at resolved and unresolved issues that you become oblivious to many delightful opportunities begging for attention in the present and future. Try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' only and not as a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to move your emotional world or one special connection forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

Forecast for March 2023

March 2nd to 4th 2023

Applying Past Knowledge & Experience

Transiting South Node Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a constant, strong need to cast your mind to the past to gain a clearer understanding of where your emotional world or a close relationship are heading. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes toward close or intimate relationships based on past experience. Perhaps, you've had no reason to apply that knowledge until now. However, If you absorb lessons that past relationships have brought, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be, then you can embark upon forming or strengthening one connection that could truly stand the test of time.

March 2nd to 4th 2023

Looking Backward

Transiting South Node Opposes your natal South Node

You might be very aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. It can be difficult to look forward when we're constantly forced to look backward at where we've come from – or to find the source of problems related to why we can't make progress in ways we yearn to. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, you could spend so much time looking backward at resolved and unresolved issues that you become oblivious to many delightful opportunities begging for attention in the present and future. Try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' only and not as a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to move your emotional world or one special connection forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

March 9th to 10th 2023

Call to Action

Transiting South Node Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. Experiencing a greater depth of emotional freedom relies on your willingness to do so now and it's only by freeing yourself from what you've chosen to suppress and ignore that relationships with others, or one person, in particular, can be formed or flourish. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

Saturday 11th March

Important Aims

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Chiron from 11th to 14th March 2023. Exact 13th March

You could be finely tuned-in to who you are, what you can offer a relationship but also what you want from it. Your cherished aspirations don't need to move down your priority list when you embark upon a new romance. You've learned to integrate the two to make them work together previously and finding or enhancing a romantic connection is only one of your important aims in life. You could be reminded at this time of the need for a lover who respects your choices and interests, and who will give you the necessary space to push forward in life and achieve all that you want to achieve. If you're with such a person, then it could be helpful and timely to update them on what matters most to you, aspiration-wise. If you're single, then you could adjust your Partner Requirement List accordingly!

Monday 13th March

New Levels of Depth and Clarity

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Chiron from 13th to 15th March 2023. Exact 15th March

We often hear what people say but truly understanding what they mean is something we can struggle with. Even if someone goes to great lengths to convey themselves calmly and clearly, miscommunication can arise if we focus only on what we want to hear. You have an excellent chance now to open lines of communication with others, or one special person in particular. Your heightened sensitivity makes you more willing to listen. It also helps you to convey yourself with new levels of depth and clarity. By harnessing sensitivity, you can not only choose your words carefully but can also intuitively express the meaning and intention behind them. You could be surprised at how this can strengthen – or, where necessary, heal – your closest relationships.

Saturday 18th March

You'll Need a Co-pilot

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal North Node from 18th to 20th March 2023. Exact 19th March

You understand, possibly better than most people, that what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. However, plans that fall outside the sphere of your emotional world tend to go to plan more frequently than any those that are romantic. Love incorporates a very different kind of magic and can derail some goals and plans at times. Fortunately, you're determined to ensure this doesn't happen and one way to ensure your love life integrates with other aspirations is to have a loved one or partner accompany you on your ambitious journey. Embracing the spirit of teamwork and discussing your dreams with someone close can result in exciting ideas created together for the future.

Also on Saturday

Sexy Meeting of Minds

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal South Node from 18th to 20th March 2023. Exact 19th March

A healthy understanding of your past provides a solid foundation upon which to build your future. Your keenness to talk openly with a loved one or potential partner about how past events helped shape the person you are today is likely to be done with a view to improving yourself further. You understand the importance of constant, open dialogue in relationships and how it not only helps partners to understand each other but also provides a foundation of trust. You could be particularly keen at this time to encourage more of a 'quid pro quo' arrangement with a certain person regarding the sharing of ideas, thoughts, feelings, and desires. In other words, you're willing to be completely open with them provided they are equally open with you. This can do much to strengthen the intellectual connection between you and a certain person now. You could be reminded of how sexy a meeting of minds can be.

Monday 20th March

Rise to the Challenge

Transiting Sun Trines your natal North Node from 20th to 23rd March 2023. Exact 22nd March

Falling in love needn't ever distract you from your forward path in life. If anything, it can help you define it. You have a clear idea of where you want to be in the future and are unlikely to involve yourself with someone who would risk bringing complete chaos to your plans. Even if your love life goes off on a tangent, you're creative and resourceful enough to cope with unexpected developments. You could find yourself considering your ability to go with such a flow now. However, even if what you're faced with now is a challenge of some kind, you might need to do more than simply roll with it. A challenge can teach you much about yourself and what you're made of. Your emotional world or one important connection can only benefit from what you discover.

Also on Monday

Something Positive

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal South Node from 20th to 23rd March 2023. Exact 22nd March

You're ready to move forward toward your future with an open mind and heart. Whether single or attached, you can see how the proverbial glass is always half full instead of half empty, and any love life circumstances that arise will offer something positive. This attitude is one that should be applied throughout your life, and not just at this time. You're keen to develop yourself and to grow and progress as an individual. You can also see how a romantic relationship can help you do so. This is a time to appreciate love and all that it brings into your life, but you have other goals that are just as important as those you've set in your emotional world. Trying to balance the time and effort you can give to them all is your cosmic mission now!

March 22nd to 23th 2023


Call to Action

Transiting South Node Retrograde Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. Experiencing a greater depth of emotional freedom relies on your willingness to do so now and it's only by freeing yourself from what you've chosen to suppress and ignore that relationships with others, or one person, in particular, can be formed or flourish. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

Forecast for April 2023

April 3rd to 5th 2023


Applying Past Knowledge & Experience

Transiting South Node Retrograde Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a constant, strong need to cast your mind to the past to gain a clearer understanding of where your emotional world or a close relationship are heading. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes toward close or intimate relationships based on past experience. Perhaps, you've had no reason to apply that knowledge until now. However, If you absorb lessons that past relationships have brought, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be, then you can embark upon forming or strengthening one connection that could truly stand the test of time.

April 3rd to 5th 2023


Looking Backward

Transiting South Node Retrograde Opposes your natal South Node

You might be very aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. It can be difficult to look forward when we're constantly forced to look backward at where we've come from – or to find the source of problems related to why we can't make progress in ways we yearn to. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, you could spend so much time looking backward at resolved and unresolved issues that you become oblivious to many delightful opportunities begging for attention in the present and future. Try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' only and not as a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to move your emotional world or one special connection forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

Also on Monday

Pay Attention

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal North Node from 3rd to 4th April 2023. Exact 4th April

Conveying your ideas for the future could be tricky at this time. If your goals are vague, then your efforts could be sporadic and inconsistent. However, this could be due to overthinking them or working so rigidly to a plan that you become confused or agitated when everything doesn't go entirely to plan. You want to be the captain of your own destiny and might not take kindly to advice from a loved one or partner about steps you could take to make your visions real. You might also believe that nobody apart from you truly understands what you're keen to achieve. However, if you can adopt a more open and flexible mind to any suggestions coming from someone close, then you could discover they have at least one valid point. Be willing to listen.

Also on Monday

Speaking Openly and Authentically

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal South Node from 3rd to 4th April 2023. Exact 4th April

Expressing thoughts, feelings or desires could be particularly difficult at this time. You might feel an unignorable sense of nervousness about revealing your authentic self to a lover and the idea of making yourself vulnerable to do so only increases nervousness. You might feel taking the path of least resistance with affairs of the heart is your best option, and simply allow a relationship to unfold or progress with little or no steering from you. However, whether single or attached, you might be able to spot a certain pattern regarding the kind of person you attract and commit to. Past lovers might have discouraged you from speaking openly. It's also possible your attitude toward communicating in relationships – or not doing so – stems from issues your parents experienced similarly. You're encouraged to accept the need for a partner who won't stifle your personality or desires and wants you to be yourself. If you're with someone currently who fits that bill, then fantastic. If not, then make the need a priority for the future.

April 9th to 10th 2023

Call to Action

Transiting South Node Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. Experiencing a greater depth of emotional freedom relies on your willingness to do so now and it's only by freeing yourself from what you've chosen to suppress and ignore that relationships with others, or one person, in particular, can be formed or flourish. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

Thursday 20th April

Temporary Setbacks

Transiting Sun Squares your natal North Node from 20th to 22nd April 2023. Exact 21st April

It's difficult to be certain about what you want from a loving, committed future with someone special. You might feel certain that a need for genuine love and intimacy exists, but that might be all you know at this stage. You might feel as if your future path precludes you from committing to a lover or that you're destined to remain in an unsatisfactory situation until the love gods decide to give you a break and free you from it. If you're in a committed relationship, then you might feel as if you're held back while your lover pushes their life forward. If you're single, then you might feel that every time you've reached a point where a friendship can become something deeper, you-know-who gets cold feet and gives you the 'I don't want to lose a friend' spiel. These setbacks can hold you back from making wonderful things happen in your life, but only temporarily. They still offer valuable lessons that can move you forward to where your heart yearns to be. With a bit of time and patience, your destination is assured.

Also on Thursday

Your Future Beckons Loudly

Transiting Sun Squares your natal South Node from 20th to 22nd April 2023. Exact 21st April

If you sense a constant, 'one step forward, two steps backward' scenario in your love life, or moving things in a direction you want to head toward is on par with wading through waist-high wet concrete, then that could be a sign you're carrying karmic baggage from your past - or even a past life. Perhaps your parents had a loveless relationship, and you learned from their mistakes or in a past life, you made mistakes in love and experienced considerable heartache. Whatever the source of indecisiveness might be, it has encouraged you to be extra cautious in romance. This could cause you to focus so intently on what has gone wrong and might go wrong again that you're missing out on so many delightful romantic or relationship opportunities in the present and unfolding in the future. It's time to park the past, well and truly. Your future beckons loudly, and it's important you heed the call.

April 21st to 23th 2023


Call to Action

Transiting South Node Retrograde Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. Experiencing a greater depth of emotional freedom relies on your willingness to do so now and it's only by freeing yourself from what you've chosen to suppress and ignore that relationships with others, or one person, in particular, can be formed or flourish. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

Forecast for May 2023

May 1st to 3rd 2023


Applying Past Knowledge & Experience

Transiting South Node Retrograde Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a constant, strong need to cast your mind to the past to gain a clearer understanding of where your emotional world or a close relationship are heading. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes toward close or intimate relationships based on past experience. Perhaps, you've had no reason to apply that knowledge until now. However, If you absorb lessons that past relationships have brought, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be, then you can embark upon forming or strengthening one connection that could truly stand the test of time.

May 1st to 3rd 2023


Looking Backward

Transiting South Node Retrograde Opposes your natal South Node

You might be very aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. It can be difficult to look forward when we're constantly forced to look backward at where we've come from – or to find the source of problems related to why we can't make progress in ways we yearn to. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, you could spend so much time looking backward at resolved and unresolved issues that you become oblivious to many delightful opportunities begging for attention in the present and future. Try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' only and not as a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to move your emotional world or one special connection forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

Thursday 4th May

Achieving Passionate Potential

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Chiron from 4th to 8th May 2023. Exact 7th May

This is a time when you could become more conscious of the energy you possess for personal transformation and healing in your life – and within your closest relationships. However, you'll need to be prepared to address deep-rooted pain and work through old issues to heal them. Once you start to see the positive effects of this, you could focus your efforts on encouraging and supporting others to do the same. It's also possible that healing energy could arrive in the form of a certain person who enters your world at this time. You might also deal with issues surrounding self-acceptance as well as rejection, and the latter could require you to look deep within yourself for answers and solutions. The experience might be painful briefly, but it's by addressing these that you can embark properly on a journey to achieve your passionate potential.

May 9th to 11th 2023

Applying Past Knowledge & Experience

Transiting South Node Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a constant, strong need to cast your mind to the past to gain a clearer understanding of where your emotional world or a close relationship are heading. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes toward close or intimate relationships based on past experience. Perhaps, you've had no reason to apply that knowledge until now. However, If you absorb lessons that past relationships have brought, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be, then you can embark upon forming or strengthening one connection that could truly stand the test of time.

May 9th to 11th 2023

Looking Backward

Transiting South Node Opposes your natal South Node

You might be very aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. It can be difficult to look forward when we're constantly forced to look backward at where we've come from – or to find the source of problems related to why we can't make progress in ways we yearn to. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, you could spend so much time looking backward at resolved and unresolved issues that you become oblivious to many delightful opportunities begging for attention in the present and future. Try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' only and not as a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to move your emotional world or one special connection forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

Thursday 11th May

Achieving Balance Gradually

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Chiron from 11th to 14th May 2023. Exact 13th May

You want to be in a stable, committed relationship, but also accept that it takes effort and commitment on both sides. You require equality in intimate relationships, and this need might stem from having been in a painful or toxic relationship in the past. You seek true partnership in love and will give whatever effort is needed to achieve it. However, you could be reminded of how it is possible to go to greater lengths than are necessary to create the harmony and balance you crave. As long as you allow plenty of breathing space in any love relationship, you can move forward gradually to creating the stability and balance you need. This gradual approach is integral to putting any past hurts or disappointments that arose from trying too hard, behind you.

May 16th to 17th 2023

Call to Action

Transiting South Node Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. Experiencing a greater depth of emotional freedom relies on your willingness to do so now and it's only by freeing yourself from what you've chosen to suppress and ignore that relationships with others, or one person, in particular, can be formed or flourish. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

May 20th to 22nd 2023


Call to Action

Transiting South Node Retrograde Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. Experiencing a greater depth of emotional freedom relies on your willingness to do so now and it's only by freeing yourself from what you've chosen to suppress and ignore that relationships with others, or one person, in particular, can be formed or flourish. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

Also on Saturday

The Spirit of Teamwork

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal North Node from 20th to 24th May 2023. Exact 23rd May

Where close relationships are concerned, you're about to encourage and embrace the spirit of teamwork and collaboration. To you, relationships, or one, in particular, will involve working together toward a shared goal. You might have a fixed idea about how this should be pursued, and someone close could have another, so you'll both need to ensure egos don't get in the way of accomplishing something special together. Should arguments arise over this, then you'll need to apply some imagination and creativity to find new ways of tackling the issue. If you and someone special can combine your energies and focus them on a goal you both believe in, then something valuable and meaningful can be created.

Also on Saturday

Harmonious Balance Needed

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal South Node from 20th to 24th May 2023. Exact 23rd May

If you experienced hardship or suffering in a past life, then you're blessed with more strength and confidence this time around! The urge to 'set the pace' with close relationships could intensify now, and you could leave a loved one or partner in no doubt about what you want and expect. However, even if you don't intend to come across as a bully, you could be seen as one. Your strong will and fearless attitude toward conflict help you to lead by example and back up words or promises with actions. This could also result in you wanting a partner to share your gung-ho, 'make things happen now' attitude. Unless you work harder to create a harmonious balance in any partnerships, you could be at risk of making them too one-sided.

Sunday 21st May

Romantic or Relationship Goal Planning

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal North Node from 21st to 23rd May 2023. Exact 22nd May

You could feel more relaxed about the direction your life is heading and have faith in the fact that any detours will take you to where you want and need to be eventually. However, despite all that might be falling into place in other areas of your world, there could be something in your emotional world that needs a bit of effort made to improve it, or at least reassure you that it's on track to arrive where you want it to be. You could be aware of how some level of complacency has set it – on your part, or if attached, on a lover's part or possibly with both of you. Your emotional world or one special connection could benefit from the same level of aspirational planning you've given elsewhere. Don't forget how thrilling it can be to achieve romantic or relationship goals as well!

Also on Sunday

Nothing to Lose

Transiting Sun Trines your natal South Node from 21st to 23rd May 2023. Exact 22nd May

You're blessed with an ability to break old, unhelpful habits instead of remaining stuck in them forever. This is a trait that a loved one or potential partner will likely admire. You have learned much from your past and will continue to do so as you progress through life. You accept that relationships are organic and always offer something worth learning at any time – and this includes mistakes made in the past and those you're bound to make in the future. It's rare that you repeat mistakes, but if you do, then the lesson learned will be even more important. Try to bear this in mind now as you assess what you have gained and stand to gain from a close, loving relationship. Put it this way – you have nothing to lose that can't be seen as a valuable gain if seen in the right perspective.

Forecast for June 2023

June 1st to 2nd 2023


Applying Past Knowledge & Experience

Transiting South Node Retrograde Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a constant, strong need to cast your mind to the past to gain a clearer understanding of where your emotional world or a close relationship are heading. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes toward close or intimate relationships based on past experience. Perhaps, you've had no reason to apply that knowledge until now. However, If you absorb lessons that past relationships have brought, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be, then you can embark upon forming or strengthening one connection that could truly stand the test of time.

June 1st to 2nd 2023


Looking Backward

Transiting South Node Retrograde Opposes your natal South Node

You might be very aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. It can be difficult to look forward when we're constantly forced to look backward at where we've come from – or to find the source of problems related to why we can't make progress in ways we yearn to. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, you could spend so much time looking backward at resolved and unresolved issues that you become oblivious to many delightful opportunities begging for attention in the present and future. Try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' only and not as a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to move your emotional world or one special connection forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

Sunday 4th June

Better Out Than In

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Chiron from 4th to 6th June 2023. Exact 6th June

You could feel torn between communicating or expressing romantic or relationship needs and desires and opting to say nothing. This could be due to you feeling dissatisfied with how whatever emerges from your mouth differs considerably from what your head and heart intended you to say. It's also possible you might choose to say nothing because you fear revealing too much and don't want to experience regrets or guilt from doing so. It's the latter scenario that could cause you to become insular and uncommunicative. If in doubt, speak your mind and from the depths of your heart now. Summoning courage in such a way can be integral to healing any past wounds attached to regrets or guilt you might nurture from the past regarding what you said - or wished you had said!

June 6th to 8th 2023


Wiser and Stronger

Transiting South Node Retrograde Sextiles your natal Chiron

The past undoubtedly holds the key to healing in the present, but you might feel unsure where to cast your mind back to in order to do so. The first place to look might be at where you experienced the most pain or disappointment, and the act of doing this might be easier said than done. For obvious reasons, you've chosen to keep anything painful or upsetting stored away in the least accessible areas of your mind, believing they deserve to remain there. However, by summoning some courage to look closely at what occurred, your role in it and the role someone else might have played, you can start to make sense of it. It's this new level of understanding that facilitates healing now. It can also bring a dramatic shift to your attitude toward your closest relationships if what you've suppressed was connected with a love partnership previously. You're wiser and stronger now because of what occurred. That's what needs and deserves your focus and appreciating.

Saturday 10th June

Making Dreams Real

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal North Node from 10th to 12th June 2023. Exact 12th June

Enough mental preparation has probably been made to take confident steps toward a romantic or relationship future that inspires you. You owe it to yourself to stick to the mental checklist you've created and refuse to settle for second best wherever possible. You can see a clear connection between a cherished ambition and personal relationships. Therefore, it's important that whoever accompanies you on your aspirational journey understands the importance of what you want to achieve and that you're not chasing something fanciful or unrealistic. You know the journey would be much more interesting with someone at your side who shares your vision and can contribute ideas to help make them real. Embracing the spirit of teamwork with a loved one or potential partner not only helps you take strides to achieve cherished goals but also creates a shared buzz that comes from seeing what two great minds achieve together.

Also on Saturday

Two Forward-Thinkers

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal South Node from 10th to 12th June 2023. Exact 12th June

You appreciate comfort in your emotional world or a love partnership but are also aware of things called 'comfort zones.' You could be on a mission to ensure complacency doesn't stand a chance of setting in where your romantic or relationship connections are concerned. You could also succeed in creating shortcuts to your romantic or relationship aspirations by seeking a partner who has already been where you want to be or can offer you experience-based advice. This is a time when you put great emphasis on a romantic relationship playing an integral part in helping you get to where you're trying to go. The idea of brainstorming ideas with a loved one or allowing someone close to pull strings to further your career will excite you. You need a lover who is as forward-thinking as you are, and if this hasn't been apparent previously, then it could become apparent now.

June 10th to 11th 2023

Wiser and Stronger

Transiting South Node Sextiles your natal Chiron

The past undoubtedly holds the key to healing in the present, but you might feel unsure where to cast your mind back to in order to do so. The first place to look might be at where you experienced the most pain or disappointment, and the act of doing this might be easier said than done. For obvious reasons, you've chosen to keep anything painful or upsetting stored away in the least accessible areas of your mind, believing they deserve to remain there. However, by summoning some courage to look closely at what occurred, your role in it and the role someone else might have played, you can start to make sense of it. It's this new level of understanding that facilitates healing now. It can also bring a dramatic shift to your attitude toward your closest relationships if what you've suppressed was connected with a love partnership previously. You're wiser and stronger now because of what occurred. That's what needs and deserves your focus and appreciating.

June 12th to 13th 2023

Applying Past Knowledge & Experience

Transiting South Node Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a constant, strong need to cast your mind to the past to gain a clearer understanding of where your emotional world or a close relationship are heading. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes toward close or intimate relationships based on past experience. Perhaps, you've had no reason to apply that knowledge until now. However, If you absorb lessons that past relationships have brought, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be, then you can embark upon forming or strengthening one connection that could truly stand the test of time.

June 12th to 13th 2023

Looking Backward

Transiting South Node Opposes your natal South Node

You might be very aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. It can be difficult to look forward when we're constantly forced to look backward at where we've come from – or to find the source of problems related to why we can't make progress in ways we yearn to. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, you could spend so much time looking backward at resolved and unresolved issues that you become oblivious to many delightful opportunities begging for attention in the present and future. Try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' only and not as a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to move your emotional world or one special connection forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

June 17th 2023 onwards to July 14th 2023


Perception and Perspective

Transiting North Node Retrograde Squares your natal North Node

A struggle between you and a certain person could make clear how your needs or aims are contrasting. You might have felt perfectly in tandem at first, trusting one another, sharing goals and ideals. However, it might be apparent now that you're following two different paths that may work at cross-purposes. Perhaps, you have different views of the world or ways of approaching challenges. It's all a matter of perception and perspective. There's much you and a certain person can learn from each other to progress your respective life paths if you accept that what appear to be weaknesses in your relationship are simply different life choices. It's also unfair to believe either of you are wrong.

June 17th 2023 onwards to July 14th 2023


Shared Values and Expectations

Transiting North Node Retrograde Squares your natal South Node

You might feel alone with certain cherished aspirations, but that won't stop you from supporting a loved one or potential partner to map out their future path. The life lessons you've experienced can give them the strength they need to move forward in life, and your relationship can not only benefit from your willingness to assist but can also serve as a solid base to help them move outward into the world. You could also be surprised at how you assist each other in accessing parts of yourselves that neither of you have acknowledged or connected with previously. You can help them to figure out what's most important to them regarding values and expectations related to their future. Doing so could prove enlightening or revealing for you, too.

June 19th to 26th 2023


Call to Action

Transiting South Node Retrograde Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. Experiencing a greater depth of emotional freedom relies on your willingness to do so now and it's only by freeing yourself from what you've chosen to suppress and ignore that relationships with others, or one person, in particular, can be formed or flourish. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

Sunday 25th June

Personal Wounds Come First

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Chiron from 25th to 29th June 2023. Exact 27th June

With both friendships and intimate relationships, you could feel tempted to reach out to comfort loved ones but secretly know that doing so distracts you from your feelings of insecurity or loneliness. Sure, there are many benefits to helping and healing others, but it's important to remember that you have personal needs that you can't overlook. It's also possible that lashing out -deliberately or unintentionally - toward loved ones could be a futile and desperate attempt to reduce your inner pain. It's essential to remember this is more likely to harm or possibly destroy your close relationships and serve only to push away those you want and need to be closer to if you don't make a concerted and genuine effort to address your personal, inner wounds.

Forecast for July 2023

July 4th to 5th 2023


Applying Past Knowledge & Experience

Transiting South Node Retrograde Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a constant, strong need to cast your mind to the past to gain a clearer understanding of where your emotional world or a close relationship are heading. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes toward close or intimate relationships based on past experience. Perhaps, you've had no reason to apply that knowledge until now. However, If you absorb lessons that past relationships have brought, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be, then you can embark upon forming or strengthening one connection that could truly stand the test of time.

July 4th to 5th 2023


Looking Backward

Transiting South Node Retrograde Opposes your natal South Node

You might be very aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. It can be difficult to look forward when we're constantly forced to look backward at where we've come from – or to find the source of problems related to why we can't make progress in ways we yearn to. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, you could spend so much time looking backward at resolved and unresolved issues that you become oblivious to many delightful opportunities begging for attention in the present and future. Try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' only and not as a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to move your emotional world or one special connection forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

Thursday 6th July

New Levels of Depth and Clarity

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Chiron from 6th to 7th July 2023. Exact 7th July

We often hear what people say but truly understanding what they mean is something we can struggle with. Even if someone goes to great lengths to convey themselves calmly and clearly, miscommunication can arise if we focus only on what we want to hear. You have an excellent chance now to open lines of communication with others, or one special person in particular. Your heightened sensitivity makes you more willing to listen. It also helps you to convey yourself with new levels of depth and clarity. By harnessing sensitivity, you can not only choose your words carefully but can also intuitively express the meaning and intention behind them. You could be surprised at how this can strengthen – or, where necessary, heal – your closest relationships.

Monday 10th July

Mental Connecting

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal North Node from 10th to 12th July 2023. Exact 11th July

You're on a lifelong quest to discover and absorb knowledge. Therefore, it's probably important to you that a partner supports and encourages you on your journey of discovery. If you're single, then you could feel increasingly aware of your need for a partner who will help you seek new and mind-stimulating experiences. Perhaps, someone older or who has more life experience than you might appear to be an attractive option. But whether single or attached, you're aware of an essential mental connection that needs to be in place between you and a partner. If you're lucky enough to have found such a person, then you could be reminded of how they adore your sharp, inquisitive mind, and the way you constantly have another explorative adventure lined up!

Also on Monday

A New Destination

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal South Node from 10th to 12th July 2023. Exact 11th July

You've probably learned many love life lessons the hard way, by making mistakes or adopting trial and error approaches to forming loving and intimate connections. However, perhaps it's by knowing what you don't want with loving or intimate relationships because of this that you're clearer in your mind about what you want. If past issues have been due to you being afraid to express yourself, then you're about to apply lessons learned previously to the present and have no qualms about stating your needs and desires clearly. You also accept that making the same mistakes in love relates to repeating old patterns that might have been appropriate in the past but play no part in the present or future. You're about to embark upon a self-led journey of learning and personal growth. This will have delightful implications to a current love connection. If you're single, then your new destination will offer many exciting and intriguing possibilities.

July 11th to 13th 2023

Applying Past Knowledge & Experience

Transiting South Node Conjuncts your natal North Node

You could feel a constant, strong need to cast your mind to the past to gain a clearer understanding of where your emotional world or a close relationship are heading. You could see numerous clues or indications of what lies ahead based on where you know you've been. This leaves you with a superb chance to apply previous lessons learned and alter your attitudes toward close or intimate relationships based on past experience. Perhaps, you've had no reason to apply that knowledge until now. However, If you absorb lessons that past relationships have brought, regardless of how long ago they arrived or subtle they might be, then you can embark upon forming or strengthening one connection that could truly stand the test of time.

July 11th to 13th 2023

Looking Backward

Transiting South Node Opposes your natal South Node

You might be very aware of how progress in life involves one reassuring step forward as two frustrating steps backward are taken. It can be difficult to look forward when we're constantly forced to look backward at where we've come from – or to find the source of problems related to why we can't make progress in ways we yearn to. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, you could spend so much time looking backward at resolved and unresolved issues that you become oblivious to many delightful opportunities begging for attention in the present and future. Try to see the past as a 'quick reference guide' only and not as a set-in-stone guideline for the future. Despite what you might think or believe, you're armed with enough life lessons to move your emotional world or one special connection forward, and that's what needs and deserves your attention now.

Thursday 13th July

Important Aims

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Chiron from 13th to 16th July 2023. Exact 14th July

You could be finely tuned-in to who you are, what you can offer a relationship but also what you want from it. Your cherished aspirations don't need to move down your priority list when you embark upon a new romance. You've learned to integrate the two to make them work together previously and finding or enhancing a romantic connection is only one of your important aims in life. You could be reminded at this time of the need for a lover who respects your choices and interests, and who will give you the necessary space to push forward in life and achieve all that you want to achieve. If you're with such a person, then it could be helpful and timely to update them on what matters most to you, aspiration-wise. If you're single, then you could adjust your Partner Requirement List accordingly!

July 17th to 19th 2023

Call to Action

Transiting South Node Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. Experiencing a greater depth of emotional freedom relies on your willingness to do so now and it's only by freeing yourself from what you've chosen to suppress and ignore that relationships with others, or one person, in particular, can be formed or flourish. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

Saturday 22nd July

Supportive or Hampering

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal North Node from 22nd to 25th July 2023. Exact 24th July

Don't consider abandoning your most cherished aspirations in order to focus solely on supporting a loved one to achieve theirs. There's no reason at all why you can't pursue yours as well, especially if they were important to you before you met your special person. However, this could be a time when you give deeper thought to how you can balance a love relationship with personal goals. You understand the importance of moving forward into the future meant for you, and if a relationship hampers rather than supports this, then you might need to reassess its future. You refuse to waste time dwelling on the past because there's so much you yearn to experience and accomplish. If you're single, then your passion for your plans can attract admirers who find your enthusiasm contagious and creative energy extremely attractive. However, you too could be strict about whether a relationship supports or acts as a ball and chain to progress.

Also on Saturday

Destinies in Tandem

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal South Node from 22nd to 25th July 2023. Exact 24th July

You know where your life is heading, and that's something to be appreciated now where affairs of the heart are concerned. However, you might have a tiny hurdle to overcome at this time if you're determined to follow your life's direction and move forward, but a loved one or potential partner wants you to head in a direction they have in mind. This is a time to stick with your commitment to yourself and your destiny. Either a partner will follow your example and release pressure on you to do things their way, or you'll find a way to blend their goals well with your own. If both options fail, then the answer is to find someone who takes their personal life destiny as seriously as you do.

Also on Saturday

Making Amends

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Chiron from 22nd to 24th July 2023. Exact 23rd July

We know how communication between our brain and mouth can break down sometimes. We can be surprised or shocked to discover that what emerges from our mouth can be far removed from what our brain agreed would be said. We can also be surprised or shocked at how hurtful our words can be. We know when we've hit the emotional bullseye with our intention to wound someone verbally. Even if we want them to know how proud we are to have done so, our conscience soon makes clear how wrong we were to inflict such pain deliberately. If you know someone deserves an apology for hurtful words you said in the past, it's not too late to make amends. Consider how you'll feel if you do.

July 28th to 30th 2023


Call to Action

Transiting South Node Retrograde Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. Experiencing a greater depth of emotional freedom relies on your willingness to do so now and it's only by freeing yourself from what you've chosen to suppress and ignore that relationships with others, or one person, in particular, can be formed or flourish. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

Forecast for August 2023

Sunday 13th August

Don't Kid Yourself

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Chiron from 13th to 16th August 2023. Exact 15th August

You could be subconsciously attracted to relationships that present a challenge at this time. Where you might have chosen to embark only upon short-term relationships in the belief that, the shorter the relationship is, the cleaner the break will be when it ends. This attitude might have been formed due to painful or upsetting episodes that occurred in the past. However, it could become clear that short-term flings offer little or no depth of connection. Don't kid yourself into believing you're immune to the joy that comes from a deep, meaningful, loving and intimate connection. You could find yourself assessing new ways to make long-term relationships work. The first step involves releasing yourself from past hurts that offer only a lesson to be absorbed and moved on from. Now it a perfect time to start that 'moving on' process.

Also on Sunday

Shining Example

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Chiron from 13th to 17th August 2023. Exact 15th August

Taking the lead or decisive action could be your most powerful and helpful assets with making romantic or relationship progress now. However, your passionate energy needs to be harnessed in ways that heal, cleanse or teach and you could feel you're on a personal mission to one or all the above. You'd be wise to focus attention on yourself and any lingering or unresolved personal pain or inner wounds that remain unresolved. If you have struggled to summon the courage to face these in the past, then you could feel pushed to do so now. Only when you feel confident that you've taken long overdue steps to heal yourself should you focus attention on others. You can be a shining example of what we achieve when we face our fears. Whether single or attached, this quality, combined with the noticeable boost to your confidence it will bring, can boost your powers of attraction significantly.

August 14th to 15th 2023

Call to Action

Transiting South Node Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. Experiencing a greater depth of emotional freedom relies on your willingness to do so now and it's only by freeing yourself from what you've chosen to suppress and ignore that relationships with others, or one person, in particular, can be formed or flourish. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

Sunday 20th August


Crystal Clarity

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Chiron from 20th to 25th August 2023. Exact 23rd August

Your sensitivity could be heightened noticeably at this time and integral to encouraging others, or one person, in particular, to speak openly with you. Your listening skills are finely tuned which could also make you a trusted confidante for someone close, and you could find the right words flow effortlessly to bring comfort or healing to them. You're able to strip away anything superfluous with your communication and convey yourself with crystal clarity. If you sense a need to open up or seek comfort or healing yourself from a loved one or partner, then you could find that adopting a more open and flexible mind toward any suppressed issue helps you see it in a more realistic perspective. This can make it easier for the object of your affections to view your issue objectively.

Sunday 27th August

Energetic Approach to Love

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal North Node from 27th to 31st August 2023. Exact 29th August

You're aware that relationships require consistent effort and will probably have no issue within summoning energy in any way it's needed now. You possess a highly energetic approach to love, romance, and relationships and what others might see as daunting challenges, you approach with relish. If you're single, then it is crystal clear to you that romantic or relationship progress relies on taking the initiative and bringing results rather than waiting to see what the love gods do on your behalf. If you're attached, then you can be a positive influence in someone's life and help them to look beyond personal limitations at what might be possible regarding self-improvement or advancement. You can help them to identify and seize opportunities they might have otherwise overlooked.

Also on Sunday

Harmony Creates Satisfying Connections

Transiting Mars Trines your natal South Node from 27th to 31st August 2023. Exact 29th August

Your ability to know instinctively how to balance your needs and desires with those of a loved one or potential partner is heightened now. Perhaps this admirable gift is the result of having applied numerous trial-and-error approaches to relationships in the past – or possibly in a previous life - but you have emerged more courageous and determined as a result. Despite being clear in your mind and heart about your romantic or relationship needs and expectations, you're willing to support someone close to achieve theirs. You accept that creating harmony and balance in relationships is essential to maintaining and enjoying a long-term, satisfying connection – and on every possible level.

Forecast for September 2023

September 2nd to 3rd 2023


Call to Action

Transiting South Node Retrograde Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. Experiencing a greater depth of emotional freedom relies on your willingness to do so now and it's only by freeing yourself from what you've chosen to suppress and ignore that relationships with others, or one person, in particular, can be formed or flourish. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

September 10th to 12th 2023

Call to Action

Transiting South Node Squares your natal Chiron

Hiding behind psychological barriers you've created to protect you from painful or upsetting events from your past is no longer an option. You might even feel pushed to take action to face and confront these issues, and it's a case of better late than never. Experiencing a greater depth of emotional freedom relies on your willingness to do so now and it's only by freeing yourself from what you've chosen to suppress and ignore that relationships with others, or one person, in particular, can be formed or flourish. A bit of tension might be necessary to stimulate action, but this could be the kind of tension you'll be grateful for.

Wednesday 13th September

Love You've Dreamed Of

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Chiron from 13th to 16th September 2023. Exact 15th September

You're blessed with an ability to judge peoples' character accurately. However, even if someone ticked all the essential boxes and reassured you they were worth risking your heart with in the past, you can't have accounted for certain traits that arose further down the line. It's these that might have led to you experiencing pain in previous relationships and made you wary about committing in the future. Fortunately, you could find yourself adopting more of an open mind to relationships and commitments now. You know someone is deserving of your love, and hopefully you're with such a person. If so, then you could feel willing to cross a line of commitment that you've chosen to remain behind for reasons outlined earlier. If you're single, then you deserve to be fussy about who you choose to give your heart to. Either way, you're in a superb position to find long-term, stable, committed love you've always dreamed of. All that's needed is an open mind, an open heart and the courage to put any past pain well and truly behind you.

September 20th to 21st 2023

Essential and Timely Acceptance

Transiting South Node Trines your natal Chiron

Something from your past needs to be accepted. Chances are, it is connected with a painful or upsetting experience that you've stuffed into a mental folder in the recesses of your mind and vowed never to open again. However, at the time you banished it there, you might have applied too much focus on how or why you felt hurt and overlooked not only the lesson it offered but how the experience has made you a stronger, wiser person today. If you want confirmation of this, then it's likely you have a fantastic 'sounding board' in the form of a loved one or potential partner who might not be completely in the picture about what you experienced and could offer helpful and healing insights if you spill your emotional beans. You could be surprised at how this can help you address and overcome whatever-it-is.

September 22nd to 24th 2023


Essential and Timely Acceptance

Transiting South Node Retrograde Trines your natal Chiron

Something from your past needs to be accepted. Chances are, it is connected with a painful or upsetting experience that you've stuffed into a mental folder in the recesses of your mind and vowed never to open again. However, at the time you banished it there, you might have applied too much focus on how or why you felt hurt and overlooked not only the lesson it offered but how the experience has made you a stronger, wiser person today. If you want confirmation of this, then it's likely you have a fantastic 'sounding board' in the form of a loved one or potential partner who might not be completely in the picture about what you experienced and could offer helpful and healing insights if you spill your emotional beans. You could be surprised at how this can help you address and overcome whatever-it-is.

Also on Friday

Romantic or Relationship Goal Planning

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal North Node from 22nd to 25th September 2023. Exact 24th September

You could feel more relaxed about the direction your life is heading and have faith in the fact that any detours will take you to where you want and need to be eventually. However, despite all that might be falling into place in other areas of your world, there could be something in your emotional world that needs a bit of effort made to improve it, or at least reassure you that it's on track to arrive where you want it to be. You could be aware of how some level of complacency has set it – on your part, or if attached, on a lover's part or possibly with both of you. Your emotional world or one special connection could benefit from the same level of aspirational planning you've given elsewhere. Don't forget how thrilling it can be to achieve romantic or relationship goals as well!

Also on Friday

Nothing to Lose

Transiting Sun Trines your natal South Node from 22nd to 25th September 2023. Exact 24th September

You're blessed with an ability to break old, unhelpful habits instead of remaining stuck in them forever. This is a trait that a loved one or potential partner will likely admire. You have learned much from your past and will continue to do so as you progress through life. You accept that relationships are organic and always offer something worth learning at any time – and this includes mistakes made in the past and those you're bound to make in the future. It's rare that you repeat mistakes, but if you do, then the lesson learned will be even more important. Try to bear this in mind now as you assess what you have gained and stand to gain from a close, loving relationship. Put it this way – you have nothing to lose that can't be seen as a valuable gain if seen in the right perspective.

Friday 29th September

Crystal Clarity

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Chiron from 29th to 30th September 2023. Exact 30th September

Your sensitivity could be heightened noticeably at this time and integral to encouraging others, or one person, in particular, to speak openly with you. Your listening skills are finely tuned which could also make you a trusted confidante for someone close, and you could find the right words flow effortlessly to bring comfort or healing to them. You're able to strip away anything superfluous with your communication and convey yourself with crystal clarity. If you sense a need to open up or seek comfort or healing yourself from a loved one or partner, then you could find that adopting a more open and flexible mind toward any suppressed issue helps you see it in a more realistic perspective. This can make it easier for the object of your affections to view your issue objectively.

Forecast for October 2023

Wednesday 4th October

Making Dreams Real

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal North Node from 4th to 6th October 2023. Exact 5th October

Enough mental preparation has probably been made to take confident steps toward a romantic or relationship future that inspires you. You owe it to yourself to stick to the mental checklist you've created and refuse to settle for second best wherever possible. You can see a clear connection between a cherished ambition and personal relationships. Therefore, it's important that whoever accompanies you on your aspirational journey understands the importance of what you want to achieve and that you're not chasing something fanciful or unrealistic. You know the journey would be much more interesting with someone at your side who shares your vision and can contribute ideas to help make them real. Embracing the spirit of teamwork with a loved one or potential partner not only helps you take strides to achieve cherished goals but also creates a shared buzz that comes from seeing what two great minds achieve together.

Also on Wednesday

Two Forward-Thinkers

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal South Node from 4th to 6th October 2023. Exact 5th October

You appreciate comfort in your emotional world or a love partnership but are also aware of things called 'comfort zones.' You could be on a mission to ensure complacency doesn't stand a chance of setting in where your romantic or relationship connections are concerned. You could also succeed in creating shortcuts to your romantic or relationship aspirations by seeking a partner who has already been where you want to be or can offer you experience-based advice. This is a time when you put great emphasis on a romantic relationship playing an integral part in helping you get to where you're trying to go. The idea of brainstorming ideas with a loved one or allowing someone close to pull strings to further your career will excite you. You need a lover who is as forward-thinking as you are, and if this hasn't been apparent previously, then it could become apparent now.

Thursday 12th October

One Battle Worth Fighting

Transiting Mars Squares your natal North Node from 12th to 15th October 2023. Exact 14th October

Anger and hostility could be recurring issues for you in intimate, romantic relationships and current circumstances could cause both to intensify. Such feelings could catch you by surprise and be triggered by anything a loved one says or does that appears to challenge your independence or the person you believe yourself to be. Much of what you see as confrontational or challenging is likely imaginary, and the root of this issue could surround your inability or refusal to apply lessons learned in the past to what's occurring now. Until you do, you could keep behaving in the destructive ways that have hurt those closest to you previously and will continue to do so now and in the future. If you really are determined to fight a battle, then rise to the challenge of addressing, once and for all, how you can become more self-aware and remove anger and frustration that manage to underpin your closest connections. If you can do so, then you will achieve the love and closeness you crave.

Also on Thursday

Owning Up

Transiting Mars Squares your natal South Node from 12th to 15th October 2023. Exact 14th October

It could be easy to look at your current love life or relationship circumstances and believe you're 'unlucky in love.' However, any problems you're experiencing with creating close, loving bonds aren't connected with unseen forces determined to thwart your plans or intentions. It's your approach and attitude toward love, romance, relationships and intimacy that present the biggest hurdles. This is a time to cast your mind back to the past and assess honestly if you can identify any patterns surrounding issues with previous relationships. Everyone has regrets, bitterness, insecurities and possibly hostility that need to be worked through. However, it's likely you've remained stuck regarding any of the above, and this is a time when you must not only own up to it but take positive steps to free you from nurtured defensiveness that has, in time, probably turned into aggressiveness. Forming or strengthening any connection in your world will require deep soul-searching on your part. However, if you're prepared to make changes in your attitude toward love and the ways you react and respond to lovers, then delightful, heartwarming experiences await you.

October 18th to 19th 2023

Essential and Timely Acceptance

Transiting South Node Trines your natal Chiron

Something from your past needs to be accepted. Chances are, it is connected with a painful or upsetting experience that you've stuffed into a mental folder in the recesses of your mind and vowed never to open again. However, at the time you banished it there, you might have applied too much focus on how or why you felt hurt and overlooked not only the lesson it offered but how the experience has made you a stronger, wiser person today. If you want confirmation of this, then it's likely you have a fantastic 'sounding board' in the form of a loved one or potential partner who might not be completely in the picture about what you experienced and could offer helpful and healing insights if you spill your emotional beans. You could be surprised at how this can help you address and overcome whatever-it-is.

Saturday 21st October

Pay Attention

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal North Node from 21st to 23rd October 2023. Exact 22nd October

Conveying your ideas for the future could be tricky at this time. If your goals are vague, then your efforts could be sporadic and inconsistent. However, this could be due to overthinking them or working so rigidly to a plan that you become confused or agitated when everything doesn't go entirely to plan. You want to be the captain of your own destiny and might not take kindly to advice from a loved one or partner about steps you could take to make your visions real. You might also believe that nobody apart from you truly understands what you're keen to achieve. However, if you can adopt a more open and flexible mind to any suggestions coming from someone close, then you could discover they have at least one valid point. Be willing to listen.

Also on Saturday

Speaking Openly and Authentically

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal South Node from 21st to 23rd October 2023. Exact 22nd October

Expressing thoughts, feelings or desires could be particularly difficult at this time. You might feel an unignorable sense of nervousness about revealing your authentic self to a lover and the idea of making yourself vulnerable to do so only increases nervousness. You might feel taking the path of least resistance with affairs of the heart is your best option, and simply allow a relationship to unfold or progress with little or no steering from you. However, whether single or attached, you might be able to spot a certain pattern regarding the kind of person you attract and commit to. Past lovers might have discouraged you from speaking openly. It's also possible your attitude toward communicating in relationships – or not doing so – stems from issues your parents experienced similarly. You're encouraged to accept the need for a partner who won't stifle your personality or desires and wants you to be yourself. If you're with someone currently who fits that bill, then fantastic. If not, then make the need a priority for the future.

Monday 23th October

Temporary Setbacks

Transiting Sun Squares your natal North Node from 23rd to 26th October 2023. Exact 25th October

It's difficult to be certain about what you want from a loving, committed future with someone special. You might feel certain that a need for genuine love and intimacy exists, but that might be all you know at this stage. You might feel as if your future path precludes you from committing to a lover or that you're destined to remain in an unsatisfactory situation until the love gods decide to give you a break and free you from it. If you're in a committed relationship, then you might feel as if you're held back while your lover pushes their life forward. If you're single, then you might feel that every time you've reached a point where a friendship can become something deeper, you-know-who gets cold feet and gives you the 'I don't want to lose a friend' spiel. These setbacks can hold you back from making wonderful things happen in your life, but only temporarily. They still offer valuable lessons that can move you forward to where your heart yearns to be. With a bit of time and patience, your destination is assured.

Also on Monday

Your Future Beckons Loudly

Transiting Sun Squares your natal South Node from 23rd to 26th October 2023. Exact 25th October

If you sense a constant, 'one step forward, two steps backward' scenario in your love life, or moving things in a direction you want to head toward is on par with wading through waist-high wet concrete, then that could be a sign you're carrying karmic baggage from your past - or even a past life. Perhaps your parents had a loveless relationship, and you learned from their mistakes or in a past life, you made mistakes in love and experienced considerable heartache. Whatever the source of indecisiveness might be, it has encouraged you to be extra cautious in romance. This could cause you to focus so intently on what has gone wrong and might go wrong again that you're missing out on so many delightful romantic or relationship opportunities in the present and unfolding in the future. It's time to park the past, well and truly. Your future beckons loudly, and it's important you heed the call.

October 26th to 28th 2023


Essential and Timely Acceptance

Transiting South Node Retrograde Trines your natal Chiron

Something from your past needs to be accepted. Chances are, it is connected with a painful or upsetting experience that you've stuffed into a mental folder in the recesses of your mind and vowed never to open again. However, at the time you banished it there, you might have applied too much focus on how or why you felt hurt and overlooked not only the lesson it offered but how the experience has made you a stronger, wiser person today. If you want confirmation of this, then it's likely you have a fantastic 'sounding board' in the form of a loved one or potential partner who might not be completely in the picture about what you experienced and could offer helpful and healing insights if you spill your emotional beans. You could be surprised at how this can help you address and overcome whatever-it-is.

Forecast Until 7th November 2023

Friday 3rd November

Listen and Trust

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Chiron from 3rd to 5th November 2023. Exact 5th November

We all know someone prone to often taking what's said to them too personally. Whether a comment is made in jest or an innocuous observation, we can be aware of how someone somehow manages to read more into what's said than is necessary. It's possible you could be such a person now. Communicative misunderstandings can occur, and the main cause of these could be your inclination to react too sensitively or defensively to what's said to you. This can also cause you to become insular and uncommunicative, which can fuel feelings of doubt, guilt, shame or embarrassment. You could feel more confused than confident when conveying or expressing thoughts, feelings or ideas. Fortunately, there's probably nothing wrong with what you intend to say. The main problem exists in you misinterpreting what someone else is saying. Boosting your listening abilities and trust levels can create a much more harmonious, two-way link.

Meghan's Planetary Positions

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

All times based on current location of Los Angeles, CA


North Node











House Cusp Positions











Element Emphasis - Total Points









Modality Emphasis - Total Points







Planetary Weight Point System

Sun & Moon

Mercury, Venus & Mars

Jupiter & Saturn

4 points each
3 points each
2 points each

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Ascendant (Rising Sign)


1 points each
4 points
2 points

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Planet Aspects & Orbs Grid


Harmonious Aspects


Challenging Aspects


Planet Aspect List

Sun Conjuncts Mercury
Sun Semisextile Venus
Sun Semisextile Mars
Sun Trines MidHeaven
Moon Sextiles Mercury
Moon Squares Mars
Moon Conjuncts Jupiter
Moon Conjuncts Saturn
Moon Opposes MidHeaven
Moon Sextiles North Node
Mercury Conjuncts Sun
Mercury Sextiles Moon
Mercury Sextiles Jupiter
Mercury Sextiles Saturn
Mercury Sesquiquadrate Neptune
Mercury Trines MidHeaven
Mercury Conjuncts North Node
Venus Semisextile Sun
Venus Sextiles Mars
Venus Quincunx MidHeaven
Mars Semisextile Sun
Mars Squares Moon
Mars Sextiles Venus
Mars Squares Jupiter
Mars Squares Saturn
Mars Sesquiquadrate Uranus
Mars Squares MidHeaven
Jupiter Conjuncts Moon
Jupiter Sextiles Mercury
Jupiter Squares Mars
Jupiter Conjuncts Saturn
Jupiter Opposes MidHeaven
Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Chiron
Saturn Conjuncts Moon
Saturn Sextiles Mercury
Saturn Squares Mars
Saturn Conjuncts Jupiter
Saturn Opposes MidHeaven
Saturn Sesquiquadrate Chiron
Uranus Sesquiquadrate Mars
Uranus Trines Ascendant
Uranus Sesquiquadrate MidHeaven
Uranus Trines North Node
Uranus Opposes Chiron
Neptune Sesquiquadrate Mercury
Neptune Sextiles Pluto
Neptune Quincunx Chiron
Pluto Sextiles Neptune
Pluto Squares Ascendant
Pluto Quincunx Chiron
Ascendant Trines Uranus
Ascendant Squares Pluto
Ascendant Sextiles Chiron
MidHeaven Trines Sun
MidHeaven Quincunx Venus
MidHeaven Squares Mars
MidHeaven Opposes Jupiter
MidHeaven Sesquiquadrate Uranus
North Node Sextiles Moon
North Node Conjuncts Mercury
North Node Trines Uranus
Chiron Sesquiquadrate Jupiter
Chiron Sesquiquadrate Saturn
Chiron Opposes Uranus
Chiron Quincunx Neptune
Chiron Quincunx Pluto
Chiron Sextiles Ascendant