Robert Downey Jr.
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Robert's chart wheel

Robert Downey Jr.

April, 4th 1965 Local Time 1:10 PM Universal Time 6:10 PM

New York, NY 40°43'N, 74°00'W

Forecast : 15th November 2022 to 14th November 2023

Robert Downey Jr.

April, 4th 1965 Local Time 1:10 PM Universal Time 6:10 PM

New York, NY 40°43'N, 74°00'W

All times based on current location of New York, NY

Jump to Planetary Positions

Life Planner

Hi Robert, Welcome to your Life Planner

Life Planner interprets the movement of the Sun and planets as they orbit the heavens forming aspects (interacting) with the planets of your birth chart (personality). The dates shown in the report indicate the start date of the event – it's effect builds to when exact and diminishes as it moves on and leaves.

Everyday Activity
Monthly interpretations describe your personal thoughts, feelings and desires. They feature the Sun and the faster moving inner personal planets like Mercury, Venus and Mars which provide everyday activity listed by date together with the duration displayed.

Life Changing Events
Long-term interpretations indicate important life changing events, that relate to the slower moving Jupiter and outer planets Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto with sections to explain their follows:

Cyclical Theme - This explains what is happening in relation to other events, where you have come from and where you are going.
Practical Experiences - These are the practical everyday events that are likely to occur during this period.
Psychological Experiences - How this period will affect you on an emotional and psychological level. It shows the growth experiences that are presented to you.
Best Time For - Things to do during this time.
Activities to avoid - As it says, what NOT to do.

Please note, at the beginning of your Life Planner, you will find your birth chart and aspect grid with a list of the planet aspects of your birth chart. What follows are interpretations of transiting planets and the aspects, they make to the planet positions of your birth chart.

Your Life Planner should only be used as a helpful guide. At all time, it is for you to choose the best path to follow from what is written below and develop the most positive and rewarding parts of your character.

Retrograde Planets and Why Interpretations Repeat

The word, 'retrograde' means, quite simply, 'directed or moving backward'. Planets don't actually move backward but a complex astronomical process causes some to appear to do so at times – similar to the effect of two trains moving in the same direction and one at a slower speed, or what we see when we look out of the window of a car overtaking another. Briefly, both the slower train or car being overtaken appear to be moving backward.

Each planet in your natal chart represents a particular 'energy'. Retrograde planets, although regarded as being in a 'weakened state' astrologically because energies are drawn inward, offer wonderful opportunities for growth and shouldn't be seen as negative in a natal chart. Retrograde planets hold great astrological significance as they offer opportunities to reflect upon actions or decisions in the past that correlate to the planet's energies and qualities – and what needs to be reassessed and can be improved once the planet moves 'forward', or 'direct'.

Although retrograde planets do not deny us opportunities, they can delay key events in our lives. People with many retrograde planets in their natal chart often must experience steep learning curves before they can experience success in the area of their chart affected by one or more retrograde planets but will have benefited enormously from reflection, assessment and valuable lessons learned along the way!

Your Transit Calendar

Emerging or Overstating Period

Jupiter trends from 15th November 2022 to 14th November 2023

February 27th 2023 onwards to March 9th 2023

Satisfying or Over Indulgence

Transiting Jupiter Conjuncts your natal Venus

This can be the most rewarding time of the year, or the most wasteful. The choice is entirely yours. Riches and good fortune abound. You have that lucky touch, which makes anything you get involved with pay off.

Plenty of escalation and surplus: use this to make sound investments, rather than wasting your money on indulgences and extravagances. This is a good social period, with parties and social invitations galore.

You are sought-after and, with confidence, you make new friends who help you achieve (or waste your money. There is also an opportunity to develop a new source of income, and possibly a love affair. Your relationships and love-life should be excellent. Make the most out of the situations in which you find yourself.

Best Time For - Excellent time to take a holiday. Beneficial social contacts, especially with foreigners, are likely.

Activities To Avoid - Be careful of waste and over-indulgence.

March 4th to 13th 2023

Good Fortune

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Ascendant

You will get on with friends, family and lovers much better than usual. It is a time for learning, generosity and sharing. New friendships will be formed, but one special individual could have a tremendous impact on your life.

A new romance or love affair may start as a fun flirtation - but it will probably end as an enduring and loving relationship. This would be an excellent time to be married, or set up home with a long-term lover. Good fortune will be on your side.

Retraining or study is likely. You will be surprised just how useful this training will be right throughout your lifetime. You may also now become more involved in studying religious or metaphysical studies.

Best Time For - Surround yourself with friends this is not a time to be alone. Don't ignore opportunities to better yourself. Take advantage of opportunities.

Activities To Avoid - Having doubts that you will ever use the training now on offer.

March 8th to 17th 2023

Expansion and growth

Transiting Jupiter Conjuncts your natal Sun

This is fortunate for you with good luck and protection in any gamble you make or speculation that you are involved in. Luck in love. You are confident in your abilities and sure of yourself. Life is kind to you.

Men you meet and your parental figures are generously disposed towards you, take advantage of this. Passionate about travel and study. Because of your present enthusiasm and optimism, you may appear larger than life.

Be careful that you don't take on too much. Beneficial social contacts. The only danger here is you may over estimate or assume too much.

Best Time For - Education, travel, sport, speculation and love.

Activities To Avoid- Excess and over indulgence.

April 4th to 13th 2023

Cooking up Something Big

Transiting Jupiter Conjuncts your natal Mercury

Travel, moving, study and work are on your mind. You've got a lot to say and are confident in your mental abilities. Yes, you are right, just be careful of assuming that you know everything. Interesting conversations with people from other countries.

Opportune circumstances provide you with an opportunity to take a break from routine, get out into the country, to satisfy your wanderlust. People have confidence in your ideas. You can talk your way into or out of anything now.

Best Time For - Seeking a job promotion, begin an educational course. To begin writing a book.

Activities To Avoid - To much talking and insincerity.

May 27th 2023 onwards to June 6th 2023

Public Recognition

Transiting Jupiter Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven

Tremendous progress could now be made in all professional and business matters. Feeling more competitive, confident and ambitious you will now be prepared to work harder than ever before to reach personal goals and ambitions. Promotions and pay rises are likely or your business is likely to expand. You may also receive public recognition or award.

You will now seemingly be in the right place at the right time meeting all the right people. Therefore, the culmination of all present and previous efforts should now bring tremendous success - some people may see this as a lucky break for you - but you know that this success wasn't so much luck as sheer hard graft.

Travel is likely and whilst winging your way around the world new friendships will be formed, probably with influential people who can in some way help to raise your standards of living. For example, they may introduce you to new job opportunities, or provide support in business ventures.

However, beware an element of arrogance with your newly acquired status. A temporary bout of giddiness at such new previously unexplored heights is understandable - but you must learn to quickly adjust and remember that everyone is equal.

Best Time For - Study, travel, and establishing powerful alliances.

Activities To Avoid - Staying at home and refusing to explore the world.

June 29th 2023 onwards to July 12th 2023

Plenty of Enthusiasm

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Mars, REPEATED when retrograde from 28th October 2023 to 12th November 2023. Exact 5th November

Go for it. Adventures. Opportunities for success abound. Energy in abundance, you can achieve whatever you turn your hand to. Excellent for starting new projects. Put some of that energy into sports, or you might explode. Great time for an adventure holiday.

Best Time For - Adventure, travel, sport and beginning a new venture.

Activities To Avoid - Excess, fighting and dangerous situations.

July 7th to 21st 2023

Unexpected Events

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Uranus, REPEATED when retrograde from 18th October 2023 to 3rd November 2023. Exact 26th October

Excitement and luck abound, you can afford to take a calculated risk, you should be pleasantly surprised by the results. Even though the results are likely to be different from what you anticipated. Unexpected benefits abound, and many opportunities to grow and learn are presented to you, especially when you least expect them.

Friends, foreign contacts and educational pursuits open doors to you suddenly to realize a goal. There is no better time to change, you can't go wrong. You are learning heaps. Your social life expands rapidly as you meet many interesting people and make new friends.

Best Time For - Study, travel, holidays and getting into the great outdoors.

Activities To Avoid - Being overly cautious and not taking a risk.

July 10th to 25th 2023

Overcoming Limitations

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal Saturn, REPEATED when retrograde from 14th to 30th October 2023. Exact 22nd October

You discover your professional and intellectual limitations now and can work with in them, which creates confidence and faith in your abilities. Therefore, you are enthusiastic about your career and social position and can work hard and long towards achieving your ambitions. You are realistic and practical.

The larger community knows this and helps you out. Ideal for approaching those in authority and explaining your plans for expanding, because they respond positively. Act in an open and expansive way in your dealings both professionally and socially. Social opportunities to advance your ambitions abound. Friends are helpful.

Best Time For - Seeking promotion, education and examinations or interviews.

Activities To Avoid - Being overly conservative.

July 23th 2023 onwards to August 13th 2023

Getting Ahead

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Ascendant, REPEATED when retrograde from 25th September 2023 to 16th October 2023. Exact 7th October

This is a time when you will try to use other people, be they either personal or business contacts, to get ahead in life. Also, financial extravagance and blind optimism could deplete cash flow - you may feel as if your luck is in, but don't be fooled by superficial gloss and dubious get-rich-quick schemes.

A devil-may-care attitude, a desire for danger and adventure and impulsive restlessness could cause you to rush headlong into action without sufficient forethought. You could therefore be prone to accidents.

Emotionally, you may be torn between security and freedom. Partners, lovers and family may find your conduct selfish and overly dramatic. Beware being too possessive or jealous. You can't demand freedom, and then refuse to give it!

Best Time For - Remembering to help those who have helped you.

Activities to Avoid - Arrogance and taking everything and giving nothing in return. You may avoid the truth or exaggerate events and circumstances.

July 27th 2023 onwards to August 21st 2023

Leaving the Past Behind

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Pluto, REPEATED when retrograde from 16th September 2023 to 12th October 2023. Exact 2nd October

Social activity and learning improves, you are rewarded for past efforts. You believe in your powers and abilities and express this to others, who reciprocate with trust and faith in you.

Constructive for experiencing faith in what you touch will grow and develop quickly, if other factors agree. You are moving assuredly forward into a new period of expansion leaving the past behind.

Fresh vistas. Confidence now is based upon a deeper understanding and acceptance of yourself and life. Life has new meaning. What you believe is right. Partnerships are educational and productive. Travel and study bring experiences that utterly change your life for the better.

Best Time For - Study, travel, and establishing powerful alliances.

Activities To Avoid - Staying at home and refusing to explore the world.

Steadying or Motivating Period

Saturn trends from 15th November 2022 to 14th November 2023

September 1st 2022 onwards to December 10th 2022

Time Out

Transiting Saturn Squares your natal Neptune

Cyclical Theme
A career decision needs are made during this time.

Practical Experience
Responsibilities and reality frustrate your dreams and fantasies of success. Hence you may be confused losing your way in life and may wish to escape responsibilities and duty. Lack of energy for career and social success, tired and exhausted.

Psychological Experiences
Depressed. Need to take a rest. Vague obstacles block your path to the top. These obstacles may be your fear of commitment and success or resentment towards men and authority figures. Are your goals realistic? You maybe deluding yourself about career, success and ambition. Disillusioned by parental figures or men.

Life's not going per plan, it seems things are slipping away from you. Better do something, like organize yourself so you don't get too confused. Gap between dreams and reality. Better rest, take time out to get refreshed, some new insight.

You must make a commitment to your dreams or otherwise drift in a formless world. Fear of commitment and responsibilities to society at large.
Best Time For– Having a break or doing a retreat.

Activities to Avoid - Business deals can go strangely wrong, those giving formal advice at present, are not that trustworthy.

September 6th 2022 onwards to December 5th 2022

Making Plans

Transiting Saturn Squares your natal Moon

Cyclical Theme
Social and professional responsibilities cause tension with family matters. Forcing you to decide about your career. What will you do? Out of this tension you are forced to put professional responsibilities before family concerns, and then you can plan to integrate these needs into your life.

Practical Experience
Career, domestic worries and women become prominent in your life. You must decide about somewhere to live and what sort of home life you want which may be the source of your worry. Go ahead and make that decision.

Additional work responsibilities or family concerns can be burdensome and a source of frustration now. Therefore, you can be worried and depressed by these concerns, besides issues with parents, health, money and career.

It is best to pay attention to your responsibilities at work and your duties, make some decisions to get order back into your life. Your ambitions force you to make a stand, and prepare for a new career move.

Life moves slowly, it may seem as if time as stopped. It's time for a dental or health check.

Psychological Experiences
Prone to depression. You may see life as a burden and full of responsibility now. Being embarrassed by your feelings or insecurities makes it difficult to care for others now. There can be some coldness or difficulties between you and your family.

Share your feelings with them to avoid being isolated and feeling alone. This allows you to solve the problem rather than withdrawing emotionally and controlling your feelings. You've become cautious, fearful and too conservative.

Therefore, you need to get in touch with your feelings and express them and develop your own inner security. Get a massage has you may feel touch deprived, or simply get more cuddles.

Best Time For - Consolidation, and working with your feelings and family. Be patient.

Activities to Avoid - Becoming negative and withdrawn.

December 5th to 29th 2022


Transiting Saturn Sextiles your natal Mercury

Cyclical Theme
Circumstances surrounding your work and career commitments lead to steady progress.

Practical Experiences
Work and career advancement. You are rewarded for past efforts by bosses and those in authority. Friends are particularly helpful and have some bright ideas that help you achieve some work and health goals. Talk to others about your plans and ambitions, they are willing to listen to you now.

Good listening skills let you hear something that helps you achieve your professional and social goals. Ask for that raise or promotion. Get those ideas down on paper so they can become a reality. Organizational and goal setting skills that you develop now will pay dividends in the future.

Psychological Experiences
Mental maturity.

Best Time For - Business discussions, ideal for signing agreements.

Activities to Avoid - Staying silent about your ambitions and desire to do better at work.

January 25th 2023 onwards to February 12th 2023


Transiting Saturn Squares your natal Jupiter

Cyclical Theme
Socially this is a stressful time for you as responsibilities force you to face and declare your place in the business and social world, in which you move. A professional and social decision time. Responsibility and duty, restrict your desire to expand and forces you to work within your limitations.

Now, you must slow down, discipline yourself to work towards your ambitions. You need to work hard now, knowing that your expectations are delayed, while keeping your faith and optimism in your ability.

Practical Experiences
Your business growth and professional life have slowed during that time. Caution and slow meticulous progress is the key here. If you've been burning the candles at both ends you now pay the price.

You are forced to come back to reality and contain your professional enthusiasm and beliefs within the real world. Your debts must be paid off before you move on.

Consolidate and organize yourself so you don't lose everything. In doing so you will increase your reputation within the business community and people will have confidence in you in the future.

Psychological Experiences
Extreme highs and lows, you need to balance your life. Depression and a sober mood influence this time as you need to pay attention to your responsibilities.

Your optimism and unbridled faith in your abilities to succeed are being restricted by the hard-cold facts of the business world, social position, and educational system. Have you measured up?

Do you need to decide whether you need more experience, education, or to move in a new social circle? Decide whether you have what it takes to be a successful leader, business person or are you a follower, a worker?

The answers to these questions will help you decide what you need to do while your plans for expansion are slowed and reformed. This may bring a decision to change your career or develop a different social world for yourself.

Best Time For - Consolidation, planning and working hard through obstacles.

Activities to Avoid - Expansion, borrowing and trusting to luck. Holidays will be a disappointment.

March 29th 2023 onwards to April 20th 2023

Steady Climb

Transiting Saturn Sextiles your natal MidHeaven, REPEATED when retrograde from 16th August 2023 to 13th September 2023. Exact 30th August

Cyclical Theme
This is a time when you will become upwardly mobile, especially in terms of career advancement. A time of a steady climb through the ranks to the top.

Friends, parents and people in authority will notice your discipline, determination and effort and will therefore help you to move along that next important stage in your professional life.

Practical Experiences
This should be a time of accomplishment with much energy and enthusiasm being devoted to the pursuit of dreams and ambitions. However, do make sure that you are fulfilling your own ambitions and not someone else's dreams.

Psychological Experiences
This could also be a time of steady stability and security in your home and personal life. You may even find yourself continuing or carrying on an old family tradition in some way.

Best Time For - Business and financial transactions.

Activities to Avoid- Not being as determined as you can be.

Emerging or Chaotic Period

Uranus trends from 15th November 2022 to 14th November 2023

December 24th 2022 onwards to February 19th 2023

New Phase

Transiting Uranus Trines your natal Pluto

Cyclical Theme
An unexpected change in your personal and social life, opens a door for you to move out of an old repressive situation and lets you move into a new life. Opportunities to achieve your independent goals and desires.

Practical Experiences
Powerful friendships and group affiliations are made during this time that will last for many years. You move forward with power and identity. Good for business with large groups. Relationships are exciting and stimulating as they enter a new phase.

Psychological Experiences
Another period of psychological and spiritual growth that is helpful, you are getting a bigger picture of what life is about and this makes you feel comfortable. You are in control so move forward with confidence.

Best Time For - Change. Interest in the occult and hidden aspects of life.

Activities to Avoid- Refusing to change.

April 26th 2023 onwards to May 31st 2023

Exciting Opportunities

Transiting Uranus Conjuncts your natal Moon

Cyclical Theme
This is a very unusual time for you, as you are starting something new that will change how you respond to the world.

Practical Experiences
It's much better to make steps to change rather than to just rebel and run away. Exciting opportunities, with women friends, new home, for the future, emotional impulsiveness etc., a desire to be free and change – get out and 'walk on the grass'.

Psychological Experiences
You are breaking away from old habit patterns, whether this is a step towards growth and a new way of being or feeling, a new house, domestic environment, family relationships freedom from your parents, or a rebellion and are running away from these things is up to you.

Best Time For - Taking a break from the daily routine, doing something unusual.

Activities to Avoid - Selling the house, affairs or making radical changes. Being disruptive at home. Changing where you live. Relationships.

May 1st 2023 onwards to June 6th 2023

Escapist Tendencies

Transiting Uranus Opposes your natal Neptune

Cyclical Theme
This is one of those growth periods where you may lose the plot for the duration of this transit. You become aware of how your desire to be free opposes your commitments which causes tension with others and unconscious forces war within you.

You need to discover a way of balancing your desire to be free and independent with your need to be part of a collective mass. Avoiding balancing these forces cause chaos and confusion in your relationships.

Practical Experiences
Confusion and rebellion upsets your daily life. Thus, you may want to escape or simply get drunk. You lose your way for a while.

Psychological Experiences
This is an unstable, and confusing time for you where your social life, friendships, goals, dreams and commitment are in a state of upheaval. You may not know whether you are coming or going.

What you value seems to be dissolving and falling apart around you. As you start acting very differently, you challenge your old life and its preconceptions. Friends and family may be shocked by what you say or do. This is a time of change and uncertainty. Hold on it will pass.

You are learning to be your own person and hold views and values different from those around you. Deciding to be unique, independent and separate or to always be part of the crowd and communal. Great psychological growth or collapse.

Psychic ability awakening. The main thrust is to free yourself from delusion and fantasy. Then, attempt to see your life clearly. The tension may be too great and you can simply escape into drugs, alcohol, Spiritual cults, etc.

Best Time For - Counselling, meditation, exploring art and spirituality. To be reflective and try to find the meaning of life.

Activities to Avoid- Escapist activities and starting anything New.

Alertness or Tiresome Period

Neptune trends from 15th November 2022 to 14th November 2023

March 17th 2023 onwards to May 18th 2023

Seeing the Light

Transiting Neptune Sextiles your natal Jupiter, REPEATED when retrograde from 13th August 2023 to 2nd November 2023. Exact 22nd September

Cyclical Theme
The strength of your vision and the faith you have in your abilities rewards you now. Therefore, the opportunity to grow and expand beyond your wildest imaginings is presented to you through friends, and a goal you have believed in is achieved. The community you live in is very supportive. You understand God during this period.

Practical Experiences
Everything seems possible now, you are presented with great ideas, which are mostly realistic. Your imagination is working overtime bringing new insight and creating the vision of a fantastic world for you to live in.

If you are realistic this is an idyllic and inspired period for you. Especially, with religion, education, travel and ideals for you. You now have a new way of viewing life because of your growing universal understanding, therefore, you should undergo some major spiritual or psychic development.

You are acutely sensitive to the world and its subtle nuances. You may benefit immensely from a holiday during this period because foreigners are assisting right now. A break away sounds like a good idea, for a week or two.

Psychological Experiences
There seems to be a saintly or enlightened quality about you now. To make the best possible use of this time you need to make some commitment to a belief system or education and travel.

Trust in your dreams, don't dismiss them but be practical and realistic about their fulfilment half your expectations. Excellent time to study psychology or meditation. What is good about this period is that your dreams inspire you to hope and wish for a better life.

Best Time for - Travel by sea, learning about religion and psychology. Spiritual development.

Activities To avoid - Escapist tendencies, alcohol, drugs, religious cults, being too trusting of people etc.

Forecast from 15th November

Wednesday 16th November

Tension Forces a Bad Decision

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Jupiter from 16th to 19th November 2022. Exact 18th November

You are too sure of yourself and overestimate your abilities. The result is that you make unwise decisions that can be costly in the long run. Especially in education, travel and for dealing with foreigners. Gambles are reckless. Be very cautious to counter this overconfidence.

Tuesday 22nd November

Nervous Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mars from 22nd to 24th November 2022. Exact 23rd November

Mental frustration surfaces as you do not seem to be able to put your ideas across. Thus, you behave recklessly or impulsively making decisions without thinking. Arguments with people and partners resolve nothing only increase tension.

Your timing is poor, listen to what is being said to you before you over-react without thinking. Possible difficulties with your car and some health problems – more prone to accidents and nervous tension. Let of steam with exercise. Bad for signing agreements.

Sunday 20th November


Constructive Action

Transiting Mars Retrograde Sextiles your natal Mercury from 20th to 27th November 2022. Exact 24th November

Put those ideas that you have been formulating into action - take the initiative. As friends are agreeable and helpful. When you assert yourself, and speak up, you win. Great for starting new projects and signing agreements.

Tuesday 22nd November

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mars from 22nd to 24th November 2022. Exact 24th November

Embarrassed by your lustiness and impulsiveness you try hard to be nice but end up being frustrated, annoyed and fight with partners or overspend. Sexual frustration. Therefore, negotiations involving finances and lovers do not work. Discover what you need and politely assert yourself.

Wednesday 23th November

Nervous Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Uranus from 23rd to 25th November 2022. Exact 24th November

You are mentally uptight and want to make a change at work but are uncertain of what to do. This brings tension and causes you to react impulsively and recklessly. You may take foolish risks. Stop! Be disciplined and exert some self-control to maintain your employment situation.

Do something positive to release the tension and boredom you feel. You may have got into a rut and may need to make some changes at work or at home. Carefully laid plans may be disrupted though someone changing their mind - especially banks or financial partners.

Also on Wednesday

Frustration and Dejection

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Saturn from 23rd to 25th November 2022. Exact 24th November

Time drags. Work responsibilities and duties increase, which cause worry, poor health and bad communication. Superiors criticize your work. Some news is disheartening. You are pessimistic about your prospects.

Be positive, act to get out of your present rut. Superiors are not listening, talk to them and be objective. Listen to what is being said and rethink your ambitions. Sign NO CONTRACTS yet.

Also on Wednesday

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 23rd to 26th November 2022. Exact 25th November

Financially and socially you are bored and uptight, wanting to make a change but are uncertain of what to do. This brings tension and causes you to react impulsively and recklessly. You may take foolish financial or romantic risks. Stop! Be disciplined and exert some self-control to maintain order.

Do something positive to release the tension and boredom you feel. You may have got into a rut and may need to make some changes in your relationships. Carefully laid plans may be disrupted through your lover changing their mind - or business associates and partners displaying a certain degree of instability.

Thursday 24th November

Talk is Agreeable

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Venus from 24th to 26th November 2022. Exact 25th November

Socially pleasant and rewarding. Conversation with friends and partners is productive and creative. Most people you meet are agreeable and helpful. Great for raising funds or coming to an agreement.

Also on Thursday

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Saturn from 24th to 26th November 2022. Exact 25th November

You may feel unloved and a little depressed and respond coolly to others. You need to decide about improving your financial and social position, which frustrates you. Put your head down and work through the obstacles to your happiness. Events may prove costly.

Also on Thursday


Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Ascendant from 24th to 26th November 2022. Exact 26th November

Ideas, plans and thoughts should flow smoothly between yourself and others. This would therefore be an excellent time to work in a team environment, rather than going solo. Meetings, negotiations, communications and travel are often associated with this Mercury transit affecting you over the next few days.

Also on Thursday

Mental Anguish

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Pluto from 24th to 27th November 2022. Exact 26th November

Mental frustration can boil over which brings conflict and ending to employment and intellectual projects that you have invested a lot in. Time to remember - where focus and clear direction can make things happen or force disaster. At work or with study you are intense and passionate especially concerning investments anything can happen.

What you do has long term consequences that effect your work and thinking. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. Difficulty with work, financial institutions and learning.

Also on Thursday

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Venus from 24th to 27th November 2022. Exact 26th November

Beautiful feelings, romance and finances seem perfect. You are comfortable with yourself and know exactly what you need to be happy. Lovers surround you and money flows your way. Ideal for a special dinner party.

Friday 25th November

Talk is Agreeable

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Sun from 25th to 27th November 2022. Exact 26th November

You are persuasive and people willingly listen to your ideas and plans and help. Great for coming to an agreement. Good for work or finding employment. Meet with people you like for a chatty visit.

Also on Friday

Emotional Tie

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Ascendant from 25th to 27th November 2022. Exact 27th November

Don't plan anything too strenuous during this period, as you are likely to be too pre-occupied with taking it easy and having fun! Why not plan a party? You will enjoy sharing these feelings of affection, warmth and love with friends.

Telling someone just how much you love them will strengthen the emotional tie between you. An expected financial bonus could also come your way - so why not treat yourself to some well-deserved luxuries!

Also on Friday

Financial and Financial Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 25th to 28th November 2022. Exact 27th November

Feeling frustrated, situations can boil over that bring conflict and an ending to projects that you have invested a lot in. Your efforts will not pass unnoticed. Being focused and clear makes things happen or forces disaster. Social and monetary matters are intense and passionate, especially with partners anything can happen.

What you do has long term consequences that effect your stability. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. Difficulty with financial institutions. Separation from a loved one.

Saturday 26th November

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Sun from 26th to 28th November 2022. Exact 27th November

"Love is in the air" what a beautiful feeling, all is well with you and the world. If other factors agree you get what you need. Especially in love and with finances. Have a flutter, luck shines on you.

Tuesday 29th November

Talk is Agreeable

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mercury from 29th November 2022 to 1st December 2022. Exact 30th November

Communications are pleasant, as they hold promise and interest. People willingly listen to your ideas and plans, and help. Great for coming to an agreement. Good for work or finding employment.

Forecast for December 2022

Wednesday 30th November

Personal Tension and Anger

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mars from 30th November 2022 to 3rd December 2022. Exact 2nd December

Your timing is lousy right now, you are frustrated and feel blocked so you attempt to use force to get your way. This of course leads to fights, stress and bitter disagreements. Do something constructive to let off steam. You need to decide but are being impatient, take your time and be disciplined.

Thursday 1st December

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mercury from 1st to 3rd December 2022. Exact 2nd December

Socially pleasant and rewarding. Conversation with friends and partners is productive and creative. Most people you meet are agreeable and helpful. Great for raising finance or making agreements.

Also on Thursday

Personal Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Uranus from 1st to 4th December 2022. Exact 3rd December

You are uptight and want to make a change but are uncertain of what to do. This brings tension and causes you to react impulsively and recklessly. You may take foolish risks. Stop! Be disciplined and exert some self-control to maintain order in your life.

Do something positive to release the tension and boredom you feel. You may have got into a rut and may need to make some changes at work or at home. Carefully laid plans may be disrupted through someone changing their mind- especially banks or financial partners.

Friday 2nd December

Personal Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Saturn from 2nd to 4th December 2022. Exact 3rd December

Progress is slow. You must make a career decision and this is creating the tension and frustration that you are experiencing. Feeling negative you may not want to make a move. You feel work is a burden, and worry about your progress. Make your mind up about what you want to do, then make an extra big effort and work through the restriction and limitations.

Saturday 3rd December


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Venus from 3rd to 5th December 2022. Exact 4th December

"Love is in the air" what a beautiful situation, all is well with you and the world. If other factors agree you get what you need. Especially in love and with finances. Have a flutter - luck shines on you.

Sunday 4th December

Pleasurable Pursuits

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Ascendant from 4th to 6th December 2022. Exact 5th December

Bored with daily routine, today you will be searching for something different. A general feeling of wellbeing will enable you to get much work done but with the pursuit of pleasure uppermost in your mind, you are more likely to surround yourself with people you love. Why not just enjoy their company and have fun! Travel is likely.

Also on Sunday

Personal Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Pluto from 4th to 7th December 2022. Exact 6th December

Personal frustration can boil over that brings conflict and ending to projects that you have invested a lot in. Notably a time to remember - where focus and clear direction can make things happen or force disaster.

Events are intense and passionate right now especially with investments anything can happen. What you do now has long term consequences that affect your confidence. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. Possible difficulty with financial institutions.

Also on Sunday


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Sun from 4th to 7th December 2022. Exact 6th December

Feeling totally at ease and agreeable if other factors concur. Relax have fun and enjoy yourself. You are on track.

Wednesday 7th December

Communications and Travel

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal MidHeaven from 7th to 9th December 2022. Exact 9th December

Due to your clarity of thought and precision, this is an excellent few days to lose yourself in work, which requires deep concentration and attention to detail. Personal and business meetings, negotiations, communications and travel are often associated with this positive time.

Thursday 8th December


Constructive Action

Transiting Mars Retrograde Sextiles your natal Sun from 8th to 14th December 2022. Exact 11th December

Act on your ideas and future goals. People are receptive to your ideas and help put them into action. An opportunity to take the initiative to achieve your heart's desire is presented through friends or a chance conversation. Ideal time for signing contracts. Opportunity for romance.

Friday 9th December



Transiting Mars Retrograde Squares your natal Pluto from 9th to 15th December 2022. Exact 12th December

You find that you can't rule or ruin, but must compromise to work things out. Learn the art of surrender. Personal frustration and anger can boil over bringing major conflicts and destroying projects that you have invested a lot in.

It is a day to remember - where motivation and clear action can make things happen, or force disaster. Events are angry, sexual, intense and passionate, especially with investments and partners anything can happen.

What you decide to do has long term consequences that effect your desires. Poor decisions can lead to bankruptcy. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. Difficulty with financial matters or institutions. Possibility of accidents, so take extra care.

Sunday 11th December


Transiting Venus Trines your natal MidHeaven from 11th to 13th December 2022. Exact 12th December

Being fair-minded and balanced in your opinions, you may find yourself the mediator in a family quarrel during this time. Your sensible advice will be needed. Creativity at work should also be enhanced. Take advantage of any opportunity that enables you to work from home - either on a temporary or permanent basis.

Also on Sunday


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mercury from 11th to 14th December 2022. Exact 13th December

You are persuasive and people willingly listen to your ideas and plans and help. Great for signing contracts. Good for work or finding employment. Good for a party.

Monday 12th December

Talk Leads to Positive Action

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mars from 12th to 14th December 2022. Exact 13th December

Put those ideas that you have been formulating into action. As people are agreeable and helpful, when you assert yourself and speak up, you win. Great for starting new projects and signing agreements.

Saturday 10th December



Transiting Mars Retrograde Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 10th to 17th December 2022. Exact 14th December

This is a time to indulge in hard, physical and varied activity. You should be able to achieve much more than usual, especially if surrounded by people of like mind, for motivation and enthusiasm will be contagious.

Slower colleagues, however, could become a source of irritation. Others will see you as being dynamic and outgoing.

Tuesday 13th December

Talk is Exciting and Liberating

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 13th to 15th December 2022. Exact 14th December

Excellent, out of the blue an opportunity opens a door for an exciting new job, and a chance to obtain the freedom you long for. Rapid change. Socially exciting and stimulating time ideal for a social get together. Agreements made offer excitement and lead to unexpected success.

Also on Tuesday

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Saturn from 13th to 15th December 2022. Exact 15th December

Work and career advancement. You are rewarded for past efforts. Ideal time for signing agreements and long-term business moves. Talk to friends about your plans and ambitions they will listen. You hear something that helps you achieve your goals. Ask for that raise or promotion. Get those ideas down on paper so they can become a reality.

Wednesday 14th December

Nervous Social Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Venus from 14th to 16th December 2022. Exact 15th December

You put your foot in it. You cannot say anything right. Partners and those in authority or companions misunderstand you and this can prove costly. Mental tension forces you to make a decision that can prove expensive because you have not evaluated it properly. Hold off committing yourself for a while.

Tuesday 13th December


Constructive Action

Transiting Mars Retrograde Sextiles your natal Venus from 13th to 20th December 2022. Exact 16th December

You are very positive. You have charm, zest and sex appeal. Therefore, friends are helpful and you easily get what you need from people - especially those involved in financial matters and lovers. You achieve a romantic or financial goal. Perfect day for that dinner for two, or dinner party.

Thursday 15th December

Talk is Powerful

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Pluto from 15th to 17th December 2022. Exact 16th December

Superb, at work and with learning, you are on track and get what you want, people are cooperative and helpful especially with employment and study. Business partners are receptive and an old money making idea resurfaces. Ideal for coming to an agreement and making offers.

Also on Thursday

Nervous Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Sun from 15th to 17th December 2022. Exact 17th December

Understanding is lacking, so be quiet and listen. This creates frustration, as you must make your mind up about a job, education, lover or children. This frustration can lead to arguments with family members and bosses. By formulating your ideas clearly and expressing them you can make the changes you desire. Not good for coming to an agreement.

Friday 16th December

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mars from 16th to 18th December 2022. Exact 18th December

You have charm, zest and sex appeal. Therefore, you easily get what you need from people - especially involving finances and lovers. Perfect for that dinner for two, or dinner party.

Thursday 15th December



Transiting Mars Retrograde Squares your natal Saturn from 15th to 22nd December 2022. Exact 19th December

Tasks take longer, so be patient. Progress is slow. You must make a career decision and this is creating the tension and frustration that you are experiencing. Feeling angry and negative you may not want to make a move. Fights.

You feel work is a burden and worry about your progress. Make your mind up about what you want to do, then put your shoulder to the wheel and work through the restriction and limitations of this couple of days. Channel your aggression into something constructive to relieve tension.

Saturday 17th December

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Uranus from 17th to 19th December 2022. Exact 19th December

Social exchanges are interesting and stimulating. Excellent, out of the blue a financial and social opportunity opens a door to obtain the freedom you long for. Rapid advantageous changes in love and with finance. Gambles taken can pay off. Socially exciting and stimulating time, ideal for a party.

Also on Saturday

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Saturn from 17th to 20th December 2022. Exact 19th December

The opportunity for a solid investment comes your way. You have a good feeling for diplomacy and forming alliances with friends who will help you achieve your ambitions. Your situation is not exactly scintillating, but one where contacts and agreements made have long lasting consequences. Rewarded for past effort. Good deals. Contracts are promising.

Sunday 18th December

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Venus from 18th to 20th December 2022. Exact 20th December

You feel frustrated and dissatisfied, you are not happy. Other people's lives look more interesting and satisfying. Therefore, you can become jealous and miserable. Make your mind up about what you need and start to obtain it. To compensate you may overspend or eat too much sweet food. Partners are not as appreciative as you would like.

Monday 19th December

Talk is Agreeable

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Moon from 19th to 21st December 2022. Exact 20th December

Conversation is helpful and pleasant, you reach a deeper understanding of yourself, family and work situation. People listen to your ideas and offer support. Ideal for selling or buying - especially property. Also, ideal for coming to an agreement.

Saturday 17th December



Transiting Mars Retrograde Squares your natal Uranus from 17th to 24th December 2022. Exact 21st December

Sudden changes or rash decisions you make are impulsive and may not work out. You are bored and uptight, wanting to make a change but are uncertain of what to do.

This brings tension and causes you to react impulsively and recklessly. You may take foolish risks. Stop! Be disciplined and exert some self-control to maintain order.

Do something positive to release the tension and anger you feel. You may have got into a rut and may need to make some changes. Carefully laid plans may be disrupted through your lover changing their mind- or through banks and financial partners. Unstable day.

Monday 19th December

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 19th to 22nd December 2022. Exact 21st December

Superb, you are socially and financially on track and can get what you want. People are cooperative and helpful, especially in love and speculative ventures. Business partners welcome you with open arms and an old love may be rekindled. Ideal for signing agreements and making offers.

Also on Monday

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Neptune from 19th to 22nd December 2022. Exact 21st December

Beautiful and idyllic at work and with conversations, where you are inspired and supported by friends and co-workers. Dreams can come true especially if the long-term forecasts agree. Insight and intuition are spot on, use them to your advantage.

Tuesday 20th December

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Sun from 20th to 22nd December 2022. Exact 21st December

You are feeling stressed and this causes difficulties in your relationship and love life. Mostly you want your own way or are being too nice and you compromise yourself - creating resentment. This could be costly for you. You need to decide about what you truly value and act on it. If you don't, you will be disappointed financially and have difficulties in love.

Wednesday 21st December

Mental Stress

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mercury from 21st to 24th December 2022. Exact 22nd December

Mental frustration causes difficulties with your plans and in your conversation. You are not listening and speaking out before you have all the facts. This frustrates negotiation and work plans. Worst time for signing contracts. Possible poor outcome due to stress.

Friday 23th December

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Moon from 23rd to 26th December 2022. Exact 25th December

Feeling comfortable socially, agreeable and pleasurable feelings are appreciated. Relax, socialize with family members and partners and enjoy yourself. If you feel romantic, the opposite sex finds you attractive. Ideal for buying or selling.

Also on Friday


Transiting Sun Trines your natal MidHeaven from 23rd to 26th December 2022. Exact 25th December

Feeling self-assured and determined - the image you will project today is that of a confident individual who knows what they want from life. This would therefore be an excellent day for meetings or interviews. This is a day to gain the respect of others and you could be rewarded with increased authority, responsibility or business expansion.

Also on Friday

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Neptune from 23rd to 26th December 2022. Exact 25th December

Beautiful feelings and idyllic circumstances where you are inspired and supported by friends and some goals are achieved. Romantic dreams can come true, especially if other long term forecasts indicate this as well. Insight and intuition are spot on, - use them to your advantage. Fortune in love.

Wednesday 21st December



Transiting Mars Retrograde Squares your natal Mars from 21st to 31st December 2022. Exact 26th December

Poor timing and ill-considered action leads to bad decisions. Impatience and frustration with the speed of events cause you to be rash, impulsive and hostile and have temper tantrums. This distracts you from your purpose just for a momentary victory.

Potential disagreements with people you encounter and your lovers. Use your energy constructively and discipline yourself, postpone those decisions until you feel less frustrated. Accidents.

Sunday 25th December

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mercury from 25th to 27th December 2022. Exact 26th December

You put your foot in it. You cannot say anything right. Business associates and partners misunderstand you and this can prove costly. Mental tension forces you to make a decision that can prove expensive because you have not calculated the cost properly. Hold off committing yourself for a while.

Thursday 29th December

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Jupiter from 29th to 31st December 2022. Exact 30th December

Great, you are lucky and sociable. Confidence in yourself soars and is rewarded. Time for a big social get together. You feel generous and magnanimous. Luck in lotto, financial institutions are more likely to lend you money.

Also on Thursday


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mars from 29th December 2022 to 1st January 2023. Exact 31st December

Timing is perfect, you are on track and if the major trends agree you get what you want. Ideal for starting new projects and taking a gamble.

Forecast for January 2023

Saturday 31st December


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Uranus from 31st December 2022 to 2nd January 2023. Exact 1st January 2023

Excellent, out of the blue an opportunity opens a door for recognition and to obtain the freedom you long for. Rapid change. Gambles taken can pay off. Socially exciting and stimulating time ideal for a party.

Also on Saturday

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Saturn from 31st December 2022 to 3rd January 2023. Exact 2nd January 2023

Because of your past efforts, an opportunity to realize some of your ambitions presents itself - possibly through friends. Go for it, gambles that you have taken with work and socially pay off. Those in authority or positions of power are helpful and friendly. Managers and those in authority will support your plans now. Good for getting a loan and ideal for signing contracts.

Sunday 1st January

Social Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Venus from 1st to 4th January 2023. Exact 3rd January

You are stressed and this causes difficulties in your relationship and love life. Mostly you want your own way or are being too nice and you compromise yourself - creating resentment. This could be costly for you. You need to decide about what you truly value and act on it. If you don't there will be can be possible financial disappointment and difficulties in love.

Monday 2nd January


Mental Stress

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Mercury from 2nd to 4th January 2023. Exact 3rd January

Mental frustration causes difficulties with your plans and in your conversation. You are not listening and speaking out before you have all the facts. This frustrates negotiation and work plans. Worst time for signing contracts. Possible poor outcome due to stress.

Also on Monday

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Pluto from 2nd to 5th January 2023. Exact 4th January

You are on track and can get what you want, people are cooperative and helpful especially in love and speculative ventures. Contacts welcome you with open arms and an old love may be rekindled. Ideal for signing contracts and making offers.

Tuesday 3rd January


Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Sextiles your natal Neptune from 3rd to 6th January 2023. Exact 5th January

Beautiful and idyllic at work and with conversations, where you are inspired and supported by friends and co-workers. Dreams can come true especially if the long-term forecasts agree. Insight and intuition are spot on, use them to your advantage.

Also on Tuesday

Personal Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Sun from 3rd to 6th January 2023. Exact 5th January

There is a decision that you must make - to go forwards or stay within your comfort zone. This creates tension and some frustration and you may try to dominate those around you. It's better to set a goal for yourself rather than be bombastic. Possible conflict with others.

Wednesday 4th January


Talk is Agreeable

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Moon from 4th to 6th January 2023. Exact 5th January

Conversation is helpful and pleasant, you reach a deeper understanding of yourself, family and work situation. People listen to your ideas and offer support. Ideal for selling or buying - especially property. Also, ideal for coming to an agreement.

Also on Wednesday


Transiting Venus Squares your natal MidHeaven from 4th to 6th January 2023. Exact 5th January

Feelings of jealousy and possessiveness may have to be controlled during this time. Unwanted social obligations could also disrupt your daily routine and leave you feeling drained and dissatisfied.

Saturday 7th January


Nervous Tension

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Sun from 7th to 9th January 2023. Exact 8th January

Understanding is lacking, so be quiet and listen. This creates frustration, as you must make your mind up about a job, education, lover or children. This frustration can lead to arguments with family members and bosses. By formulating your ideas clearly and expressing them you can make the changes you desire. Not good for coming to an agreement.

Also on Saturday


Talk is Powerful

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Pluto from 7th to 10th January 2023. Exact 9th January

Superb, at work and with learning, you are on track and get what you want, people are cooperative and helpful especially with employment and study. Business partners are receptive and an old money making idea resurfaces. Ideal for coming to an agreement and making offers.

Also on Saturday


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Moon from 7th to 10th January 2023. Exact 9th January

Feeling at ease and agreeable, especially so if other factors concur. Relax have fun and enjoy yourself. You are on track. If you feel romantic, others find you attractive.

Sunday 8th January

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Neptune from 8th to 10th January 2023. Exact 9th January

Beautiful and idyllic circumstances where you are inspired and supported by friends and some goals are achieved. Dreams can come true right now especially if the long-term forecasts agree. Insight and intuition are spot on use them to your advantage. Fortune in love.

Also on Sunday


Nervous Social Tension

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Venus from 8th to 11th January 2023. Exact 10th January

You put your foot in it. You cannot say anything right. Partners and those in authority or companions misunderstand you and this can prove costly. Mental tension forces you to make a decision that can prove expensive because you have not evaluated it properly. Hold off committing yourself for a while.

Monday 9th January


Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Sextiles your natal Saturn from 9th to 12th January 2023. Exact 11th January

Work and career advancement. You are rewarded for past efforts. Ideal time for signing agreements and long-term business moves. Talk to friends about your plans and ambitions they will listen. You hear something that helps you achieve your goals. Ask for that raise or promotion. Get those ideas down on paper so they can become a reality.

Also on Monday

Personal Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mercury from 9th to 12th January 2023. Exact 11th January

Personal frustration causes difficulties with your plans and in your conversation. You are not listening and instead speaking out before you have all the facts. This frustrates negotiation and work plans. Worst time for signing contract. Feeling bad because of mental tension.

Tuesday 10th January


Talk is Exciting and Liberating

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Uranus from 10th to 12th January 2023. Exact 11th January

Excellent, out of the blue an opportunity opens a door for an exciting new job, and a chance to obtain the freedom you long for. Rapid change. Socially exciting and stimulating time ideal for a social get together. Agreements made offer excitement and lead to unexpected success.

Wednesday 11th January

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Venus from 11th to 13th January 2023. Exact 13th January

Pleasant social opportunities are promising. Beautiful feelings, romance and finances seem perfect. You are comfortable with yourself and know exactly what you need to be happy. Beautiful friends surround you and money flows your way. Ideal for a refined dinner party.

Also on Wednesday


Talk Leads to Positive Action

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Mars from 11th to 14th January 2023. Exact 13th January

Put those ideas that you have been formulating into action. As people are agreeable and helpful, when you assert yourself and speak up, you win. Great for starting new projects and signing agreements.

Thursday 12th January

Keeping the Peace

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Ascendant from 12th to 14th January 2023. Exact 13th January

Avoid arguments today - you will not have the physical or emotional energy to cope with the trials and tribulations of life. If possible, stay at home and surround yourself with life's little luxuries! Avoid confrontations at work - if you manage to keep the peace, then your skills of tact and diplomacy will make a greater impression.

Friday 13th January

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Sun from 13th to 15th January 2023. Exact 14th January

Full of promise. A chance to make some money or have a love affair is presented to you. Friends are especially helpful with this. You are given the chance to achieve a goal close to your heart. Excellent for entertaining.

Saturday 14th January

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Jupiter from 14th to 17th January 2023. Exact 16th January

Great, especially for education, travel and for dealing with foreigners. Gambles are fruitful. Your situation is full of optimism and enthusiasm. Luck abounds in love and with children. You have faith in your abilities and feel as if you can tackle anything. If other factors concur this is one of those times when you can win lotto. Party time.

Monday 16th January

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Moon from 16th to 19th January 2023. Exact 18th January

Family and social pressures require you to please others and you associate yourself with the wrong people. They are not helpful and you don't feel comfortable at all. Feelings and emotions influence relationships and finances. You must change the way you mix with others, relate and spend money, especially at home and with women. If you ignore these feelings, you will be sentimental and moody. Sentiment may prove costly.

Also on Monday

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Neptune from 16th to 19th January 2023. Exact 18th January

Confusion rules relationships and money matters. You are socially frustrated and are unsure of what to do. Put off any decisions for a while until you can see your way clearly through the confusing situation that surrounds you. Mellow out and reflect rather than spending money. You are being seduced by a fantasy - stay away from making definite plans. Otherwise you lose your way. Partners and finances are unreliable.

Wednesday 18th January

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mercury from 18th to 20th January 2023. Exact 19th January

Socially pleasant and rewarding. Conversation with friends and partners is productive and creative. Most people you meet are agreeable and helpful. Great for raising finance or making agreements.

Saturday 21st January

Forceful Conduct

Transiting Sun Squares your natal MidHeaven from 21st to 24th January 2023. Exact 23rd January

This should be a day of hard work and despite disruptive power struggles possibly even a day of tremendous achievements. But you may be so preoccupied with your own pressures and responsibilities that your own inconsiderate conduct could alienate lovers, family or friends. Being too forceful will also undoubtedly cause conflict.

Sunday 22nd January

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Jupiter from 22nd to 24th January 2023. Exact 23rd January

You promise more than you can deliver. You overindulge, over-spend expecting someone else to pick up the tab. This is an expensive time for you - the credit card takes a hammering. People are helpful but you are too lazy to act. Be prudent and use the time to learn what your priorities are and then act on them.

Saturday 21st January

Talk Leads to Positive Action

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mars from 21st to 25th January 2023. Exact 24th January

Put those ideas that you have been formulating into action. As people are agreeable and helpful, when you assert yourself and speak up, you win. Great for starting new projects and signing agreements.

Monday 23th January

Talk is Exciting and Liberating

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 23rd to 27th January 2023. Exact 26th January

Excellent, out of the blue an opportunity opens a door for an exciting new job, and a chance to obtain the freedom you long for. Rapid change. Socially exciting and stimulating time ideal for a social get together. Agreements made offer excitement and lead to unexpected success.

Tuesday 24th January

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Saturn from 24th to 27th January 2023. Exact 26th January

Work and career advancement. You are rewarded for past efforts. Ideal time for signing agreements and long-term business moves. Talk to friends about your plans and ambitions they will listen. You hear something that helps you achieve your goals. Ask for that raise or promotion. Get those ideas down on paper so they can become a reality.

Wednesday 25th January

Nervous Social Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Venus from 25th to 28th January 2023. Exact 27th January

You put your foot in it. You cannot say anything right. Partners and those in authority or companions misunderstand you and this can prove costly. Mental tension forces you to make a decision that can prove expensive because you have not evaluated it properly. Hold off committing yourself for a while.

Friday 27th January

Talk is Powerful

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Pluto from 27th to 30th January 2023. Exact 29th January

Superb, at work and with learning, you are on track and get what you want, people are cooperative and helpful especially with employment and study. Business partners are receptive and an old money making idea resurfaces. Ideal for coming to an agreement and making offers.

Also on Friday

Nervous Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Sun from 27th to 30th January 2023. Exact 29th January

Understanding is lacking, so be quiet and listen. This creates frustration, as you must make your mind up about a job, education, lover or children. This frustration can lead to arguments with family members and bosses. By formulating your ideas clearly and expressing them you can make the changes you desire. Not good for coming to an agreement.

Saturday 28th January

Clear the Air

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 28th to 30th January 2023. Exact 29th January

You are now ready to compromise, so if there have been problems within any personal relationships - this is an excellent few days to talk grievances through and clear the air. You will be more willing to give and more willing to listen. Surround yourself with friends - get out and enjoy yourself!

Wednesday 25th January


Transiting Mars Squares your natal Mars from 25th January 2023 to 4th February 2023. Exact 31st January

Poor timing and ill-considered action leads to bad decisions. Impatience and frustration with the speed of events cause you to be rash, impulsive and hostile and have temper tantrums. This distracts you from your purpose just for a momentary victory.

Potential disagreements with people you encounter and your lovers. Use your energy constructively and discipline yourself, postpone those decisions until you feel less frustrated. Accidents.

Forecast for February 2023

Tuesday 31st January

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Venus from 31st January 2023 to 2nd February 2023. Exact 1st February

Full of promise - a chance to make some money, or have a love affair is presented to you. Friends are especially helpful in this. You are given the chance to achieve a goal close to your heart. Excellent for entertaining.

Wednesday 1st February

Talk is Agreeable

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Moon from 1st to 3rd February 2023. Exact 2nd February

Conversation is helpful and pleasant, you reach a deeper understanding of yourself, family and work situation. People listen to your ideas and offer support. Ideal for selling or buying - especially property. Also, ideal for coming to an agreement.

Also on Wednesday

Hidden Tensions

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Ascendant from 1st to 3rd February 2023. Exact 2nd February

Arguments within relationships could lead to critical difficulties today, with jealousy, possessiveness and uncontrollable anger being the catalyst for unreasonable conduct. Although, the day will seem traumatic and full of confrontation, it is probably best to get these hidden tensions out into the open and clear the air.

Also on Wednesday

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Neptune from 1st to 3rd February 2023. Exact 3rd February

Beautiful and idyllic at work and with conversations, where you are inspired and supported by friends and co-workers. Dreams can come true especially if the long-term forecasts agree. Insight and intuition are spot on, use them to your advantage.

Also on Wednesday

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Sun from 1st to 4th February 2023. Exact 3rd February

Friends provide opportunities, are helpful and you are presented with a chance to fulfil your future goals. Constructive and productive circumstances that can leave you well satisfied. Enjoy yourself.

Thursday 2nd February

Relationship Stress

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Mars from 2nd to 4th February 2023. Exact 4th February

You are trying to be diplomatic and keep things harmonious but other people want to fight and upset the balance. Therefore, disagreements abound. Nobody seems to want to agree with you. Bad for finance and love. Keep your thoughts to yourself and let other people react badly and you will learn something about yourself. Sexual frustration.

Also on Thursday

Mental Stress

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mercury from 2nd to 5th February 2023. Exact 4th February

Mental frustration causes difficulties with your plans and in your conversation. You are not listening and speaking out before you have all the facts. This frustrates negotiation and work plans. Worst time for signing contracts. Possible poor outcome due to stress.

Wednesday 1st February


Transiting Mars Squares your natal Uranus from 1st to 9th February 2023. Exact 5th February

Sudden changes or rash decisions you make are impulsive and may not work out. You are bored and uptight, wanting to make a change but are uncertain of what to do.

This brings tension and causes you to react impulsively and recklessly. You may take foolish risks. Stop! Be disciplined and exert some self-control to maintain order.

Do something positive to release the tension and anger you feel. You may have got into a rut and may need to make some changes. Carefully laid plans may be disrupted through your lover changing their mind- or through banks and financial partners. Unstable day.

Friday 3rd February

Relationship Stress

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Uranus from 3rd to 5th February 2023. Exact 5th February

Finances, relationship with lovers and friends are unpredictable. They do not go per plan. You and your friends need a break from each other and if you do not, someone will force it upon you. You need to be cooperative to stay friends or lovers otherwise a break up is a possibility.

Relationships may be stifling and you may feel trapped. Do something constructive to break the boredom. Carefully laid plans may be disrupted though someone changing their mind- - or business associates and partners displaying a certain degree of instability.

Also on Friday

Social and Financial Activity is Slow

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 3rd to 6th February 2023. Exact 5th February

Feeling dull and slow, happiness and well-being seem to be eluding you. Put your head down and work through your financial and social responsibilities to achieve your ambition for love and wealth. Hold on to your money and you may get a good deal.

Also on Friday


Transiting Mars Squares your natal Saturn from 3rd to 11th February 2023. Exact 7th February

Tasks take longer, so be patient. Progress is slow. You must make a career decision and this is creating the tension and frustration that you are experiencing. Feeling angry and negative you may not want to make a move. Fights.

You feel work is a burden and worry about your progress. Make your mind up about what you want to do, then put your shoulder to the wheel and work through the restriction and limitations of this couple of days. Channel your aggression into something constructive to relieve tension.

Sunday 5th February

Relationship Stress

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Pluto from 5th to 8th February 2023. Exact 7th February

Power struggles with partners will not pass unnoticed. Being focused and clear makes things happen or forces disaster. Social and monetary matters are intense and passionate, especially with partners anything can happen. What you do has long term consequences that effect your relationships. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. Avoid power struggles and attempts to control others they will backfire. Separation from a loved one.

Monday 6th February

Personal Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Moon from 6th to 9th February 2023. Exact 8th February

Frustration and uncertainty about what to do creates inner tension. For a time, you feel unsure of yourself. To cover up you may become bombastic and overbearing. You are forced to decide about what is emotionally good for you. Forcing you to move out of your comfort zone. Do this and tension turns to constructive energy. Possible difficulties with those close to you.

Also on Monday

Talk is Agreeable

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Jupiter from 6th to 9th February 2023. Exact 8th February

Confidence in your ideas pays off. Work and study go well. Interesting conversations with people give you new ideas. Excellent time for travel or holiday. You are working well. Possibility of a promotion. Agreements made or contracts you sign are very rewarding.

Also on Monday

Personal Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Neptune from 6th to 9th February 2023. Exact 8th February

Confusion rules your life right now you are getting frustrated and are unsure what to do. Put off any decision for a while until you can see your way clearly through the circumstances that surrounds you. Mellow out and reflect rather than acting. You are being seduced by a fantasy - stay away from signing contracts or making definite plans. Otherwise you lose your way. Do not sign anything.

Also on Monday

Constructive Action

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Venus from 6th to 14th February 2023. Exact 10th February

You are very positive. You have charm, zest and sex appeal. Therefore, friends are helpful and you easily get what you need from people - especially those involved in financial matters and lovers. You achieve a romantic or financial goal. Perfect day for that dinner for two, or dinner party.

Wednesday 8th February

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mercury from 8th to 11th February 2023. Exact 10th February

Opportunities to advance plans are presented to you. Conversation with friends is helpful. Work plans go well. Great for signing contracts.

Thursday 9th February

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Moon from 9th to 12th February 2023. Exact 11th February

An opportunity to increase your wealth, improve your love life, and obtain a social goal is offered to you. Friends are particularly helpful. Feeling comfortable socially, this is an agreeable and pleasurable sensation. Relax, spend time with family members and partners and enjoy yourself. If you feel romantic, the opposite sex finds you attractive. Ideal for buying or selling.

Friday 10th February

Financial and Social rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Neptune from 10th to 12th February 2023. Exact 11th February

Beautiful feelings and idyllic circumstances where you are inspired and supported by partners and society. Romantic dreams can come true, especially if the long-term forecasts indicate this as well. Insight and intuition are spot on - use them to your advantage. Fortune in love.

Sunday 12th February

Possible Disagreement

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal MidHeaven from 12th to 14th February 2023. Exact 13th February

Busy with professional and career matters, many telephone calls may be made or letters written. Keep your mind occupied or boredom will set in all too quickly. Be clear about your objectives, you will now feel impelled to communicate these plans and ideas to others. However, others' opposition to your plans could cause a certain amount of disagreement and tension.

Friday 10th February


Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 10th to 17th February 2023. Exact 14th February

This is a time to indulge in hard, physical and varied activity. You should be able to achieve much more than usual, especially if surrounded by people of like mind, for motivation and enthusiasm will be contagious.

Slower colleagues, however, could become a source of irritation. Others will see you as being dynamic and outgoing.

Monday 13th February

Confidence Causes a Mistake

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Jupiter from 13th to 15th February 2023. Exact 14th February

People and partners are not what they seem now. You or they are stretching the truth and your expectations are unrealistic. Neither of you can deliver what you are promising. Scale down the scope of your expectations, make no agreements and let other people make the mistakes. Especially in education, travel and for dealing with foreigners. Gambles are reckless. Be very cautious to counter this overconfidence.

Saturday 11th February


Transiting Mars Squares your natal Pluto from 11th to 18th February 2023. Exact 15th February

You find that you can't rule or ruin, but must compromise to work things out. Learn the art of surrender. Personal frustration and anger can boil over bringing major conflicts and destroying projects that you have invested a lot in.

It is a day to remember - where motivation and clear action can make things happen, or force disaster. Events are angry, sexual, intense and passionate, especially with investments and partners anything can happen.

What you decide to do has long term consequences that effect your desires. Poor decisions can lead to bankruptcy. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. Difficulty with financial matters or institutions. Possibility of accidents, so take extra care.

Monday 13th February

Constructive Action

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Sun from 13th to 19th February 2023. Exact 16th February

Act on your ideas and future goals. People are receptive to your ideas and help put them into action. An opportunity to take the initiative to achieve your heart's desire is presented through friends or a chance conversation. Ideal time for signing contracts. Opportunity for romance.

Wednesday 15th February

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 15th to 17th February 2023. Exact 17th February

An opportunity to advance yourself socially and financially is presented through friends. You are lucky and achieve a goal. Confidence in yourself soars and is rewarded. Time for a friendly get together. You feel generous and magnanimous. Luck in lotto, financial institutions are likely to lend you money.

Saturday 18th February

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Venus from 18th to 20th February 2023. Exact 20th February

Socially pleasant and rewarding. Conversation with friends and partners is productive and creative. Most people you meet are agreeable and helpful. Great for raising funds or coming to an agreement.

Sunday 19th February

Power Struggles

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Ascendant from 19th to 21st February 2023. Exact 20th February

Although your mind should be reasonably clear over the next few days, your outlook may not be objective. You must also find a satisfying outlet for frenetic energy levels. Beware power struggles, as challenges to your authority and ego will not be dismissed lightly.

Also on Sunday

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Sun from 19th to 21st February 2023. Exact 21st February

Opportunities to advance future are presented to you. Conversation with friends is helpful. Work plans go well. Great for coming to an agreement.

Monday 20th February


Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 20th to 23rd February 2023. Exact 22nd February

Sensing inevitable changes in your life, this is a time for restructuring and planning for the future. You will demand personal freedom and independence and recognition for your achievements. This is a good day to make plans.

Wednesday 22nd February

Nervous Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Moon from 22nd to 24th February 2023. Exact 24th February

You really do not understand what is happening as you try to keep irritable feelings at bay. Therefore, you are insensitive and create problems with people and family members. Making bad decisions - pay attention to these feelings because they will help you make the right decision. This will lead to greater security. A new home or family move is on your mind, but your timing is poor. Not good for buying or selling.

Thursday 23th February

Mental Confusion and Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Neptune from 23rd to 25th February 2023. Exact 24th February

Confusion rules your work and communications, you are frustrated and are unsure of what to think. Put off any decision for a while until you can see your way clearly through the circumstances that surrounds you. Mellow out and reflect rather than talking. You are being seduced by a fantasy - stay away from agreements or making definite plans. Otherwise you lose your way.

Friday 24th February

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mercury from 24th to 26th February 2023. Exact 25th February

Opportunities to advance future are presented to you. Conversation with friends is helpful. Work plans go well. Great for coming to an agreement.

Monday 27th February

Nervous Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Jupiter from 27th February 2023 to 1st March 2023. Exact 28th February

Over confidence in your ideas - other people do not seem as confident as you in your ideas and you may stretch the truth to convert them to your way of thinking. Your confidence in your ideas is misplaced, you are being unrealistic. It is best that you listen to what other people are saying and learn from them. Huge expectations are overrated. Agreements made will be disappointing.

Also on Monday

Conflicts of Will

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Mars from 27th February 2023 to 1st March 2023. Exact 28th February

If a fight or argument takes place with a partner because you want events to go your way and they strongly disagree. You can easily overact and this can lead to a split or struggle. Listen to what is been said be prepared to make some compromise. Your timing is not good do not be so rash. Impulse leads to accidents and disagreements.

Forecast for March 2023

Tuesday 28th February

Relationship Upset

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Uranus from 28th February 2023 to 3rd March 2023. Exact 2nd March

Relationships with lovers and friends are unpredictable. They do not go per plan. You and your friends need a break from each other and if you do not, someone will force it upon you. You need to be cooperative to stay friends or lovers, otherwise a break up is in the wind.

Relationships may be stifling and you may feel trapped. Do something constructive to break the boredom. Carefully laid plans may be disrupted through someone changing their mind - especially banks or financial partners.

Also on Tuesday

Serious and Responsible

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 28th February 2023 to 3rd March 2023. Exact 2nd March

New business projects are started or old responsibilities that you have neglected demand your attention. Circumstances can weigh heavily as ambition and duty are highlighted. Put your head down and work through the obstacles presenting themselves and you will receive a reward later. Authority figures and parents are helpful or obstructive. If you are dissatisfied with your work it may be time to start looking for a new job.

Wednesday 1st March

New Social and Financial Activity

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Venus from 1st to 3rd March 2023. Exact 2nd March

What impressiveness, all the things you like surround you and romance, beauty and finance are focused. You feel social and may need to spend. Ideal for a dinner party. People are appreciative and cooperative if you don't become too gushy.

Also on Wednesday

Emotional Tie

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Ascendant from 1st to 4th March 2023. Exact 3rd March

Don't plan anything too strenuous during this period, as you are likely to be too pre-occupied with taking it easy and having fun! Why not plan a party? You will enjoy sharing these feelings of affection, warmth and love with friends.

Telling someone just how much you love them will strengthen the emotional tie between you. An expected financial bonus could also come your way - so why not treat yourself to some well-deserved luxuries!

Thursday 2nd March

New Social and Financial Activity

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Sun from 2nd to 4th March 2023. Exact 4th March

You possess generally beautiful and serene feelings that support aspirations of love and financial gain. Your social life looks good. Ideal for a dinner party. People are appreciative and cooperative if you don't become too gushy.

Friday 3rd March


Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 3rd to 5th March 2023. Exact 4th March

If you've been dragging your heels over writing important emails, or making important telephone calls then don't delay any longer! Make plans whilst your powers of communication and intuition are so sharp, clear and accurate. Business negotiations should also proceed smoothly.

Also on Friday

Conflicts of Will

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Pluto from 3rd to 5th March 2023. Exact 4th March

Power struggles with partners are memorable - where focus and clear direction can make things happen or force disaster. Events are intense and passionate right now especially with partners anything can happen.

What you do now has long term consequences that effect your relationships. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. Possible difficulty with financial institutions.

Thursday 2nd March

Constructive Action

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Mercury from 2nd to 8th March 2023. Exact 5th March

Put those ideas that you have been formulating into action - take the initiative. As friends are agreeable and helpful. When you assert yourself, and speak up, you win. Great for starting new projects and signing agreements.

Tuesday 7th March


Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Mars from 7th to 9th March 2023. Exact 8th March

Partners and people in general do not want to agree with your ideas. Therefore, you are prone to disagreements, arguing and possibly driving recklessly. Take it easy! Let others finish what they are saying and you may get what you want in the end. You learn about your motivation.

Also on Tuesday

A Sudden Difference of Opinion

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Uranus from 7th to 9th March 2023. Exact 9th March

Relationship with co-workers and friends are unpredictable. They do not go per plan. You need a break from the boring routine in your job and study and if you do not someone will force it upon you.

You need to be cooperative to keep your job or partner, otherwise a change of circumstances is in the offing. Relationships and work may be stifling and you may feel trapped. Do something constructive to break the boredom. Carefully laid plans may be disrupted through someone changing their mind - especially banks or financial partners.

Also on Tuesday

New Social and Financial Activity

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 7th to 10th March 2023. Exact 9th March

Financial and romantic proposals are in the air. You have plenty of good ideas which may pay dividends for you later. Being able to tell people what you like and need makes a pleasant change. Especially when speaking to business associates and partners.

Wednesday 8th March

New Ambitious Idea

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 8th to 10th March 2023. Exact 9th March

Time drags. Work responsibilities and duties increase, which may cause worry poor health and communications. Some news is disheartening. You are pessimistic about your prospects.

Be positive, make plans to get out of your present rut. People are not listening, talk to them and be objective. Listen to what is being said and rethink your ambitions. Possibility of promotion. Superiors either reward or criticize your work. Sign NO CONTRACTS yet.

Also on Wednesday

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Moon from 8th to 10th March 2023. Exact 9th March

An opportunity to increase your security and obtain a goal close to your heart presents itself. Friends are particularly helpful. Feeling at ease and agreeable especially so if other factors concur. Relax have fun and enjoy yourself. You are on track. If you feel romantic, others find you attractive.

Also on Wednesday


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Neptune from 8th to 11th March 2023. Exact 10th March

Beautiful and idyllic circumstances where you are inspired and supported by those around you. Dreams can come true especially if the long-term forecasts agree. Insight and intuition are spot on use them to your advantage. Fortune in love.

Thursday 9th March

Powerful Mental Clash

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Pluto from 9th to 11th March 2023. Exact 10th March

Power struggles and mind games with partners make this a time to remember - where focus and clear direction can make things happen at work or force disaster. Study and work are intense and passionate, especially concerning co-workers, anything can happen.

What you do has long term consequences that effect your work and thinking. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. Difficulty with financial institutions and making agreements.

Sunday 12th March

Rewarding Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Moon from 12th to 13th March 2023. Exact 13th March

You hear something to your advantage. Conversation with friends is helpful, they tell you how to reach your goals and improve your family and work situation. People listen to your ideas and offer support. Ideal for selling or buying - especially property. Also, ideal for coming to an agreement.

Also on Sunday

Talk is Inspired

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Neptune from 12th to 14th March 2023. Exact 13th March

Beautiful and idyllic at work and with conversations, where you are inspired and supported by those around you. Dreams can come true especially if the long-term forecasts agree. Insight and intuition are spot on, use them to your advantage.

Wednesday 15th March

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 15th to 17th March 2023. Exact 16th March

Great, especially for education, travel and for dealing with foreigners. Gambles are fruitful. You feel full of optimism and enthusiasm. Luck abounds friends are helpful and the opportunity to further your plans presents itself. You have faith in your abilities and feel as if you can tackle anything. If other factors concur this is one of those times when you can win lotto. Party time. Agreements made can be very productive.

Also on Wednesday

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 15th to 17th March 2023. Exact 17th March

Confidence in your ideas helps you reach your goals. Work and study go well. Interesting conversations with friends give you new ideas. Excellent time for travel or holidays. You are working well. Possibility of a promotion. Agreements made or contracts you sign are very rewarding.

Saturday 18th March


Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven from 18th to 20th March 2023. Exact 19th March

This will be a wonderful time to tell someone you love them with a marriage or long term commitment on the cards. If single, romantic new love could deliriously intoxicate all your senses - leaving you somewhat dreamy and light-headed! Surround yourself with friends - don't waste this potentially satisfying and love time on your own.

Thursday 23th March

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mars from 23rd to 26th March 2023. Exact 25th March

You have charm, zest and sex appeal. Therefore, you easily get what you need from people - especially involving finances and lovers. Perfect for that dinner for two, or dinner party.

Friday 24th March

New Money Making Ideas

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Venus from 24th to 25th March 2023. Exact 25th March

Financial and romantic proposals are in the air. You have plenty of good ideas which may pay dividends for you later. Being able to tell people what you like and need makes a pleasant change. Especially when speaking to partners and business associates.

Also on Friday


Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Ascendant from 24th to 26th March 2023. Exact 25th March

Ideas, plans and thoughts should flow smoothly between yourself and others. This would therefore be an excellent time to work in a team environment, rather than going solo. Meetings, negotiations, communications and travel are often associated with this Mercury transit affecting you over the next few days.

Also on Friday

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Uranus from 24th to 27th March 2023. Exact 26th March

Social exchanges are interesting and stimulating. Excellent, out of the blue a financial and social opportunity opens a door to obtain the freedom you long for. Rapid advantageous changes in love and with finance. Gambles taken can pay off. Socially exciting and stimulating time, ideal for a party.

Saturday 25th March

A Bright Idea Appears

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Sun from 25th to 26th March 2023. Exact 26th March

Mentally creative, you are full of ideas and want to talk about them. Conversation is either about these ideas or may spark a new project, job or educational program. Time to check out what you are thinking with people. Have a good, deep talk. Good for coming to an agreement or seeking a new job.

Also on Saturday

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Saturn from 25th to 27th March 2023. Exact 26th March

The opportunity for a solid investment comes your way. You have a good feeling for diplomacy and forming alliances with friends who will help you achieve your ambitions. Your situation is not exactly scintillating, but one where contacts and agreements made have long lasting consequences. Rewarded for past effort. Good deals. Contracts are promising.

Sunday 26th March


Transiting Venus Squares your natal Ascendant from 26th to 29th March 2023. Exact 28th March

Make a special effort when putting your point across, especially in personal and love relationships or you are likely to be misunderstood. Also, beware squandering money on unnecessary items, which may seem luxurious now but will be completely useless in a few short weeks' time.

Monday 27th March

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 27th to 29th March 2023. Exact 28th March

Superb, you are socially and financially on track and can get what you want. People are cooperative and helpful, especially in love and speculative ventures. Business partners welcome you with open arms and an old love may be rekindled. Ideal for signing agreements and making offers.

Tuesday 28th March

New Idea

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 28th to 30th March 2023. Exact 29th March

Talkative and chatty, you are mentally stimulated, thinking about learning and a new job. Pay attention to what is being said as it can hold an important piece of information.

Forecast for April 2023

Wednesday 29th March


Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 29th March 2023 to 3rd April 2023. Exact 1st April

The ability to work hard coupled with determined ambition should produce excellent professional and career achievements.

Slower colleagues, however, could be a source of irritation. Home and personal life should also benefit, as this would be a great time to catch up on DIY jobs, or redecorate the home.

Friday 31st March

New Social and Financial Activity

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Moon from 31st March 2023 to 2nd April 2023. Exact 1st April

People are helpful and loving, especially family. Feelings and emotions influence relationships and finances. Needs that you may not have been aware of surface, giving you a chance to break away from old habits and relate differently to partners. Especially at home and with women. If you ignore these feelings, you will be sentimental and moody. Sentiment may prove costly. Good for public social events.

Also on Friday

Relationship Stress

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Neptune from 31st March 2023 to 2nd April 2023. Exact 2nd April

Confusion rules relationships and money matters, you are getting and giving very mixed messages. Partners or friends try to seduce or tempt you with a fantasy - stay away from making definite plans. Otherwise you lose your way. Give yourself a while to check out the hidden financial cost before committing yourself.

Also on Friday

Social Life Brightens Up

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Venus from 31st March 2023 to 3rd April 2023. Exact 2nd April

Generally, a beautiful and serene situation that enhances the possibility of love and financial gain. Your social life looks good. Ideal for a dinner party. People are appreciative and cooperative if you do not become too gushy.

Saturday 1st April

Pleasurable Pursuits

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Ascendant from 1st to 4th April 2023. Exact 3rd April

Bored with daily routine, today you will be searching for something different. A general feeling of wellbeing will enable you to get much work done but with the pursuit of pleasure uppermost in your mind, you are more likely to surround yourself with people you love. Why not just enjoy their company and have fun! Travel is likely.

Sunday 2nd April

Happy Birthday

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Sun from 2nd to 5th April 2023. Exact 4th April

Treat yourself like royalty and take a moment to get back on track. Make your Birthday resolutions.

Tuesday 4th April

Keep Options Open

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven from 4th to 6th April 2023. Exact 5th April

Work, professional and career matters are likely to be uppermost in your mind over the next day or so. It is time to make future career plans but if presented with a dilemma or choice of action - then try to keep your options open. Communications will be extremely busy - so expect more letters, phone calls or meetings than usual.

Thursday 6th April

New Social and Financial Activity

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 6th to 8th April 2023. Exact 7th April

Beneficial social contacts. Socially confident you make new friends or enter a new social set, develop a new source of income. One of the best times of this year. Parties and social invitations, make the most out of the situations in which you find yourself. Be careful of over-indulgence. You may be lucky if you gamble - maybe.

Sunday 9th April

Talk Leads to Positive Action

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mars from 9th to 11th April 2023. Exact 10th April

Put those ideas that you have been formulating into action. As people are agreeable and helpful, when you assert yourself and speak up, you win. Great for starting new projects and signing agreements.

Also on Sunday

Bright Idea

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 9th to 12th April 2023. Exact 11th April

Talk to others about your goals and plans. Because what you think and how you work are highlighted. You can go for a new job or improve your employment and seed a new idea. Your world revolves around conversations, health and employment. Contracts signed now may be full of promise or just hopeful dreams.

Monday 10th April

Talk is Exciting and Liberating

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 10th to 13th April 2023. Exact 12th April

Excellent, out of the blue an opportunity opens a door for an exciting new job, and a chance to obtain the freedom you long for. Rapid change. Socially exciting and stimulating time ideal for a social get together. Agreements made offer excitement and lead to unexpected success.

Also on Monday

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Saturn from 10th to 13th April 2023. Exact 12th April

Work and career advancement. You are rewarded for past efforts. Ideal time for signing agreements and long-term business moves. Talk to friends about your plans and ambitions they will listen. You hear something that helps you achieve your goals. Ask for that raise or promotion. Get those ideas down on paper so they can become a reality.

Tuesday 11th April

Constructive Action

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Mars from 11th to 16th April 2023. Exact 14th April

Act on your ideas and future goals. People are receptive to your ideas and help put them into action. An opportunity to take the initiative to achieve your desire is presented through friends or a chance conversation. Ideal time for signing contracts. Challenge or strife can be turned to your advantage.

Wednesday 12th April

Useful Meetings

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Ascendant from 12th to 17th April 2023. Exact 15th April

Finding it impossible to sit still, you should be much busier than usual over the next few days. Eager to communicate with others many telephone calls may be made or emails written. But whenever possible, you will prefer to set up meetings or make personal visits. However, don't expect others to necessarily agree with every word you say. Also, remember that their opinion may also be worthy of some respect.

Thursday 13th April

Talk is Powerful

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Pluto from 13th to 18th April 2023. Exact 16th April

Superb, at work and with learning, you are on track and get what you want, people are cooperative and helpful especially with employment and study. Business partners are receptive and an old money making idea resurfaces. Ideal for coming to an agreement and making offers.

Friday 14th April

Constructive Action

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Uranus from 14th to 18th April 2023. Exact 16th April

New friends and new goals lead to exciting and stimulating activities. When you take a risk, or try a new venture with a different group of people it looks as though it will work. Giving you greater freedom and independence.

Risks pay off, and out of the blue a door opens for you to achieve a goal. Positive change in direction. You are motivated and prepared to experiment.

Saturday 15th April

Action is Productive

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Saturn from 15th to 19th April 2023. Exact 17th April

You've got the energy and time for challenging tasks. With initiative, courage and perseverance you win, no need to hold back. Opportunities arise that allow you to channel your energy into achieving your goals and getting what you want. You feel satisfied. Ideal time to start new business ventures.

Sunday 16th April


Transiting Mars Squares your natal Venus from 16th to 21st April 2023. Exact 19th April

Embarrassed by your lustiness and impulsiveness you try hard to be agreeable but end up being frustrated annoyed and fight with partners or overspend.

Sexual frustration. Therefore, negotiations over finances and with lovers do not work out. Discover what you need and politely assert yourself. Physical exercise is a good outlet for this pent-up frustration.

Tuesday 18th April

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mars from 18th to 20th April 2023. Exact 19th April

Embarrassed by your lustiness and impulsiveness you try hard to be nice but end up being frustrated, annoyed and fight with partners or overspend. Sexual frustration. Therefore, negotiations involving finances and lovers do not work. Discover what you need and politely assert yourself.

Wednesday 19th April

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 19th to 21st April 2023. Exact 20th April

Financially and socially you are bored and uptight, wanting to make a change but are uncertain of what to do. This brings tension and causes you to react impulsively and recklessly. You may take foolish financial or romantic risks. Stop! Be disciplined and exert some self-control to maintain order.

Do something positive to release the tension and boredom you feel. You may have got into a rut and may need to make some changes in your relationships. Carefully laid plans may be disrupted through your lover changing their mind - or business associates and partners displaying a certain degree of instability.

Also on Wednesday

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Saturn from 19th to 22nd April 2023. Exact 21st April

You may feel unloved and a little depressed and respond coolly to others. You need to decide about improving your financial and social position, which frustrates you. Put your head down and work through the obstacles to your happiness. Events may prove costly.

Also on Wednesday

Constructive Action

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Pluto from 19th to 23rd April 2023. Exact 22nd April

Highly motivated and directed, opportunities to achieve what you want come through social contacts and power alliances can be formed. You are on track, people are cooperative and helpful, especially in love and speculative ventures. Honest action invests in a positive future.

Potential business partners welcome you with open arms and an old love may be rekindled. Ideal for signing contracts and making offers. You make a good investment.

Thursday 20th April

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Venus from 20th to 22nd April 2023. Exact 22nd April

Pleasant social opportunities are promising. Beautiful feelings, romance and finances seem perfect. You are comfortable with yourself and know exactly what you need to be happy. Beautiful friends surround you and money flows your way. Ideal for a refined dinner party.

Also on Thursday


Transiting Mars Squares your natal Sun from 20th to 24th April 2023. Exact 22nd April

Poor timing and ill-considered action leads to bad decisions. Impatience and frustration with the speed of events lead to rash, impulsive acts of hostility and temper.

This distracts you from your purpose, just for a momentary victory. Fights with men and lovers. Use your energy constructively and discipline yourself. Postpone those decisions until you feel less frustrated. Accidents.

Friday 21st April

Meaningful Romance

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 21st to 23rd April 2023. Exact 22nd April

This should be an untroubled and carefree time, so go out, party, and enjoy yourself! Feelings of love, sympathy and warmth will be generously shared with close friends and loved ones and maybe even with people you've only just met! A new love affair could progress into a more stable and meaningful relationship.

Also on Friday

Financial and Financial Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 21st to 24th April 2023. Exact 23rd April

Feeling frustrated, situations can boil over that bring conflict and an ending to projects that you have invested a lot in. Your efforts will not pass unnoticed. Being focused and clear makes things happen or forces disaster. Social and monetary matters are intense and passionate, especially with partners anything can happen.

What you do has long term consequences that effect your stability. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. Difficulty with financial institutions. Separation from a loved one.

Saturday 22nd April

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Sun from 22nd to 24th April 2023. Exact 23rd April

Full of promise. A chance to make some money or have a love affair is presented to you. Friends are especially helpful with this. You are given the chance to achieve a goal close to your heart. Excellent for entertaining.

Also on Saturday

Being Tactful

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven from 22nd to 24th April 2023. Exact 23rd April

Feeling strong and self-assertive, today much energy and determination will be devoted to achieving personal goals and ambitions. However, you may become rather impatient with other mere mortals who will not be able to keep up with your frenetic pace. Nevertheless, with a little tact and patience confrontation can be avoided.

Sunday 23th April


Talk is Powerful

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Pluto from 23rd to 28th April 2023. Exact 26th April

Superb, at work and with learning, you are on track and get what you want, people are cooperative and helpful especially with employment and study. Business partners are receptive and an old money making idea resurfaces. Ideal for coming to an agreement and making offers.

Monday 24th April


Useful Meetings

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Ascendant from 24th to 29th April 2023. Exact 27th April

Finding it impossible to sit still, you should be much busier than usual over the next few days. Eager to communicate with others many telephone calls may be made or emails written. But whenever possible, you will prefer to set up meetings or make personal visits. However, don't expect others to necessarily agree with every word you say. Also, remember that their opinion may also be worthy of some respect.

Thursday 27th April

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mercury from 27th to 30th April 2023. Exact 29th April

Socially pleasant and rewarding. Conversation with friends and partners is productive and creative. Most people you meet are agreeable and helpful. Great for raising finance or making agreements.

Friday 28th April


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mars from 28th April 2023 to 1st May 2023. Exact 30th April

Timing is perfect, you are on track and if the major trends agree you get what you want. Ideal for starting new projects and taking a gamble.

Also on Friday


Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Sextiles your natal Saturn from 28th April 2023 to 2nd May 2023. Exact 30th April

Work and career advancement. You are rewarded for past efforts. Ideal time for signing agreements and long-term business moves. Talk to friends about your plans and ambitions they will listen. You hear something that helps you achieve your goals. Ask for that raise or promotion. Get those ideas down on paper so they can become a reality.

Forecast for May 2023

Friday 28th April

Constructive Action

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Moon from 28th April 2023 to 2nd May 2023. Exact 1st May

The opportunity to achieve a future goal is presented to you. Friends are helpful and contracts signed will be productive. You feel positive and motivated, this comes through in your conversation with people, especially women, who are pleased to be of help. Emotionally you are charged and ready to get on with life.

Use your positive energy to get jobs done around the home, develop property and get ready for that next big step just around the corner. Your timing is excellent and intuition spot on - go for that big move - ideal for selling or buying property.

Saturday 29th April


Talk is Exciting and Liberating

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Uranus from 29th April 2023 to 3rd May 2023. Exact 1st May

Excellent, out of the blue an opportunity opens a door for an exciting new job, and a chance to obtain the freedom you long for. Rapid change. Socially exciting and stimulating time ideal for a social get together. Agreements made offer excitement and lead to unexpected success.

Also on Saturday

Action is Productive

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Neptune from 29th April 2023 to 3rd May 2023. Exact 1st May

What you have been dreaming about can begin to happen if you take the appropriate action. You are inspired, motivated and supported by partners and society. Your timing is perfect so take advantage of this. Your actions tend to take the path of least resistance. Fortune in love.

Sunday 30th April


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Uranus from 30th April 2023 to 2nd May 2023. Exact 1st May

Excellent, out of the blue an opportunity opens a door for recognition and to obtain the freedom you long for. Rapid change. Gambles taken can pay off. Socially exciting and stimulating time ideal for a party.

Also on Sunday

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Saturn from 30th April 2023 to 3rd May 2023. Exact 2nd May

Because of your past efforts, an opportunity to realize some of your ambitions presents itself - possibly through friends. Go for it, gambles that you have taken with work and socially pay off. Those in authority or positions of power are helpful and friendly. Managers and those in authority will support your plans now. Good for getting a loan and ideal for signing contracts.

Monday 1st May


Talk Leads to Positive Action

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Mars from 1st to 5th May 2023. Exact 3rd May

Put those ideas that you have been formulating into action. As people are agreeable and helpful, when you assert yourself and speak up, you win. Great for starting new projects and signing agreements.

Tuesday 2nd May

Beyond Control

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Ascendant from 2nd to 5th May 2023. Exact 4th May

Unstable and impulsive emotions could cause confrontations and explosive arguments - especially if you are trying to dominate or control others. Alternatively, it may seem as if forces beyond your control are reshaping your destiny - without you having any say in the matter.

If this is the case, then it will not be rage you feel, more probably a feeling of helplessness. Don't allow yourself to be bullied. Stand by the courage of your convictions.

Also on Tuesday


Transiting Mars Squares your natal Mercury from 2nd to 6th May 2023. Exact 4th May

Communication with others do not go well - you or they seem to get angrily easily and this leads to fights and even a breakup. Work is tense and dissatisfying both you and those around you tend to be uncooperative.

Wanting your own way. Your timing is poor listen to what is being said to you before you find yourself unnecessarily at odds with others. Communicate to avoid misunderstanding rather than arguing.

Difficulties with your car and some health problems - prone to accidents and nervous tension. Let of steam with exercise. Bad day for signing agreements. Arguments with people and partners resolve nothing only increase tension.

Wednesday 3rd May

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Pluto from 3rd to 5th May 2023. Exact 4th May

You are on track and can get what you want, people are cooperative and helpful especially in love and speculative ventures. Contacts welcome you with open arms and an old love may be rekindled. Ideal for signing contracts and making offers.

Monday 8th May

Feeling Proud

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Moon from 8th to 10th May 2023. Exact 9th May

Feelings and old habit patterns are highlighted. You can change some of those old patterns and create new ones. Your world revolves around your family and domestic concerns, pay attention to these. Have a dinner party. Possibly a good time for buying and selling property.

Also on Monday

Confused Relationships

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Neptune from 8th to 11th May 2023. Exact 10th May

Confusion rules relationships right now, you are getting and giving very mixed messages. People around you try to seduce or tempt you with a fantasy - stay away from signing contracts or making definite plans. Otherwise you lose your way. Give yourself time to check out the facts before committing yourself.

Also on Monday

Clear the Air

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 8th to 11th May 2023. Exact 10th May

You are now ready to compromise, so if there have been problems within any personal relationships - this is an excellent few days to talk grievances through and clear the air. You will be more willing to give and more willing to listen. Surround yourself with friends - get out and enjoy yourself!

Thursday 11th May

Constructive Action

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 11th to 15th May 2023. Exact 13th May

You've got plenty of energy, go for it. With the help of friends, you can achieve whatever you turn your hand to. Great time for an adventure holiday. Opportunities for success abound. Excellent time for starting new projects. Put some of that energy into sports, or you might explode.

Monday 15th May

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mars from 15th to 17th May 2023. Exact 16th May

You have charm, zest and sex appeal. Therefore, friends are helpful and you easily get what you need from people - especially involving finances and lovers. You achieve a romantic or financial goal. Perfect for that dinner for two, or dinner party.

Also on Monday

Boundless Enthusiasm

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 15th to 18th May 2023. Exact 17th May

Circumstances that surround you are full of optimism and enthusiasm. Luck abounds. You have faith in your abilities and feel as if you can tackle anything. If other factors concur this is one of those times when you can receive a windfall. Or you over estimate your ability and fall flat on your face. But when you pick yourself up you have advanced yourself a little at least.

Tuesday 16th May

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Uranus from 16th to 18th May 2023. Exact 18th May

Excellent, out of the blue friends present a financial and social Opportunity that opens a door to obtain the freedom you long for. Rapid encouraging changes in love and with finances. Gambles taken can pay off. Socially exciting and stimulating time, ideal for a party. Unexpected financial benefits.

Also on Tuesday

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Saturn from 16th to 19th May 2023. Exact 18th May

Money can be invested wisely. Great for diplomacy and forming alliances with people who will help you achieve your ambitions. Your situation is not exactly scintillating, but one where contacts and agreements made have long lasting consequences. Rewarded for past effort. Good deals.

Wednesday 17th May

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Venus from 17th to 20th May 2023. Exact 19th May

You feel frustrated and dissatisfied, you are not happy. Other people's lives look more interesting and satisfying. Therefore, you can become jealous and miserable. Make your mind up about what you need and start to obtain it. To compensate you may overspend or eat too much sweet food. Partners are not as appreciative as you would like.

Thursday 18th May

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Pluto from 18th to 21st May 2023. Exact 20th May

Superb, you are socially and financially on track, and can achieve your goals, friends are cooperative and helpful, especially in love and speculative ventures. Business partners welcome you with open arms, and an old love may be rekindled. Ideal for signing agreements and making offers.

Friday 19th May

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Sun from 19th to 22nd May 2023. Exact 21st May

You are feeling stressed and this causes difficulties in your relationship and love life. Mostly you want your own way or are being too nice and you compromise yourself - creating resentment. This could be costly for you. You need to decide about what you truly value and act on it. If you don't, you will be disappointed financially and have difficulties in love.

Tuesday 23th May

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Moon from 23rd to 26th May 2023. Exact 25th May

An opportunity to increase your wealth, improve your love life, and obtain a social goal is offered to you. Friends are particularly helpful. Feeling comfortable socially, this is an agreeable and pleasurable sensation. Relax, spend time with family members and partners and enjoy yourself. If you feel romantic, the opposite sex finds you attractive. Ideal for buying or selling.

Also on Tuesday

Talk Leads to Positive Action

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mars from 23rd to 27th May 2023. Exact 25th May

Put those ideas that you have been formulating into action. As people are agreeable and helpful, when you assert yourself and speak up, you win. Great for starting new projects and signing agreements.

Wednesday 24th May

Financial and Social rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Neptune from 24th to 26th May 2023. Exact 25th May

Beautiful feelings and idyllic circumstances where you are inspired and supported by partners and society. Romantic dreams can come true, especially if the long-term forecasts indicate this as well. Insight and intuition are spot on - use them to your advantage. Fortune in love.

Also on Wednesday


Transiting Mars Squares your natal MidHeaven from 24th to 28th May 2023. Exact 26th May

A streak of selfishness could temporarily make you either forget or ignore other people's needs. Now, you are only out for number one and no one else will matter.

Obviously, this could alienate friends and loved ones and conflicts are likely. Think carefully before acting on impulsive decisions - it really is the right time to look before you leap.

Thursday 25th May

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mercury from 25th to 28th May 2023. Exact 27th May

You put your foot in it. You cannot say anything right. Business associates and partners misunderstand you and this can prove costly. Mental tension forces you to make a decision that can prove expensive because you have not calculated the cost properly. Hold off committing yourself for a while.

Also on Thursday

Talk is Exciting and Liberating

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 25th to 28th May 2023. Exact 27th May

Excellent, out of the blue an opportunity opens a door for an exciting new job, and a chance to obtain the freedom you long for. Rapid change. Socially exciting and stimulating time ideal for a social get together. Agreements made offer excitement and lead to unexpected success.

Friday 26th May

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Saturn from 26th to 29th May 2023. Exact 27th May

Work and career advancement. You are rewarded for past efforts. Ideal time for signing agreements and long-term business moves. Talk to friends about your plans and ambitions they will listen. You hear something that helps you achieve your goals. Ask for that raise or promotion. Get those ideas down on paper so they can become a reality.

Sunday 28th May

Useful Meetings

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Ascendant from 28th to 30th May 2023. Exact 29th May

Finding it impossible to sit still, you should be much busier than usual over the next few days. Eager to communicate with others many telephone calls may be made or emails written. But whenever possible, you will prefer to set up meetings or make personal visits. However, don't expect others to necessarily agree with every word you say. Also, remember that their opinion may also be worthy of some respect.

Also on Sunday

Talk is Powerful

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Pluto from 28th to 31st May 2023. Exact 30th May

Superb, at work and with learning, you are on track and get what you want, people are cooperative and helpful especially with employment and study. Business partners are receptive and an old money making idea resurfaces. Ideal for coming to an agreement and making offers.

Monday 29th May

Personal Tension and Anger

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mars from 29th May 2023 to 1st June 2023. Exact 31st May

Your timing is lousy right now, you are frustrated and feel blocked so you attempt to use force to get your way. This of course leads to fights, stress and bitter disagreements. Do something constructive to let off steam. You need to decide but are being impatient, take your time and be disciplined.

Forecast for June 2023

Tuesday 30th May

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 30th May 2023 to 2nd June 2023. Exact 1st June

An opportunity to advance yourself socially and financially is presented through friends. You are lucky and achieve a goal. Confidence in yourself soars and is rewarded. Time for a friendly get together. You feel generous and magnanimous. Luck in lotto, financial institutions are likely to lend you money.

Wednesday 31st May

Personal Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Uranus from 31st May 2023 to 3rd June 2023. Exact 2nd June

You are uptight and want to make a change but are uncertain of what to do. This brings tension and causes you to react impulsively and recklessly. You may take foolish risks. Stop! Be disciplined and exert some self-control to maintain order in your life.

Do something positive to release the tension and boredom you feel. You may have got into a rut and may need to make some changes at work or at home. Carefully laid plans may be disrupted through someone changing their mind- especially banks or financial partners.

Also on Wednesday

Personal Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Saturn from 31st May 2023 to 3rd June 2023. Exact 2nd June

Progress is slow. You must make a career decision and this is creating the tension and frustration that you are experiencing. Feeling negative you may not want to make a move. You feel work is a burden, and worry about your progress. Make your mind up about what you want to do, then make an extra big effort and work through the restriction and limitations.

Thursday 1st June

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Venus from 1st to 4th June 2023. Exact 3rd June

Full of promise - a chance to make some money, or have a love affair is presented to you. Friends are especially helpful in this. You are given the chance to achieve a goal close to your heart. Excellent for entertaining.

Friday 2nd June

Talk is Agreeable

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Moon from 2nd to 4th June 2023. Exact 3rd June

You are more rational about your feelings and want to express these to your family and friends. You seem to understand yourself and your needs at a deeper level, and can express these with depth and sincerity. A new home or family move is on your mind. Possibly good for buying or selling.

Also on Friday

Confused Difference of Opinion

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Neptune from 2nd to 4th June 2023. Exact 3rd June

Confusion rules conversation, work and relationships you are involved with are getting and giving very mixed messages. Co-workers or friends try to seduce or tempt you with a fantasy - stay away from agreements or making definite plans. Otherwise you lose your way. Give yourself time to check out the facts before committing yourself.

Also on Friday


Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 2nd to 5th June 2023. Exact 4th June

Whether at work or at play, today you should surround yourself with loving family, friends and colleagues. In fact, working within a team environment today could prove extremely beneficial, with friends and acquaintances helping you to achieve personal goals and ambitions and possibly even public recognition.

Saturday 3rd June

Personal Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Pluto from 3rd to 6th June 2023. Exact 4th June

Personal frustration can boil over that brings conflict and ending to projects that you have invested a lot in. Notably a time to remember - where focus and clear direction can make things happen or force disaster.

Events are intense and passionate right now especially with investments anything can happen. What you do now has long term consequences that affect your confidence. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. Possible difficulty with financial institutions.

Also on Saturday

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Sun from 3rd to 6th June 2023. Exact 5th June

Friends provide opportunities, are helpful and you are presented with a chance to fulfil your future goals. Constructive and productive circumstances that can leave you well satisfied. Enjoy yourself.

Wednesday 7th June

New Ideas are Expansive

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 7th to 9th June 2023. Exact 8th June

Those ideas just seem to be getting bigger and bigger. Mentally you are optimistic and enthusiastic and sure of your intelligence and working skills. This leads to some very interesting ideas about travel, work and education.

You seem interested in improving your situation. You may need to temper these ideas with some conservatism as you may just be a little over optimistic. Mental confidence grows.

Also on Wednesday


Transiting Venus Squares your natal MidHeaven from 7th to 10th June 2023. Exact 9th June

Feelings of jealousy and possessiveness may have to be controlled during this time. Unwanted social obligations could also disrupt your daily routine and leave you feeling drained and dissatisfied.

Friday 9th June

Action is Productive

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Venus from 9th to 13th June 2023. Exact 11th June

You have charm, zest and sex appeal. Therefore, you easily get what you need from people - especially those involved in financial matters and lovers. Perfect day for that dinner for two, or dinner party. Very positive day.

Saturday 10th June

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mercury from 10th to 13th June 2023. Exact 12th June

Opportunities to advance plans are presented to you. Conversation with friends is helpful. Work plans go well. Great for signing contracts.

Also on Saturday

Potent Energy

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 10th to 14th June 2023. Exact 13th June

Powerful emotions and extremely high energy levels make a potent mixture! You either can conquer the world during this time, or falling flat on your face because of uncontrolled temper.

Concentrate this potent energy into solid hard work - and the results should be staggering. Beware of being accident prone.

Monday 12th June

Creative Action

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Sun from 12th to 16th June 2023. Exact 14th June

If other factors concur you are on a winning streak your timing is good. Your energy is positive and people respond accordingly. Luck in love and with foreigners. Men are helpful.

Thursday 15th June

Nervous Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mars from 15th to 17th June 2023. Exact 17th June

Mental frustration surfaces as you do not seem to be able to put your ideas across. Thus, you behave recklessly or impulsively making decisions without thinking. Arguments with people and partners resolve nothing only increase tension.

Your timing is poor, listen to what is being said to you before you over-react without thinking. Possible difficulties with your car and some health problems – more prone to accidents and nervous tension. Let of steam with exercise. Bad for signing agreements.

Friday 16th June

Nervous Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Uranus from 16th to 18th June 2023. Exact 17th June

You are mentally uptight and want to make a change at work but are uncertain of what to do. This brings tension and causes you to react impulsively and recklessly. You may take foolish risks. Stop! Be disciplined and exert some self-control to maintain your employment situation.

Do something positive to release the tension and boredom you feel. You may have got into a rut and may need to make some changes at work or at home. Carefully laid plans may be disrupted though someone changing their mind - especially banks or financial partners.

Also on Friday

Frustration and Dejection

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Saturn from 16th to 18th June 2023. Exact 18th June

Time drags. Work responsibilities and duties increase, which cause worry, poor health and bad communication. Superiors criticize your work. Some news is disheartening. You are pessimistic about your prospects.

Be positive, act to get out of your present rut. Superiors are not listening, talk to them and be objective. Listen to what is being said and rethink your ambitions. Sign NO CONTRACTS yet.

Saturday 17th June

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Venus from 17th to 19th June 2023. Exact 18th June

Socially pleasant and rewarding. Conversation with friends and partners is productive and creative. Most people you meet are agreeable and helpful. Great for raising funds or coming to an agreement.

Also on Saturday


Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 17th to 19th June 2023. Exact 18th June

Feeling more active and alert than usual, you will now make more of an effort to see and meet other people. Communications of all kinds are well starred. Therefore, this is the right time to make important telephone calls or to write important emails. It is also a time of compromise and agreement; therefore, long standing disputes could now be satisfactorily resolved. Travel is likely, especially over short distances.

Also on Saturday

Mental Anguish

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Pluto from 17th to 19th June 2023. Exact 19th June

Mental frustration can boil over which brings conflict and ending to employment and intellectual projects that you have invested a lot in. Time to remember - where focus and clear direction can make things happen or force disaster. At work or with study you are intense and passionate especially concerning investments anything can happen.

What you do has long term consequences that effect your work and thinking. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. Difficulty with work, financial institutions and learning.

Also on Saturday

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Venus from 17th to 21st June 2023. Exact 19th June

Beautiful feelings, romance and finances seem perfect. You are comfortable with yourself and know exactly what you need to be happy. Lovers surround you and money flows your way. Ideal for a special dinner party.

Sunday 18th June

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Sun from 18th to 19th June 2023. Exact 19th June

Opportunities to advance future are presented to you. Conversation with friends is helpful. Work plans go well. Great for coming to an agreement.

Monday 19th June


Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 19th to 22nd June 2023. Exact 21st June

This period could herald a completely new chapter in your love life - because you will be able to talk problems through, certain hang-ups and insecurities could finally be overcome. Love, warmth and affection will be easily expressed, and readily returned. Spend extra time with friends and family during this harmonious and fulfilling period. New love is likely.

Also on Monday

Emotional Frustration

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Moon from 19th to 24th June 2023. Exact 22nd June

Inner tension and frustration with the speed of events leads to temper tantrums and emotional outbursts. You need to decide but sentiment and emotion may cloud your decision making and your timing is poor.

Therefore, you are super-sensitive, arguments and disagreements result. You react irrationally and impulsively, especially at home and with females.

Tuesday 20th June

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Sun from 20th to 23rd June 2023. Exact 22nd June

"Love is in the air" what a beautiful feeling, all is well with you and the world. If other factors agree you get what you need. Especially in love and with finances. Have a flutter, luck shines on you.

Also on Tuesday


Transiting Mars Squares your natal Neptune from 20th to 24th June 2023. Exact 22nd June

A vague anxiety or deception can confuse or motivate you. You are confused about what you want, are frustrated and unsure of what to do. Strange fears and unfocused anger. Put off any decisions for a day or two until you can see your way clearly through the circumstances that surround you.

Mellow out and reflect rather than acting. You are being seduced by a fantasy - stay away from taking definite steps. Otherwise you will make a mess of things. Partners and finances are unreliable.

Wednesday 21st June

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mercury from 21st to 23rd June 2023. Exact 22nd June

Opportunities to advance future are presented to you. Conversation with friends is helpful. Work plans go well. Great for coming to an agreement.

Friday 23th June


Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 23rd to 26th June 2023. Exact 25th June

Sensing inevitable changes in your life, this is a time for restructuring and planning for the future. You will demand personal freedom and independence and recognition for your achievements. This is a good day to make plans.

Also on Friday

Ideas Work Out Well

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Mercury from 23rd to 27th June 2023. Exact 25th June

Put those ideas that you have been formulating into action. As people are agreeable and helpful. When you assert yourself, and speak up, you win. Great for starting new projects and signing agreements.

Monday 26th June

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Moon from 26th to 29th June 2023. Exact 28th June

Family and social pressures require you to please others and you associate yourself with the wrong people. They are not helpful and you don't feel comfortable at all. Feelings and emotions influence relationships and finances. You must change the way you mix with others, relate and spend money, especially at home and with women. If you ignore these feelings, you will be sentimental and moody. Sentiment may prove costly.

Also on Monday

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Neptune from 26th to 30th June 2023. Exact 28th June

Confusion rules relationships and money matters. You are socially frustrated and are unsure of what to do. Put off any decisions for a while until you can see your way clearly through the confusing situation that surrounds you. Mellow out and reflect rather than spending money. You are being seduced by a fantasy - stay away from making definite plans. Otherwise you lose your way. Partners and finances are unreliable.

Tuesday 27th June


Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 27th to 28th June 2023. Exact 28th June

If you've been dragging your heels over writing important emails, or making important telephone calls then don't delay any longer! Make plans whilst your powers of communication and intuition are so sharp, clear and accurate. Business negotiations should also proceed smoothly.

Forecast for July 2023

Thursday 29th June

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mercury from 29th June 2023 to 3rd July 2023. Exact 1st July

Socially pleasant and rewarding. Conversation with friends and partners is productive and creative. Most people you meet are agreeable and helpful. Great for raising finance or making agreements.

Friday 30th June

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mars from 30th June 2023 to 1st July 2023. Exact 1st July

Put those ideas that you have been formulating into action - take the initiative. As friends are agreeable and helpful when you assert yourself and speak up, you win. Great for starting new projects and signing agreements.

Also on Friday

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Uranus from 30th June 2023 to 2nd July 2023. Exact 2nd July

Excellent, out of the blue friends present an opportunity for an exciting new job and a chance to obtain the freedom you long for. Rapid change. Socially exciting and stimulating time ideal for a social get together. Agreements made offer excitement and lead to unexpected success.

Also on Friday

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mars from 30th June 2023 to 3rd July 2023. Exact 2nd July

Timing is perfect, you are on track and if the major trends agree you get what you want. Ideal for starting new projects and taking a gamble on a future goal. Friends are particularly helpful.

Saturday 1st July

Talk is Rewarding

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Saturn from 1st to 2nd July 2023. Exact 2nd July

Work and career advancement. You are rewarded for past efforts. Ideal time for signing agreements and long-term business moves. Talk to others about your plans and ambitions, they will listen. You hear something that helps you achieve your goals. Ask for that raise or promotion. Get those ideas down on paper so they can become a reality.

Also on Saturday

Nervous Social Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Venus from 1st to 3rd July 2023. Exact 2nd July

You put your foot in it. You cannot say anything right. Partners and those in authority or companions misunderstand you and this can prove costly. Mental tension forces you to make a decision that can prove expensive because you have not evaluated it properly. Hold off committing yourself for a while.

Also on Saturday

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Uranus from 1st to 4th July 2023. Exact 3rd July

Excellent, out of the blue friends present an opportunity which opens a door for recognition and to obtain the freedom you long for. Rapid change. Gambles taken can pay off. Socially exciting and stimulating time ideal for a party.

Also on Saturday


Transiting Mars Squares your natal Jupiter from 1st to 5th July 2023. Exact 3rd July

Poor timing, you're too eager or over confident. Slowdown, relax or you will run out of energy. Pushed into doing things because of your reckless drive for adventure now.

Take care because you may have an accident. Tendency to argue. Let off steam constructively. Excessive drinking, spending and lust.

Sunday 2nd July

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Pluto from 2nd to 3rd July 2023. Exact 3rd July

Superb, at work and with learning you are on track and get what you want, friends are cooperative and helpful especially with employment and study. Business partners are receptive and an old money making idea re-surfaces. Ideal for coming to an agreement and making offers.

Also on Sunday

Nervous Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Sun from 2nd to 4th July 2023. Exact 3rd July

Understanding is lacking, so be quiet and listen. This creates frustration, as you must make your mind up about a job, education, lover or children. This frustration can lead to arguments with family members and bosses. By formulating your ideas clearly and expressing them you can make the changes you desire. Not good for coming to an agreement.

Also on Sunday


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Saturn from 2nd to 5th July 2023. Exact 3rd July

Past hard work, and gambles with work and your social position pay off. You are rewarded for past efforts and make steady progress towards your goals. Those in authority or positions of power are helpful. Managers etc. will support your plans now. Good for getting a financial boost or loan.

Monday 3rd July

Social Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Venus from 3rd to 5th July 2023. Exact 4th July

You are stressed and this causes difficulties in your relationship and love life. Mostly you want your own way or are being too nice and you compromise yourself - creating resentment. This could be costly for you. You need to decide about what you truly value and act on it. If you don't there will be can be possible financial disappointment and difficulties in love.

Tuesday 4th July

Rewarding Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Moon from 4th to 6th July 2023. Exact 5th July

You hear something to your advantage. Conversation with friends is helpful, they tell you how to reach your goals and improve your family and work situation. People listen to your ideas and offer support. Ideal for selling or buying - especially property. Also, ideal for coming to an agreement.

Also on Tuesday

Talk is Inspired

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Neptune from 4th to 6th July 2023. Exact 5th July

Beautiful and idyllic at work and with conversations, where you are inspired and supported by those around you. Dreams can come true especially if the long-term forecasts agree. Insight and intuition are spot on, use them to your advantage.

Also on Tuesday

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Pluto from 4th to 7th July 2023. Exact 6th July

You are on track and can achieve your goals, friends are cooperative and helpful especially in love and speculative ventures. Contacts welcome you with open arms and an old love may be rekindled. Ideal for signing contracts and making offers.

Wednesday 5th July

Mental Stress

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mercury from 5th to 7th July 2023. Exact 6th July

Mental frustration causes difficulties with your plans and in your conversation. You are not listening and speaking out before you have all the facts. This frustrates negotiation and work plans. Worst time for signing contracts. Possible poor outcome due to stress.

Also on Wednesday

Personal Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Sun from 5th to 7th July 2023. Exact 6th July

There is a decision that you must make - to go forwards or stay within your comfort zone. This creates tension and some frustration and you may try to dominate those around you. It's better to set a goal for yourself rather than be bombastic. Possible conflict with others.

Friday 7th July

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 7th to 9th July 2023. Exact 9th July

Confidence in your ideas helps you reach your goals. Work and study go well. Interesting conversations with friends give you new ideas. Excellent time for travel or holidays. You are working well. Possibility of a promotion. Agreements made or contracts you sign are very rewarding.

Saturday 8th July

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Jupiter from 8th to 14th July 2023. Exact 11th July

You promise more than you can deliver. You overindulge, over-spend expecting someone else to pick up the tab. This is an expensive time for you - the credit card takes a hammering. People are helpful but you are too lazy to act. Be prudent and use the time to learn what your priorities are and then act on them.

Sunday 9th July

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Moon from 9th to 12th July 2023. Exact 11th July

An opportunity to increase your security and obtain a goal close to your heart presents itself. Friends are particularly helpful. Feeling at ease and agreeable especially so if other factors concur. Relax have fun and enjoy yourself. You are on track. If you feel romantic, others find you attractive.

Monday 10th July


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Neptune from 10th to 12th July 2023. Exact 11th July

Beautiful and idyllic circumstances where you are inspired and supported by those around you. Dreams can come true especially if the long-term forecasts agree. Insight and intuition are spot on use them to your advantage. Fortune in love.

Tuesday 11th July

Possible Disagreement

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal MidHeaven from 11th to 13th July 2023. Exact 12th July

Busy with professional and career matters, many telephone calls may be made or letters written. Keep your mind occupied or boredom will set in all too quickly. Be clear about your objectives, you will now feel impelled to communicate these plans and ideas to others. However, others' opposition to your plans could cause a certain amount of disagreement and tension.

Also on Tuesday

Personal Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mercury from 11th to 14th July 2023. Exact 13th July

Personal frustration causes difficulties with your plans and in your conversation. You are not listening and instead speaking out before you have all the facts. This frustrates negotiation and work plans. Worst time for signing contract. Feeling bad because of mental tension.

Thursday 13th July


Transiting Mars Trines your natal MidHeaven from 13th to 17th July 2023. Exact 16th July

Feeling confident and self-assured, you will now seek out and create new opportunities. You will take the initiative but others will happily co-operate with your plans and directions. This could be a time of tremendous achievements as you are no longer prepared to settle for second best.

Sunday 16th July

Talk is Agreeable

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Venus from 16th to 18th July 2023. Exact 17th July

Socially pleasant and rewarding. Conversation with friends and partners is productive and creative. Most people you meet are agreeable and helpful. Great for raising funds or coming to an agreement.

Monday 17th July

Advantageous Contacts

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 17th to 19th July 2023. Exact 18th July

The pace of life and communications with others should be extremely busy over the next few days - expect more emails, phone calls and visits than usual. Travel is also likely and all business and financial negotiations should proceed smoothly and to your advantage.

Also on Monday

Talk is Agreeable

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Sun from 17th to 19th July 2023. Exact 18th July

You are persuasive and people willingly listen to your ideas and plans and help. Great for coming to an agreement. Good for work or finding employment. Meet with people you like for a chatty visit.

Also on Monday

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 17th to 19th July 2023. Exact 18th July

Great, especially for education, travel and for dealing with foreigners. Gambles are fruitful. You feel full of optimism and enthusiasm. Luck abounds friends are helpful and the opportunity to further your plans presents itself. You have faith in your abilities and feel as if you can tackle anything. If other factors concur this is one of those times when you can win lotto. Party time. Agreements made can be very productive.

Thursday 20th July

Nervous Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Moon from 20th to 22nd July 2023. Exact 21st July

You really do not understand what is happening as you try to keep irritable feelings at bay. Therefore, you are insensitive and create problems with people and family members. Making bad decisions - pay attention to these feelings because they will help you make the right decision. This will lead to greater security. A new home or family move is on your mind, but your timing is poor. Not good for buying or selling.

Also on Thursday

Mental Confusion and Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Neptune from 20th to 22nd July 2023. Exact 21st July

Confusion rules your work and communications, you are frustrated and are unsure of what to think. Put off any decision for a while until you can see your way clearly through the circumstances that surrounds you. Mellow out and reflect rather than talking. You are being seduced by a fantasy - stay away from agreements or making definite plans. Otherwise you lose your way.

Friday 21st July

Talk is Agreeable

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mercury from 21st to 23rd July 2023. Exact 22nd July

Communications are pleasant, as they hold promise and interest. People willingly listen to your ideas and plans, and help. Great for coming to an agreement. Good for work or finding employment.

Monday 24th July

Nervous Tension

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Jupiter from 24th to 26th July 2023. Exact 26th July

Over confidence in your ideas - other people do not seem as confident as you in your ideas and you may stretch the truth to convert them to your way of thinking. Your confidence in your ideas is misplaced, you are being unrealistic. It is best that you listen to what other people are saying and learn from them. Huge expectations are overrated. Agreements made will be disappointing.

Also on Monday

Forceful Conduct

Transiting Sun Squares your natal MidHeaven from 24th to 27th July 2023. Exact 26th July

This should be a day of hard work and despite disruptive power struggles possibly even a day of tremendous achievements. But you may be so preoccupied with your own pressures and responsibilities that your own inconsiderate conduct could alienate lovers, family or friends. Being too forceful will also undoubtedly cause conflict.

Also on Monday

A Fresh Start

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Mars from 24th to 28th July 2023. Exact 26th July

Fiery days. Take the initiative as you are ready to begin a new project, adventure, or have a love affair. The outcome of which depends upon your motivation.

Increased physical and sexual energy needs to be directed constructively - avoid the temptation to use force to get your way. Initiative wins the day – it's time to act. Be constructive and disciplined otherwise you are accident prone.

Wednesday 26th July

A Fresh Start

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 26th to 30th July 2023. Exact 28th July

You are ready for an immediate change and your impulsive desire for freedom is prominent. Out of the blue, adventure, excitement and change come into your life pushing you to act differently, when you least expect it.

Offering you freedom and independence, changes may be unstable. You may change your direction many times. Friends are exciting and stimulating, and new people motivate you. Make changes wisely not just on impulse.

Thursday 27th July

Conflict with Others

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Saturn from 27th to 31st July 2023. Exact 29th July

Relationships with lovers as well as bosses or those in authority are frustrating and hard work. You may end up becoming hostile and fighting with people. Someone is being very negative and critical. Is it you or them?

You may be angry with your progress and seem as far away from your goal as possible. In business or financial matters results are slow or the Opposite of what you expect. Put your head down work through restrictions and delays to catch up; set a new ambitious goal.

Saturday 29th July

Communications and Travel

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal MidHeaven from 29th July 2023 to 1st August 2023. Exact 31st July

Due to your clarity of thought and precision, this is an excellent few days to lose yourself in work, which requires deep concentration and attention to detail. Personal and business meetings, negotiations, communications and travel are often associated with this positive time.

Forecast for August 2023

Sunday 30th July


Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Retrograde Squares your natal Jupiter from 30th July 2023 to 5th August 2023. Exact 2nd August

You promise more than you can deliver. You overindulge, over-spend expecting someone else to pick up the tab. This is an expensive time for you - the credit card takes a hammering. People are helpful but you are too lazy to act. Be prudent and use the time to learn what your priorities are and then act on them.

Monday 31st July

A Fresh Start

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 31st July 2023 to 4th August 2023. Exact 2nd August

Life changing events. A powerful day where motivation and precise action bring you what you want or force disaster. Events are sexual, intense and passionate, especially with lovers anything can happen.

What you decide to do has long term consequences that effect your future. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results rather than use force and bully people. Mixed success with financial matters and in love.

Thursday 3rd August


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Venus from 3rd to 6th August 2023. Exact 5th August

"Love is in the air" what a beautiful situation, all is well with you and the world. If other factors agree you get what you need. Especially in love and with finances. Have a flutter - luck shines on you.

Friday 4th August

New Ideas Motivate You

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Mars from 4th to 6th August 2023. Exact 5th August

Your thoughts on work, health and education push you into action. Mentally you are stimulated and want to get these new ideas happening straight away. Impatient. This can lead to you acting without thinking or rushing around and causing an accident. Think before you act or sign that agreement.

Also on Friday

Power Games

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 4th to 7th August 2023. Exact 6th August

Feeling positive and in control, renewed energy and self-confidence will provide the motivation to work much harder than usual to attain goals and ambitions. Nevertheless, power games will be of no interest to you. Today you will demand that people accept you at face value or not at all. Health should also improve.

Saturday 5th August

Revolutionary Ideas

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 5th to 7th August 2023. Exact 6th August

You are thinking a lot about freedom. Out of the blue, excitement and change come into your life pushing you into a new job, when you least expect it. Offering you freedom and independence. You may change your mind many times. Friends are exciting and stimulating, and new people stand out. Make work and educational changes wisely not just for the sake of change.

Also on Saturday

Difference of Opinion

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Saturn from 5th to 8th August 2023. Exact 7th August

Time drags. Work responsibilities and duties increase, which cause worry, poor health and bad communication. Superiors and partners criticize your work. Some news is disheartening. You are pessimistic about your prospects and relationships.

Be positive, make plans to get out of your present rut. Partners and superiors are not listening, talk to them and be objective. Listen to what is being said and rethink your ambitions and relationships. Sign NO CONTRACTS yet.

Also on Saturday


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Sun from 5th to 8th August 2023. Exact 7th August

Feeling totally at ease and agreeable if other factors concur. Relax have fun and enjoy yourself. You are on track.

Monday 7th August

Intense Ideas

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 7th to 10th August 2023. Exact 9th August

Powerful feelings where focus and clear direction can make things happen, at work or because of conversations you have, that may force disaster. Work and study are intense and passionate, especially concerning partners, anything can happen.

What you do has long term consequences that effect your work and thinking. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. You experience mixed success with finances and in employment.

Also on Monday

Action is Productive

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Moon from 7th to 11th August 2023. Exact 10th August

If all is well, you should feel positive and motivated. Emotionally you are charged and ready to get on with life. People are helpful. Use that positive energy to get jobs done around the home, develop property and take the help that comes from the females in your environment.

Your timing is excellent and intuition spot on - go for that big move - ideal for selling or buying property.

Tuesday 8th August

Constructive Action

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Neptune from 8th to 12th August 2023. Exact 10th August

If you take the appropriate action, an opportunity to start to make some of your dreams a reality presents itself. You are inspired, motivated and supported by friends, partners and society.

Your timing is perfect so take advantage of this. Your actions tend to take the path of least resistance. Fortune in love.

Thursday 10th August

Personal Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Moon from 10th to 12th August 2023. Exact 11th August

Frustration and uncertainty about what to do creates inner tension. For a time, you feel unsure of yourself. To cover up you may become bombastic and overbearing. You are forced to decide about what is emotionally good for you. Forcing you to move out of your comfort zone. Do this and tension turns to constructive energy. Possible difficulties with those close to you.

Wednesday 9th August


Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Retrograde Trines your natal Mercury from 9th to 13th August 2023. Exact 12th August

Socially pleasant and rewarding. Conversation with friends and partners is productive and creative. Most people you meet are agreeable and helpful. Great for raising finance or making agreements.

Thursday 10th August

Personal Tension

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Neptune from 10th to 13th August 2023. Exact 12th August

Confusion rules your life right now you are getting frustrated and are unsure what to do. Put off any decision for a while until you can see your way clearly through the circumstances that surrounds you. Mellow out and reflect rather than acting. You are being seduced by a fantasy - stay away from signing contracts or making definite plans. Otherwise you lose your way. Do not sign anything.

Saturday 12th August


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mercury from 12th to 15th August 2023. Exact 14th August

You are persuasive and people willingly listen to your ideas and plans and help. Great for signing contracts. Good for work or finding employment. Good for a party.

Also on Saturday


Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Retrograde Squares your natal Neptune from 12th to 16th August 2023. Exact 14th August

Confusion rules relationships and money matters. You are socially frustrated and are unsure of what to do. Put off any decisions for a while until you can see your way clearly through the confusing situation that surrounds you. Mellow out and reflect rather than spending money. You are being seduced by a fantasy - stay away from making definite plans. Otherwise you lose your way. Partners and finances are unreliable.

Also on Saturday


Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Retrograde Squares your natal Moon from 12th to 16th August 2023. Exact 15th August

Family and social pressures require you to please others and you associate yourself with the wrong people. They are not helpful and you don't feel comfortable at all. Feelings and emotions influence relationships and finances. You must change the way you mix with others, relate and spend money, especially at home and with women. If you ignore these feelings, you will be sentimental and moody. Sentiment may prove costly.

Sunday 13th August

Talk is Agreeable

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Moon from 13th to 17th August 2023. Exact 15th August

Conversation is helpful and pleasant, you reach a deeper understanding of yourself, family and work situation. People listen to your ideas and offer support. Ideal for selling or buying - especially property. Also, ideal for coming to an agreement.

Also on Sunday

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Neptune from 13th to 18th August 2023. Exact 16th August

Beautiful and idyllic at work and with conversations, where you are inspired and supported by friends and co-workers. Dreams can come true especially if the long-term forecasts agree. Insight and intuition are spot on, use them to your advantage.

Thursday 17th August

Confidence Causes a Mistake

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Jupiter from 17th to 20th August 2023. Exact 19th August

People and partners are not what they seem now. You or they are stretching the truth and your expectations are unrealistic. Neither of you can deliver what you are promising. Scale down the scope of your expectations, make no agreements and let other people make the mistakes. Especially in education, travel and for dealing with foreigners. Gambles are reckless. Be very cautious to counter this overconfidence.

Saturday 19th August

Action is Productive

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Jupiter from 19th to 22nd August 2023. Exact 21st August

You've got plenty of energy, go for it as you can achieve whatever you turn your hand to. Great time for an adventure holiday. Opportunities for success abound. Excellent time for starting new projects. Put some of that energy into sports, or you might explode.

Sunday 20th August


Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Retrograde Trines your natal Sun from 20th to 26th August 2023. Exact 23rd August

"Love is in the air" what a beautiful feeling, all is well with you and the world. If other factors agree you get what you need. Especially in love and with finances. Have a flutter, luck shines on you.

Tuesday 22nd August



Transiting Venus Retrograde Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 22nd to 29th August 2023. Exact 25th August

This period could herald a completely new chapter in your love life - because you will be able to talk problems through, certain hang-ups and insecurities could finally be overcome. Love, warmth and affection will be easily expressed, and readily returned. Spend extra time with friends and family during this harmonious and fulfilling period. New love is likely.

Friday 25th August


Transiting Sun Trines your natal MidHeaven from 25th to 27th August 2023. Exact 26th August

Feeling self-assured and determined - the image you will project today is that of a confident individual who knows what they want from life. This would therefore be an excellent day for meetings or interviews. This is a day to gain the respect of others and you could be rewarded with increased authority, responsibility or business expansion.

Monday 28th August


Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Sextiles your natal Neptune from 28th to 31st August 2023. Exact 30th August

Beautiful and idyllic at work and with conversations, where you are inspired and supported by friends and co-workers. Dreams can come true especially if the long-term forecasts agree. Insight and intuition are spot on, use them to your advantage.

Also on Monday


Talk is Agreeable

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Moon from 28th August 2023 to 1st September 2023. Exact 31st August

Conversation is helpful and pleasant, you reach a deeper understanding of yourself, family and work situation. People listen to your ideas and offer support. Ideal for selling or buying - especially property. Also, ideal for coming to an agreement.

Forecast for September 2023

Thursday 31st August

Proudly Energetic

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Mars from 31st August 2023 to 3rd September 2023. Exact 2nd September

Your world revolves around lust, desire, impulsiveness, competition and aggression. Energy levels are high and you are ready for action. Use this energy constructively to pursue a new project or love. Rather than being impatient and quarrelsome. Be assertive rather than aggressive.

Saturday 2nd September

Freedom Calls

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 2nd to 5th September 2023. Exact 4th September

Your desire for freedom is in the spotlight. Out of the blue, excitement and change come into your life pushing you in a new direction, when you least expect it. Offering you freedom and independence. You may change your mind many times. Friends are exciting and stimulating, and new people stand out. Make changes wisely not just for the sake of change.

Also on Saturday

Conflicts of Will

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Saturn from 2nd to 5th September 2023. Exact 4th September

Relationships with lovers and bosses are hard work right now. Someone is being very negative and critical. Is it you or them? You maybe dissatisfied with your progress and seem as far away from your goal as possible. Your feelings of being unloved makes you unhappy. In business or financial matters results are slow or they are completely different from what you expect. Put your head down, work through restrictions and delays to catch up; set a new ambitious goal.

Sunday 3rd September


Intense Ideas

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 3rd to 6th September 2023. Exact 5th September

Powerful feelings where focus and clear direction can make things happen, at work or because of conversations you have, that may force disaster. Work and study are intense and passionate, especially concerning partners, anything can happen.

What you do has long term consequences that effect your work and thinking. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. You experience mixed success with finances and in employment.

Tuesday 5th September


Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 5th to 7th September 2023. Exact 6th September

Powerful focus and clear direction can make things happen or force disaster. Events are intense and passionate right now especially with partners anything can happen. What you do now has long term consequences that affect your destiny. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. Mixed success with finances and in love.

Wednesday 6th September


Difference of Opinion

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Opposes your natal Saturn from 6th to 9th September 2023. Exact 7th September

Time drags. Work responsibilities and duties increase, which cause worry, poor health and bad communication. Superiors and partners criticize your work. Some news is disheartening. You are pessimistic about your prospects and relationships.

Be positive, make plans to get out of your present rut. Partners and superiors are not listening, talk to them and be objective. Listen to what is being said and rethink your ambitions and relationships. Sign NO CONTRACTS yet.

Also on Wednesday


Revolutionary Ideas

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 6th to 9th September 2023. Exact 8th September

You are thinking a lot about freedom. Out of the blue, excitement and change come into your life pushing you into a new job, when you least expect it. Offering you freedom and independence. You may change your mind many times. Friends are exciting and stimulating, and new people stand out. Make work and educational changes wisely not just for the sake of change.

Friday 25th August

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Venus from 25th August 2023 to 13th September 2023. Exact 9th September

Beautiful feelings, romance and finances seem perfect. You are comfortable with yourself and know exactly what you need to be happy. Lovers surround you and money flows your way. Ideal for a special dinner party.

Friday 8th September


New Ideas Motivate You

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Conjuncts your natal Mars from 8th to 11th September 2023. Exact 10th September

Your thoughts on work, health and education push you into action. Mentally you are stimulated and want to get these new ideas happening straight away. Impatient. This can lead to you acting without thinking or rushing around and causing an accident. Think before you act or sign that agreement.

Sunday 10th September


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Moon from 10th to 13th September 2023. Exact 12th September

Feeling at ease and agreeable, especially so if other factors concur. Relax have fun and enjoy yourself. You are on track. If you feel romantic, others find you attractive.

Also on Sunday

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Neptune from 10th to 13th September 2023. Exact 12th September

Beautiful and idyllic circumstances where you are inspired and supported by friends and some goals are achieved. Dreams can come true right now especially if the long-term forecasts agree. Insight and intuition are spot on use them to your advantage. Fortune in love.

Friday 8th September


Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 8th to 15th September 2023. Exact 13th September

This period could herald a completely new chapter in your love life - because you will be able to talk problems through, certain hang-ups and insecurities could finally be overcome. Love, warmth and affection will be easily expressed, and readily returned. Spend extra time with friends and family during this harmonious and fulfilling period. New love is likely.

Tuesday 12th September

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Sun from 12th to 18th September 2023. Exact 15th September

"Love is in the air" what a beautiful feeling, all is well with you and the world. If other factors agree you get what you need. Especially in love and with finances. Have a flutter, luck shines on you.

Wednesday 13th September

Conflict with Others

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Venus from 13th to 17th September 2023. Exact 16th September

You want to fight and get things happening while partners and other people are trying to be diplomatic and keep things harmonious. Therefore, disagreements abound. Nobody seems to want to agree with you.

Bad day for finances and love. Keep your thoughts to yourself and let other people react badly and you will learn something about yourself. Sexual frustration. Avoid fighting if possible compromise.

Friday 15th September


Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 15th to 19th September 2023. Exact 17th September

This is a time to indulge in hard, physical and varied activity. You should be able to achieve much more than usual, especially if surrounded by people of like mind, for motivation and enthusiasm will be contagious.

Slower colleagues, however, could become a source of irritation. Others will see you as being dynamic and outgoing.

Saturday 16th September

Fights with Partners

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Sun from 16th to 20th September 2023. Exact 19th September

Other people oppose what you want - which brings conflict with partners. This is not the best time to force your will upon others or begin new projects - take the advice of others before you act.

The temptation to use force and impose your will backfires. Timing is poor. Let your opponents make the first move then decide what to do. Avoid fighting and arguing, you will lose. Your competitiveness leads to fights with men and partners. Accidents.

Sunday 17th September

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Jupiter from 17th to 20th September 2023. Exact 19th September

Great, especially for education, travel and for dealing with foreigners. Gambles are fruitful. Your situation is full of optimism and enthusiasm. Luck abounds in love and with children. You have faith in your abilities and feel as if you can tackle anything. If other factors concur this is one of those times when you can win lotto. Party time.

Monday 18th September

New Ideas Motivate You

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Mars from 18th to 22nd September 2023. Exact 20th September

Your thoughts on work, health and education push you into action. Mentally you are stimulated and want to get these new ideas happening straight away. Impatient. This can lead to you acting without thinking or rushing around and causing an accident. Think before you act or sign that agreement.

Wednesday 20th September

Revolutionary Ideas

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 20th to 23rd September 2023. Exact 22nd September

You are thinking a lot about freedom. Out of the blue, excitement and change come into your life pushing you into a new job, when you least expect it. Offering you freedom and independence. You may change your mind many times. Friends are exciting and stimulating, and new people stand out. Make work and educational changes wisely not just for the sake of change.

Thursday 21st September

Difference of Opinion

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Saturn from 21st to 23rd September 2023. Exact 22nd September

Time drags. Work responsibilities and duties increase, which cause worry, poor health and bad communication. Superiors and partners criticize your work. Some news is disheartening. You are pessimistic about your prospects and relationships.

Be positive, make plans to get out of your present rut. Partners and superiors are not listening, talk to them and be objective. Listen to what is being said and rethink your ambitions and relationships. Sign NO CONTRACTS yet.

Also on Thursday

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Moon from 21st to 25th September 2023. Exact 24th September

Family and social pressures require you to please others and you associate yourself with the wrong people. They are not helpful and you don't feel comfortable at all. Feelings and emotions influence relationships and finances. You must change the way you mix with others, relate and spend money, especially at home and with women. If you ignore these feelings, you will be sentimental and moody. Sentiment may prove costly.

Friday 22nd September

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Neptune from 22nd to 26th September 2023. Exact 24th September

Confusion rules relationships and money matters. You are socially frustrated and are unsure of what to do. Put off any decisions for a while until you can see your way clearly through the confusing situation that surrounds you. Mellow out and reflect rather than spending money. You are being seduced by a fantasy - stay away from making definite plans. Otherwise you lose your way. Partners and finances are unreliable.

Saturday 23th September

Intense Ideas

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 23rd to 25th September 2023. Exact 24th September

Powerful feelings where focus and clear direction can make things happen, at work or because of conversations you have, that may force disaster. Work and study are intense and passionate, especially concerning partners, anything can happen.

What you do has long term consequences that effect your work and thinking. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. You experience mixed success with finances and in employment.

Monday 25th September

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mercury from 25th to 28th September 2023. Exact 27th September

Socially pleasant and rewarding. Conversation with friends and partners is productive and creative. Most people you meet are agreeable and helpful. Great for raising finance or making agreements.

Tuesday 26th September

Talk is Agreeable

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Moon from 26th to 28th September 2023. Exact 28th September

Conversation is helpful and pleasant, you reach a deeper understanding of yourself, family and work situation. People listen to your ideas and offer support. Ideal for selling or buying - especially property. Also, ideal for coming to an agreement.

Also on Tuesday

Arguments and Disagreements

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Mercury from 26th to 30th September 2023. Exact 28th September

Communication with others does not go well - you or they seem easily to get angry and this leads to fights and even breaks. Work is tense and dissatisfying, both you and those around you tend to be uncooperative. Wanting your own way. Your timing is poor listen to what is being said to you before you find yourself unnecessarily at odds with others.

Communicate to avoid misunderstanding rather than arguing. Difficulties with your car and some health problems - prone to accidents and nervous tension. Let of steam with exercise. Bad day for signing agreements. Arguments with people and partners resolve nothing only increase tension.

Wednesday 27th September

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Neptune from 27th to 29th September 2023. Exact 28th September

Beautiful and idyllic at work and with conversations, where you are inspired and supported by friends and co-workers. Dreams can come true especially if the long-term forecasts agree. Insight and intuition are spot on, use them to your advantage.

Forecast for October 2023

Sunday 1st October

Talk is Agreeable

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Jupiter from 1st to 3rd October 2023. Exact 2nd October

Confidence in your ideas pays off. Work and study go well. Interesting conversations with people give you new ideas. Excellent time for travel or holiday. You are working well. Possibility of a promotion. Agreements made or contracts you sign are very rewarding.

Monday 2nd October

Financial and Social Frustration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Jupiter from 2nd to 5th October 2023. Exact 4th October

You promise more than you can deliver. You overindulge, over-spend expecting someone else to pick up the tab. This is an expensive time for you - the credit card takes a hammering. People are helpful but you are too lazy to act. Be prudent and use the time to learn what your priorities are and then act on them.

Wednesday 4th October

Conflicts of Will

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Venus from 4th to 7th October 2023. Exact 6th October

Circumstances could be costly for you. A relationship and social situation is stressed by a difference of opinion and lack of cooperation. Listen to what is being said and weigh up what is good for you and other people, before you act. Possible financial disappointment and difficulties in love.

Thursday 5th October


Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 5th to 8th October 2023. Exact 7th October

Whether at work or at play, today you should surround yourself with loving family, friends and colleagues. In fact, working within a team environment today could prove extremely beneficial, with friends and acquaintances helping you to achieve personal goals and ambitions and possibly even public recognition.

Friday 6th October

Conflicts of Will

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Sun from 6th to 9th October 2023. Exact 8th October

You do not agree with others, better to compromise than become involved in a battle of wills. If you listen to that other person you learn something important about yourself. Possible conflict with others.

Tuesday 10th October

Difference of Opinion

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Venus from 10th to 12th October 2023. Exact 12th October

Other people do not like your ideas now. Whatever you say to them about financial matters or love seems to be taken the wrong way. Keep your own counsel, listen to what people are saying, and you will find a new way to relate to them.

Wednesday 11th October


Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 11th to 13th October 2023. Exact 12th October

Feeling more active and alert than usual, you will now make more of an effort to see and meet other people. Communications of all kinds are well starred. Therefore, this is the right time to make important telephone calls or to write important emails. It is also a time of compromise and agreement; therefore, long standing disputes could now be satisfactorily resolved. Travel is likely, especially over short distances.

Also on Wednesday


Transiting Venus Trines your natal MidHeaven from 11th to 14th October 2023. Exact 12th October

Being fair-minded and balanced in your opinions, you may find yourself the mediator in a family quarrel during this time. Your sensible advice will be needed. Creativity at work should also be enhanced. Take advantage of any opportunity that enables you to work from home - either on a temporary or permanent basis.

Also on Wednesday

Difference of Opinion

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Sun from 11th to 13th October 2023. Exact 13th October

People don't see things your way, which can lead to arguments. Therefore, it's not a good idea to say all that you are thinking. By listening to others, you will see your situation from a totally different perspective which helps you make useful changes to your routine and ideas. Not good for coming to an agreement.

Thursday 12th October

Conflicts of Will

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Mercury from 12th to 15th October 2023. Exact 14th October

Communication difficulties and misunderstandings. Others are not listening to you or vice versa. You need to make an extra effort to be heard even then it may be to no avail. Avoid using force to put your view across. Difficulty with work and fellow employees. Heath strained. Not the best time for signing contracts.

Sunday 15th October

Difference of Opinion

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Mercury from 15th to 17th October 2023. Exact 16th October

Communication difficulties and misunderstandings. Others are not listening to you or vice versa. You need to make an extra effort to be heard, even then it may be to no avail. If you don't understand what's being said, listen; you may learn something. Difficulty with work and fellow employees. Health strained. Not the best time for signing contracts.

Also on Sunday

Steady Progress

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 15th to 18th October 2023. Exact 17th October

Others may be envious of your achievements and may therefore erect barriers and put obstacles in your path to prevent you from getting any further ahead. Don't play into their hands and react with anger - that is exactly what they want.

Instead, keep your head down well out of the firing line but continue making steady progress. Deceitful competitors will soon be left well behind.

Wednesday 18th October

Social and Financial Activity

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Mars from 18th to 21st October 2023. Exact 20th October

You act differently, you temper your normal lustiness, desire, impulsiveness, competitiveness and aggression with grace charm and politeness. Which may make it easier for you to have what you want. Especially where love and raising money is concerned. Socially you are motivated and ready for action. Use this energy constructively to pursue a new project or love.

Thursday 19th October

New Social and Financial Activity

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 19th to 22nd October 2023. Exact 21st October

You desire freedom. Out of the blue, excitement and change come into your social and financial life pushing you in a new direction, when you least expect it. Offering you social freedom and financial independence. Though you may change your mind many times. Friends are exciting and stimulating, and new people stand out. Make changes wisely not just for the sake of change.

Friday 20th October

Relationship Stress

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Saturn from 20th to 22nd October 2023. Exact 21st October

You may feel unloved and a little depressed as partners respond coolly to you. Or you may be rejecting them. Observe what is happening socially and then let other people make the first move, before you reject them. You need to put some work into improving your financial and social position. Events may prove costly.

Sunday 22nd October

Home and Family Life

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 22nd to 24th October 2023. Exact 24th October

Increased intuition instils a deeper, instinctive understanding of your own inner thoughts, feelings and needs. But don't commit yourself to heavy, demanding work. This isn't so much a time to make dreams come true, but to create dreams which could become future reality, especially anything to do with your home and family life.

Also on Sunday

New Social and Financial Activity

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 22nd to 25th October 2023. Exact 24th October

Powerful relationships and financial matters. Being focused and clear makes things happen or force disaster. Social and monetary matters are intense and passionate, especially with partners anything can happen. What you do will not pass unnoticed and has long term consequences that effect your love life and financial security. Will you make life easy or difficult for yourself? Be cooperative to get the best results. Mixed success with business partners and in love.

Tuesday 24th October

Constructive Action

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Mars from 24th to 28th October 2023. Exact 26th October

Act on your ideas and future goals. People are receptive to your ideas and help put them into action. An opportunity to take the initiative to achieve your desire is presented through friends or a chance conversation. Ideal time for signing contracts. Challenge or strife can be turned to your advantage.

Wednesday 25th October

Hard Hearted

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 25th to 28th October 2023. Exact 27th October

Feeling frustrated and angry, this could be a very trying day. If possible, spend the day alone as being with others will test the threshold of your patience. Loved ones simply will not understand why you are being so hard hearted and intolerant and you probably will not either. You will have difficulty in focusing your anger - not really knowing its source.

Thursday 26th October

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mars from 26th to 28th October 2023. Exact 28th October

Put those ideas that you have been formulating into action - take the initiative. As friends are agreeable and helpful when you assert yourself and speak up, you win. Great for starting new projects and signing agreements.

Also on Thursday

Constructive Action

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Uranus from 26th to 30th October 2023. Exact 28th October

New friends and new goals lead to exciting and stimulating activities. When you take a risk, or try a new venture with a different group of people it looks as though it will work. Giving you greater freedom and independence.

Risks pay off, and out of the blue a door opens for you to achieve a goal. Positive change in direction. You are motivated and prepared to experiment.

Friday 27th October

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Uranus from 27th to 29th October 2023. Exact 29th October

Excellent, out of the blue friends present an opportunity for an exciting new job and a chance to obtain the freedom you long for. Rapid change. Socially exciting and stimulating time ideal for a social get together. Agreements made offer excitement and lead to unexpected success.

Also on Friday

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Moon from 27th to 29th October 2023. Exact 29th October

Feeling comfortable socially, agreeable and pleasurable feelings are appreciated. Relax, socialize with family members and partners and enjoy yourself. If you feel romantic, the opposite sex finds you attractive. Ideal for buying or selling.

Also on Friday

Social Opportunities

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Neptune from 27th to 30th October 2023. Exact 29th October

Beautiful feelings and idyllic circumstances where you are inspired and supported by friends and some goals are achieved. Romantic dreams can come true, especially if other long term forecasts indicate this as well. Insight and intuition are spot on, - use them to your advantage. Fortune in love.

Also on Friday

Action is Productive

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Saturn from 27th to 30th October 2023. Exact 29th October

You've got the energy and time for challenging tasks. With initiative, courage and perseverance you win, no need to hold back. Opportunities arise that allow you to channel your energy into achieving your goals and getting what you want. You feel satisfied. Ideal time to start new business ventures.

Saturday 28th October

Talk is Rewarding

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Saturn from 28th to 30th October 2023. Exact 29th October

Work and career advancement. You are rewarded for past efforts. Ideal time for signing agreements and long-term business moves. Talk to others about your plans and ambitions, they will listen. You hear something that helps you achieve your goals. Ask for that raise or promotion. Get those ideas down on paper so they can become a reality.

Sunday 29th October

Useful Meetings

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Ascendant from 29th to 31st October 2023. Exact 30th October

Finding it impossible to sit still, you should be much busier than usual over the next few days. Eager to communicate with others many telephone calls may be made or emails written. But whenever possible, you will prefer to set up meetings or make personal visits. However, don't expect others to necessarily agree with every word you say. Also, remember that their opinion may also be worthy of some respect.

Also on Sunday

Constructive Negotiations

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Pluto from 29th to 31st October 2023. Exact 30th October

Superb, at work and with learning you are on track and get what you want, friends are cooperative and helpful especially with employment and study. Business partners are receptive and an old money making idea re-surfaces. Ideal for coming to an agreement and making offers.

Forecast Until 14th November 2023

Sunday 29th October

Middle Ground

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Ascendant from 29th October 2023 to 2nd November 2023. Exact 1st November

There is likely to be a strong difference of opinion between yourself and a loved one during this time - or it may involve someone you share accommodation with. No matter how difficult it seems, try to find some middle ground so that at least you can talk your problems through.

Monday 30th October

Constructive Action

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Pluto from 30th October 2023 to 3rd November 2023. Exact 1st November

Highly motivated and directed, opportunities to achieve what you want come through social contacts and power alliances can be formed. You are on track, people are cooperative and helpful, especially in love and speculative ventures. Honest action invests in a positive future.

Potential business partners welcome you with open arms and an old love may be rekindled. Ideal for signing contracts and making offers. You make a good investment.

Tuesday 31st October

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mars from 31st October 2023 to 3rd November 2023. Exact 2nd November

Timing is perfect, you are on track and if the major trends agree you get what you want. Ideal for starting new projects and taking a gamble on a future goal. Friends are particularly helpful.

Wednesday 1st November

Difference of Opinion

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Moon from 1st to 3rd November 2023. Exact 3rd November

Your lack of understanding of your feelings or indifference creates problems with people and family members. You are being insensitive to others, it is better that you listen to what they say and you will learn something about your feelings and needs. This will lead to greater security. A new home or family move is on your mind, but your timing is poor. Not good for buying or selling.

Also on Wednesday

Creative Inspiration

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Neptune from 1st to 3rd November 2023. Exact 3rd November

Mentally lazy and vague which is a bit strange - either mellow or weird at work. Ideal for dreaming and meditating, focus upon being inspired rather than routine. Otherwise, confusion with work and routine may rein leading to poor decisions. You may miss the fine print if you are signing a contract – consider all the options, stop and wait a while.

Thursday 2nd November

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Uranus from 2nd to 4th November 2023. Exact 3rd November

Excellent, out of the blue friends present an opportunity which opens a door for recognition and to obtain the freedom you long for. Rapid change. Gambles taken can pay off. Socially exciting and stimulating time ideal for a party.

Also on Thursday


Transiting Sun Trines your natal Saturn from 2nd to 5th November 2023. Exact 4th November

Past hard work, and gambles with work and your social position pay off. You are rewarded for past efforts and make steady progress towards your goals. Those in authority or positions of power are helpful. Managers etc. will support your plans now. Good for getting a financial boost or loan.

Also on Thursday

Financial and Social Rewards

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Jupiter from 2nd to 5th November 2023. Exact 4th November

Great, you are lucky and sociable. Confidence in yourself soars and is rewarded. Time for a big social get together. You feel generous and magnanimous. Luck in lotto, financial institutions are more likely to lend you money.

Saturday 4th November

Beyond Control

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Ascendant from 4th to 7th November 2023. Exact 6th November

Unstable and impulsive emotions could cause confrontations and explosive arguments - especially if you are trying to dominate or control others. Alternatively, it may seem as if forces beyond your control are reshaping your destiny - without you having any say in the matter.

If this is the case, then it will not be rage you feel, more probably a feeling of helplessness. Don't allow yourself to be bullied. Stand by the courage of your convictions.

Sunday 5th November

Creative Opportunities

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Pluto from 5th to 7th November 2023. Exact 6th November

You are on track and can achieve your goals, friends are cooperative and helpful especially in love and speculative ventures. Contacts welcome you with open arms and an old love may be rekindled. Ideal for signing contracts and making offers.

Monday 6th November

Difference of Opinion

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Jupiter from 6th to 8th November 2023. Exact 7th November

Other people do not seem as confident as you in your ideas and you may stretch the truth to convert them to your way of thinking. Your confidence in your ideas is misplaced, you are being unrealistic. It is best that you listen to what other people are saying and learn from them. Huge expectations are overrated. Agreements made will likely turn out to be disappointing.

Also on Monday

Conflict and Strife

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Moon from 6th to 10th November 2023. Exact 8th November

Arguments and disagreements - emotions and feelings influence your actions so that you tend to react irrationally and impulsively. Especially at home and with females. Other people don't seem to be aware of what you are feeling and you feel insecure and get angry creating conflict and strife.

You are overreacting - take a deep breath and think about what you are doing. Let partners make the first move before you jump to conclusions. Moods, sentiment and temper effect your actions and relationships. Listen to what the other person is saying they may have a point. Indigestion and fever.

Tuesday 7th November

A Fresh Start

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Neptune from 7th to 10th November 2023. Exact 9th November

You are either totally motivated or your energy wanes. This is a lazy vague sort of day which is a bit strange - either mellow or weird. An ideal day for dreaming and meditating, focus upon being inspired rather than being ordinary. Or confusion about what you want may rein leading to poor decisions.

You may easily miss the fine print in money matters too – stop, review your situation and wait a while. You can't quite put your finger on what you want.

Thursday 9th November

Conflicts of Will

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Moon from 9th to 12th November 2023. Exact 11th November

Your attempts to be focus of attention highlight your insecurities, and you feel decidedly uncomfortable. To cover up you may become bombastic and overbearing. Take stock look and listen and you can discover how your habits control your spontaneity. Torn between family concerns and what is good for you. Possible difficulties with those close to you.

Friday 10th November

Creative Inspiration

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Neptune from 10th to 12th November 2023. Exact 11th November

Lazy and dreamy, you are lackadaisical, feeling a bit strange - either mellow or weird. Ideally suited for dreaming and meditating, focus upon being inspired rather than doing something. Or confusion may rein leading to poor decisions.

Robert's Planetary Positions

April, 4th 1965 Local Time 1:10 PM Universal Time 6:10 PM

New York, NY 40°43'N, 74°00'W

All times based on current location of New York, NY


North Node











House Cusp Positions











Element Emphasis - Total Points









Modality Emphasis - Total Points







Planetary Weight Point System

Sun & Moon

Mercury, Venus & Mars

Jupiter & Saturn

4 points each
3 points each
2 points each

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Ascendant (Rising Sign)


1 points each
4 points
2 points

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Planet Aspects & Orbs Grid


Harmonious Aspects


Challenging Aspects


Planet Aspect List

Sun Conjuncts Mercury
Sun Conjuncts Venus
Sun Quincunx Pluto
Sun Trines Ascendant
Sun Sextiles North Node
Moon Conjuncts Jupiter
Moon Trines Uranus
Moon Opposes Neptune
Moon Trines Pluto
Moon Squares Ascendant
Moon Sextiles Chiron
Mercury Conjuncts Sun
Mercury Quincunx Neptune
Mercury Trines Ascendant
Mercury Semisextile Chiron
Venus Conjuncts Sun
Venus Semisquare Jupiter
Venus Semisextile Saturn
Venus Quincunx Uranus
Venus Quincunx Pluto
Venus Trines Ascendant
Venus Sextiles North Node
Mars Opposes Saturn
Mars Conjuncts Uranus
Mars Conjuncts Pluto
Mars Trines MidHeaven
Mars Squares North Node
Jupiter Conjuncts Moon
Jupiter Semisquare Venus
Jupiter Opposes Neptune
Saturn Semisextile Venus
Saturn Opposes Mars
Saturn Opposes Uranus
Saturn Trines Neptune
Saturn Opposes Pluto
Saturn Quincunx Ascendant
Saturn Squares North Node
Saturn Conjuncts Chiron
Uranus Trines Moon
Uranus Quincunx Venus
Uranus Conjuncts Mars
Uranus Opposes Saturn
Uranus Conjuncts Pluto
Uranus Trines MidHeaven
Uranus Squares North Node
Neptune Opposes Moon
Neptune Quincunx Mercury
Neptune Opposes Jupiter
Neptune Trines Saturn
Neptune Squares Ascendant
Neptune Trines Chiron
Pluto Quincunx Sun
Pluto Trines Moon
Pluto Quincunx Venus
Pluto Conjuncts Mars
Pluto Opposes Saturn
Pluto Conjuncts Uranus
Pluto Semisextile Ascendant
Pluto Squares North Node
Pluto Opposes Chiron
Ascendant Trines Sun
Ascendant Squares Moon
Ascendant Trines Venus
Ascendant Quincunx Saturn
Ascendant Squares Neptune
Ascendant Semisextile Pluto
Ascendant Sextiles North Node
MidHeaven Semisquare Chiron
North Node Sextiles Sun
North Node Sextiles Venus
North Node Squares Mars
North Node Squares Saturn
North Node Squares Uranus
North Node Squares Pluto
North Node Sextiles Ascendant
North Node Squares Chiron
Chiron Sextiles Moon
Chiron Semisextile Mercury
Chiron Trines Neptune
Chiron Opposes Pluto
Chiron Semisquare MidHeaven
Chiron Squares North Node